The wisdom tooth & braces discussion thread.

  • Thread starter Mark T
Id rather keep the £3500 and have bent teeth:dopey: How long will the treatment last? If your worried about having permanent braces and looking like a kid couldn't you have those removable ones that you can just wear at home and at night? Thats what I did when I was in school, suppose its too late now though...

Well I'm not too worried about crooked teeth too much (although I prefer it). I was worried about un-even wear on my teeth when I get older. Even fixed "train track" braces were around £2000. I think it's a small price to pay now for peace of mind.
Apparently I have plenty of room on my jaw to hold all the teeth including wisdom ones which are nearly all fully developed, sometimes I feel pressure as they move out a bit but then it goes away for a month..

I just hope none get impacted or stuck..... then theres trouble! :scared:

Apparently I have plenty of room on my jaw to hold all the teeth including wisdom ones which are nearly all fully developed, sometimes I feel pressure as they move out a bit but then it goes away for a month..

I just hope none get impacted or stuck..... then theres trouble! :scared:


I thought mine were going to be troublesome but the dentist confirmed that there was room. I only have one more wisdom tooth to come through which is coming through straight. I hope you don't have to have them out, my girlfriend said it was the most painful thing she has experienced.
My wisdom teeth never really hurt, they just get in the way when I move my jaw side to side. I've got three, and they all started coming in a few months back. They move around a bit, but I can actually feel the tooth on two of them. Just a couple days ago they were in the way, but today they're just fine. I don't see much of a reason to get them pulled.
Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I thought I would just throw an update in. My wisdom teeth didn't need removing and three of them are now fully through.

I had my Invisalign impressions made today and they should be ready in about six weeks, new straight teeth here I come!

Downside- £3500 has just been taken out of my account. No more purchases for me for about two months. Booo.


Well bugger me. [/owen] (will mean nothing to non-UK members)
I should update too. I got 4 wisdom teeth removed in October last year. Was pretty much the least fun experience you can have. Since I don't have dental insurance, and to get it done through the public system was next to impossible, I ended up with the choice of paying $600 to get them out under a local anaesthetic, for $2600 to go under and have a general. So in the end, $2000 was saved and I got them removed while I was awake.

The actual taking them out doesn't hurt at all, the pain of injections directly into your gum is the killer. But when they are getting removed you get the weird feeling of your tooth moving around your socket. Once it's over it's not that bad, and I wondered what all the fuss was about, I couldn't feel my face and my tongue kept hanging out and I didn't know because my face was so numb, but apart from that it seemed fine.

Then about 5 hours later the anaesthetic wore off. I had amazing pain for 4 days, my face swelled up to the size of a basketball, and my day consisted solely of looking forward to the next dose of pain killers. I didn't eat a thing for 8 days, surviving almost solely on water, though I managed to lose 7kg (15lb) in 7 days, so I recommend this operation for fast weight loss!

But in the end, I endured a week of pain so that I never have to worry about it again.
So I went to the orthodontist today and he put these "bite correcter" things in. They're springs that hook on either side of my jaw and help push my teeth in the right spot. But I can't figure out how to eat with these things. While I can rid the pain with medicine, the springs are right in the spot where the food goes when I eat. And if the food gets under the spring I can't close my mouth. WTF? How the hell are these things supposed to last 6 weeks? I'm pissed!
My experience with wisdom teeth was actually quite positive. I think the most pain I was in was when they were putting the needles in me. I went to sleep under the NOx, which was fun and just kinda woke up later. They wanted ot carry me out to the car but I insisted on walking myself without help, which I did. The next couple days consisted of sitting on the couch with gauze jammed up the cavities, which was kinda gross and boring. I eventually got the gauze out and I lived the next few days having fun just sitting around, enjoying the loopiness of the painkillers and not having to do anything and enjoying my diet of milkshakes (something I would not recommend).

I guess if you go to the right doctor it all works out well in the end. I heard that the one I went to was one of the best in the country or something.

Maybe I just don't mind pain (and actually kinda like it) and I enjoy trying new stuff. I don't really know why it was a good time.
All four of my wisdom teeth started coming out three years ago. My orthodontist has been telling me to get them out since last year and I keep saying yes but end up canceling the appointment the day of removal. He told me one of them HAS to come out, its stuck and there's no space for it to come out properly. It's been causing me loads of jaw pain which is also radiating to my ear at the same side as the tooth. I also occasionally get swollen gums around it, and it tends to get painful. I take antibiotics and painkillers to get it all sorted, but this one tooth eventually has to go.

Ortho doc also told me I might have some nerve damage when I remove it and have numbness for about 6 months on my lips and maybe cheek, as the tooth is quite strong and stuck very close to the nerve. I read that there could be worse complications than that, so I try to keep it going by meds, but I'm scared that I'll eventually have to take it out. :nervous:
I'm 24 and I haven't had my wisdom teeth taken out and they haven't come though and I don't think they will but if they come though there will be no space for them and on the wrong angle. I think taking them out will have high risk and I have never had any kind of surgery in my life or spent any time in hospital. Last year I went to the dentist for the first time in 8 years and only had only 3 fillings.
All four of my wisdom teeth started coming out three years ago. My orthodontist has been telling me to get them out since last year and I keep saying yes but end up canceling the appointment the day of removal. He told me one of them HAS to come out, its stuck and there's no space for it to come out properly. It's been causing me loads of jaw pain which is also radiating to my ear at the same side as the tooth. I also occasionally get swollen gums around it, and it tends to get painful. I take antibiotics and painkillers to get it all sorted, but this one tooth eventually has to go.

Ortho doc also told me I might have some nerve damage when I remove it and have numbness for about 6 months on my lips and maybe cheek, as the tooth is quite strong and stuck very close to the nerve. I read that there could be worse complications than that, so I try to keep it going by meds, but I'm scared that I'll eventually have to take it out. :nervous:
Yes you REALLY need to get that wisdom tooth removed. It will only get worse and worse. Last thing you want is an infection. Plus the more crowded your tooth gets in with the other teeth, the more it will damage the other teeth. I had very similar problems and eventually had my wisdom teeth removed. They put me to sleep then removed all 4 of my wisdom teeth in about 20 minutes. Went very well with no problems at all. Recovery was also very fast. :)
I'm 24 and I haven't had my wisdom teeth taken out and they haven't come though and I don't think they will but if they come though there will be no space for them and on the wrong angle. I think taking them out will have high risk and I have never had any kind of surgery in my life or spent any time in hospital. Last year I went to the dentist for the first time in 8 years and only had only 3 fillings.
Its a very fast process. I had 2 wisdom teeth causing me all the exact same problems @Hollow described with the pain in the ears and the jaw. I eventually went in to the orthodontist. He recommended removing all 4 of my wisdom teeth because they were all extremely crowded and starting to effect ALL my other teeth. So I finally set up the appointment. They knocked me out for the surgery and 20 minutes later he was done with all 4 teeth. I could not believe it only took 20 minutes but I instantly felt better and have not had a single problem since the surgery. I highly recommend doing it before they get worse.
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Yes you REALLY need to get that wisdom tooth removed. It will only get worse and worse. Last thing you want is an infection. Plus the more crowded your tooth gets in with the other teeth, the more it will damage the other teeth.

Its a very fast process. I had 2 wisdom teeth causing me all the exact same problems @Hollow described with the pain in the ears and the jaw. I eventually went in to the orthodontist. He recommended removing all 4 of my wisdom teeth because they were all extremely crowded and starting to effect ALL my other teeth. So I finally set up the appointment. They knocked me out for the surgery and 20 minutes later he was done with all 4 teeth. I could not believe it only took 20 minutes but I instantly felt better and have not had a single problem since the surgery. I highly recommend doing it before they get worse.

I haven't had any pain from my wisdom teeth.
Check with an orthodontist. They will take an x ray and provide you with the best options.

I have had a x ray, the orthodontist wasn't very convincing in his reason as to why I should remove them. I will go back next year to have them checked.
I have had a x ray, the orthodontist wasn't very convincing in his reason as to why I should remove them. I will go back next year to have them checked.
The older you get the more painful the after effects of the surgery will be. It's better to get them out. Which is why I had mine (though I was kinda forced into it because of impacting) done in June. Be warned it'll be like 1-2 weeks before eating isn't painful.