Where are you from exactly???dustdriverHere in the north-east of belgium, it's 30°C, but it feels like 25°.
This is the ideal weather!
Touring MarsIt's 88°F , 31°C here in London at the moment... the shop at my work has no fridges working, so no cold water, there's no air-con in my office... I have my door wedged open with a lab supplies catalogue and the window open... and it's a bloody nightmare... we British are never happy, whatever the weather!
kikieWhere are you from exactly???
It's 32°C (90°F) over here.
dustdriverHere in the north-east of belgium, it's 30°C, but it feels like 25°.
This is the ideal weather!
The humidity is too high, it feels like you can't breath.
I can't stand weather like that.
dustdriverDilsen-Stokkem, Limburg.
Radicool02It was about 10 degrees celcius today. I hate winter, I can't skateboard in rain!
Cold to me is probably what heat is to you I'm miserable at anything below 50°F, and I absolutely can't stand anything below 40°F. This weather is perfect though!Touring Mars... but my excuse is that I'm Scottish...
Well, uh, first there's the issue that we have to live without A/C. We're off of the electrical grid, and we don't have enough solar power (even with the battery storage) to be running air conditioning.OmnisSage, you're totally insane. How can you live without A/C?