calvins48 I'm not 48 Premium 1,139 England calvins48 Dec 20, 2016 #631 It continues to amaze me how a game that is over 3 years old and runs on last-gen hardware looks as good as or better than some new racing games on current-gen hardware...
It continues to amaze me how a game that is over 3 years old and runs on last-gen hardware looks as good as or better than some new racing games on current-gen hardware...
GT6champNK_69 737 Denmark gt6champnk69 Dec 21, 2016 #632 Merry Christmas everyone. Here is some of my best pictures
Theufcveteran 1,205 United Kingdom theufc33 Oct 5, 2017 #638 Nissan_S14 Click to expand... Awesome stuff! 👍👍👍