The unofficial thread for FP musicians

  • Thread starter espeed623
United States
I couldn't help but notice the lack of a forum for musicians, but hey. I guess there's not much of a demand for such forums on a site dedicated to sim racing. So, with that established, I think this thread fits in here.

I thought I'd post some of my stuff here, if that's fine with you guys (specifically, the admins/mods). Feel free to post any of your own music (as in music YOU created, not own) here.

Here's a little something I've been up to lately.

Edit: If there are any other music/art related threads here not specific to any user, feel free to merge this thread into the thread in question.
I compose videogame music, mainly JRPG style. An easy online source for a few songs I've made is here on, where I've uploaded songs I made for a three-part contest on that website.

There's another short contest going on now actually, but I can't share the song I submitted because entries are anonymous for voting. :)

EDIT: The fourth song is a public file now. I tied for second place in the contest! :)

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