The White Dragon 360km - 01: Cape Ring (Finished)

  • Thread starter Com Fox
That was a great race, can't wait to watch it and make the official results. :) Cheers for competing.
I took 15.. Wasn't sure if we just had to splash, fill completely or just "stand for longer" so I chose the compromise a.k.a. the latter.

Good racing though 👍 as I said in the room I want to do this all day :D

Also I have an idea of what the "Most interesting battle" was :)

Jammy, I'll send that lvl. 24 on Sunday/Monday when I overwrite the save anyway. I doubt someone can take this win away from you and I'm already browning my pants by fear for you in the CC :lol:
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Sorry about that, wanted to make the pitstops more interesting.

Sadly the prices will not be handed out due to there being only one class.
You can still hand out the prizes from the Clio Cup.
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Only one LMP1 showed up so we went, all Clio. The race was dropped to 15 laps due to lack of participation. The best part of the Race was when the drivers were at the pit stops and there were some exciting stuff during when they exit ;).
Given the slow fuel consumption rate of the Clio, I don't really think refueling is necessary in a short race like the one earlier. If it ends up being a longer race like what was originally intended, then maybe.
Also, I ran at only 293 HP for the race because I didn't have enough time to get the upgrade needed to boost it to 370-something. But even without it, I still found the car a bit of a handful with the Sport Hards.
The drivers were at the pit stops and there were some exciting stuff during when they exit ;).

You kiddin'? There were heavy battles all around the track :D

Best moment for me has to be when me and polar makes the same mistake in the same corner on the same lap :lol: or the laps we ended up with a three-way for the lead :D

Any decisions yet Cyan?
Guys, what'd I say? Renault Clio Cup is going to turn out well.

Braun, try working with the Limited Slip Differential. You'll gain seconds by working with it.
Guys, what'd I say? Renault Clio Cup is going to turn out well.

Braun, try working with the Limited Slip Differential. You'll gain seconds by working with it.

Any suggestions on how to adjust the LSD? I still haven't figured out how adjusting
Any suggestions on how to adjust the LSD? I still haven't figured out how adjusting

Initial torque: 7
Accel. sensitivity: 35
Decel. sensitivity: 15

Works for me. :) Actually, this works for me on basically every car I've driven on GT5 so far.
I brought it up in the Clio Cup thread that Cape Ring should be on the schedule, and it looks like the idea might happen.

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