The Widget Runners

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Willing to host some races and lvl drivers in addition to my own for awhile.

PSN - firewire910
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Id like in if theres room,myPSNis mudvayne234567

I grind around 3-4 hours onweekdaysbutaround 6 usually on the weekends, I use my android phone so i cant use a widget i dont think
Id like in if theres room,myPSNis mudvayne234567

I grind around 3-4 hours onweekdaysbutaround 6 usually on the weekends, I use my android phone so i cant use a widget i dont think

Sorry Jlazen, it's widget 100%.
The name of the group is "Widget Runners". It allows a person to run automatically. There's a big difference. Try the other group B-Spec Grinders. They may allow it.
I just recently got the game and have installed this app, going to try and use it as much as I can so feel free to add me PSN: jason54400
Hi, I'd love to sign up, I can run the B Spec Widget a couple of hours a day (maybe more at the weekend). Thanks
PSN-ID mendosa05
Have been reading for a long time in this forum... but now Im REGISTERED.

I too have the widget thing, and Im 24 hours available!!! please add me PSNID:djmars2008

Have a nice day! 👍
Have been reading for a long time in this forum... but now Im REGISTERED.

I too have the widget thing, and Im 24 hours available!!! please add me PSNID:djmars2008

Have a nice day! 👍

Wow,I'll definately send you over a friend request.
Right now im doing the FORMULA GRAN TURISMO races, so once if finished them in a few hours i will be back with you WIDGET RUNNERS!.... by the way add me PSN:djmars2008
Can people please add: grw1191

He's trying to get some remote racing friends and will reciprocate. thanks :)
hi i would like to join aswell

can run the widget every night when im sleeping

so pretty much 9-12 hours a day

PSN = Sol-D-Villa
I would like to know how to make more than one BOB race on a race? Because at the moment, only one of the two i´m sharing are actually racing. One driver pero race... Would like to do two drivers per race.
I would like to know how to make more than one BOB race on a race? Because at the moment, only one of the two i´m sharing are actually racing. One driver pero race... Would like to do two drivers per race.

This is because of how the widget settings work. Pretty much everyone's widget is set to keep 1 driver available for all other users (but your own widget can use your last driver). This is because if a user has no remote drivers available, they (and their widget) cannot start a race. People can set the widget to keep zero drivers available for others, but its considered bad to do so for the reason stated above.

If you want more bobs being raced, you'll need to make more available for remote racing, or race them yourself. The widget will pull multiple drivers per race from a user if they are available, except for keeping one driver in reserve.
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This is because of how the widget settings work. Pretty much everyone's widget is set to keep 1 driver available for all other users (but your own widget can use your last driver). This is because if a user has no remote drivers available, they (and their widget) cannot start a race. People can set the widget to keep zero drivers available for others, but its considered bad to do so for the reason stated above.

If you want more bobs being raced, you'll need to make more available for remote racing, or race them yourself. The widget will pull multiple drivers per race from a user if they are available, except for keeping one driver in reserve.

Im just asking because while my ONLY bob is racing although i've set four of them for online racing... i see that in the races there are many racers from the same USER.

Click here to see what i mean...
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