The Unofficial Opinions Forum Guide

  • Thread starter Carl.
Rule # I don't know, Zrow screwed up the number system

Bring up this guide whenever possible, especially when you ran out of something worth reading five posts ago. Losing an argument? Simply reply with "Rule # __" and you're sure to earn some points. Don't have a point at all? Do the same thing.

When all else fails, apply any or all of the other rules, and then call someone else out for doing the same. Or not doing the same, it doesn't really matter. Just bring up "Rule # __" and you're sure to humble all who would oppose your opinion.
I know, I'm here critiquing other's methods of arguing and I can't even count right.
I've encounted this one: The "psyche" out.

A: The moon is made of cheese.

B: You do know that that NASA had 7 landings on the moon, filmed it all, and sent back samples to Earth, right?

C: Never mind the fact that the low-oxygen atmosphere wouldn't allow for cheese, you need bacteria and a for that to occur.

A: It's a hoax, didn't you know that?!?

B: Prove it.

C: The burden rests on the milkman.

B: Yeah.

C: Mmmm...cheese.

B: Hey, what happened to A?

C: He's getting a rebuttal ready.

A: I was playing an sykologee experiement on all of you. Thanks for your help.

B: Well slap me silly and call me Ementaller, A's a genius in disguise!

C: Sounds legit to me.

You see, you can win any argument by waiting until you're completely cornered with your own stupidity by claiming that you were setting up a class psychology experiment. Never mind that it's important for subjects to know they're part of a study, or that there's not a whole lot of legitamacy in arguing via internet forums, it's important for you to get results for a fictional project in a class that you've never taken! Your superego is too stong to wound. Bonus points for spelling the word "psychology" incorrectly!
How could you forget number ...?.... Uh .....#..... whatever

VIOLENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is a perfectly valid debate technique to intimidate your opponent by punching out your tablet phone or computer monitor