The Water Car: is it possible?

  • Thread starter Jpec07

The Water Car: is it possible?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 80.0%
  • No

    Votes: 3 20.0%

  • Total voters
Forgotten Wing
Ok, I have been thinking about ways to use water as potential fuel in car engines. I want your opinion on whether or not it's possible, and why. Think about it before you answer.
Well, if you can find a cheap and portable method of separating out the hydrogen from the oxygen, you're there aren't you?
I always put water in my car...

Really, you can put a water creating maching in the car(like in the trunk), and make water to run the car, and technicly, your car could go for, well, ever...then the exaust would be water too...
It could be possible to have some kind of extremely high pressure water pump to make the car move, and the throttle would increase the pressure to make the water move faster, thus making the car move quicker.
It would never run out of fuel, as the water is recyled.
Originally posted by MistaX
It could be possible to have some kind of extremely high pressure water pump to make the car move, and the throttle would increase the pressure to make the water move faster, thus making the car move quicker.
It would never run out of fuel, as the water is recyled.

Uh - is this the same principle as putting a fan on a sail boat to blow on the sail to make it move? That doesn't work.
Ummmmm, what makes the high pressure pump work? You need an external energy source. Otherwise you'd have a perpetual motion machine, which 3,000,000,000,000 years of physics has proven impossible.

Water does not burn, and you'd consume FAR more energy distilling the H2O into hydrogen and oxygen than you'd ever get back from burning the H and O2 that resulted..
Originally posted by neon_duke
Water does not burn, and you'd consume FAR more energy distilling the H2O into hydrogen and oxygen than you'd ever get back from burning the H and O2 that resulted..

Hence the reason I qualified it - hey, if they invent micro-fusion, we could all drive around in very technologically advanced steam engines!
Nuclear reactor. What you're suggesting is what most submarines already use for fuel. They can go on forever, except they need food and such. A much more compact version of a nuclear reactor should (theoretically) work in a car.
Hydrogen Cars would work but Water :rain: ? Do you mean the cars runs off water or water Vapour comes out the Exhaust.

Well Steam Engines worked, but you need something to heat :fire: the water which is a fossil fuel... :forbidden
You could use electricity to heat the water but there again Fossil Fuels are needed to produce the Electricity in the first place....:banghead:

Most of these Economic cars are just vicious cycles where, rather than burning the fossil fuel in the car it's burnt elsewhere (ie the Powerplant to generate the electricity which drives the car).

Best things I've heard of to drive cars is Alcohol :car::cheers:, Fat and Cocunut Oil :lol: Anyone heard anything else that can be used?
well, think what you may, but I need an engine so I can prove that the water car can work (and the water will be the fuel).
i'm sure it's possible to create such a beast but you are talking about a damn fine pretty penny of a price.

if you think about it, water by itself does not combust, thus you would have to create an engine that works some other way then a combustion engine. you are talking years of research, and design. and why would you even have to worry about exhaust if it wasn't a combustion engine?

there are plenty of solutions and atoms that will react with the H and O in water but, water does not react with water unless it is influenced by some other entity.

if you wanted you could explore some chemistry and find some super saturated solution that creates an exothermic reaction with water, you could then use that heat explosion to try and create a combustion engine, but, not knowing what kind of schooling you've had, or your financial background or age, i'd go so far as to say a combustion engine is impossible for you.
you'd have to use some reaction that requires a low initial charge of heat to get the reaction happening. devise some systematic way that isolates the heat in some chamber, above that chamber have a second source of water that would heat and create steam. then you would have yourself an old fashioned steam engine. for the low initial charge you could just use a starter that's on modern cars. that would work. but modern cars are more efficient then that.

there are endless possibilities about things you could try. personally i think you should look into trying to create something else. this "water car" would require so much time and money that the end product probably wouldn't even get you out of the hole.
Umm, my science teacher told us that if you run an electric current through water, the H and O will separate, forming the perfect blend of H and O to have it all combust. You'd need to refil the tank with distilled water every once in a while, but it would work.
i knew a guy who had a a homebuilt system on his rig (18wheeler). It used electricity to seperate the hydrogen from the water and that in turn was used as the fuel. So basically it was a hydrogen engine, but the fuel is water so you have plenty of it :D He said it lasted quite a while since the water was recycled but he did need to add water every so often. He said it wasn't 100% hydrogen engine and that it still used a bit of diesel, but his emssions were so low that he almost passed the california tests to get in. The unit wasn't very small, but since he was driving a truck that could lug around 40 tons, who cares? Last time i spoke to him (years ago) he was working on a unit for hid stationwagon. so yes it is possible, and i believe i remember readin an article in popular science a while ago about the very same thing.
:ford: Had produced a prototype Focus Hydrogen Car. Most of the science discussed is fine, but making it safe and inexpensive in Mass production is something else :smilewink
Mass production is the problem. Also American idea's of cars is the problem. I point you to VW's 267 (odd) mile per gallon car. But it would not work over in the states (therefor wouldn't reach canada) because with so many damn SUV's it would be pulverised.

I don't think electric will catch on here either. To little power.

H cars will most likely surface sometime soon, and I also saw a thing on the discovery channel that discussed a working H/0 engine, but it was the size of 2 v12's so it wasn't practicle for use in anything.
the problem with that engine is it would be a driving hydrogen bomb, you know, the 5 mile an hour collisions would turn into a couple of mushroom clouds.

that's cool though if they make this engine work. sure would put some money in my pocket considering how much i spend on gas right now.

i was going to say something else but forgot what it was.

Originally posted by infallible
nevermind, uranium

OT: It's acutally Plutonium, and it is used in the "atomic bomb". This splits Pt (or other U-isotope) atoms -- nuclear fission -- in a chain reaction. The Hydrogen bomb uses nuclear fusion -- the combining of multiple H atoms. Much more difficult to make, but *much* more powerful. Similar radiation problems.

Back on topic: no, the smashing of your H fuel cell in a head-on collision would not be sufficient force to cause nuclear fusion. :)