They did it on Purpose.

  • Thread starter Der Alta

Der Alta

Official GTP Bouncer
Staff Emeritus
Yes, they meant to do it.

They did it on purpose.

That, according to Time magazine, is why so many Gloucester High School girls ...17 of them ... are pregnant.

The magazine reports nearly half of the teens made a pact to get pregnant and raise their children together, some visiting the school health clinic repeatedly for pregnancy tests.

Time says the girls seemed disappointed when the tests were negative, and delighted when they finally had conceived.

The report says some of the students were convinced a baby would provide them with unconditional love.

And Time says the father in one case is a 24-year-old homeless man.
I have to ask, where were the parents? Seriously, 17 young girls are going to be parents. I lay the blame for this at the parents feet. Had they been involved with the children or even had discussions about this, it wouldn't have made national headlines.

I shouldn't been shocked at this, as I've recently learned the term "Sexting". I'm not old by any means, but when I was in high school, this didn't happen. Sure, there were the few teens that were on the Concorde Libido, but for they were a select few.

Or is it that Sex has become a considerably less taboo subject and it readily available in high school with frequently less "Love" attributed to it. Is it a problem? I'm long gone from High School, but I hav a hard time imagining that sex is such a nonchalant endeavor in at that age.

How can a parent not be involved with a child at that age? And to miss such obvious facets of their teens life. I'm floored.
Considering that they only appeared to focus on what joys the child would bring them, I don't think the sex was important. Maybe they were disillusioned by the real effectiveness of a pact, that the resulting children will not have a real father figure. Would you trust a 24-year-old homeless man to help them, even if it appeared that the girls did not want any?

Parents seem to put less and less responsibility on their children, from what I have heard about. Four kids in my grade in my school have already had unprotected sex... and I just finished Grade 9.

I don't have much to say beyond that for now... this news has me shocked and less eloquent too.
I couldn't be less shocked if I deliberately tried to be unshocked while watching a film with obvious telegraphed twists.

In my home city in 2003, three girls gave birth (that's "gave birth", not "got pregnant") aged ELEVEN. In the UK it's seemingly a national hobby to get pregnant by someone before 16 and, with the resulting sprog, get a free house and lots of benefit money. If you want more money, have more kids. It isn't only possible to make a living like this, but easy and relatively lucrative - with the added benefit that you don't have to work hard (besides labour).
I just heard on BBC1 that abortion rates are way up in the UK, and apparently people are calling for more sex education classes. Not a bad idea, I say.

Who knows with kids these days. They see all of their favorite celebrities getting knocked up on television and in the magazines, they must think it to be "cool" or something. I honestly don't understand it, because in all honesty, every kid I went to school with back in the day would never want a kid. For that matter, most kids I know don't want to have children at all.

half of the teens made a pact to get pregnant and raise their children together
They made a pact to raise their children together?

What the hell. Since when was parenting a thing you could all do together? Are teenagers really that uneducated?
They made a pact to raise their children together?

What the hell. Since when was parenting a thing you could all do together? Are teenagers really that uneducated?

Yes, they are.

Maybe they plan on moving onto a large settlement excluded from society and raise their children "together"
They see all of their favorite celebrities getting knocked up on television and in the magazines, they must think it to be "cool" or something.
And a kid plays GTA then goes out and kills people and another listened to rap music so he became a gangster and killed people. Or something.

I doubt it.
I doubt it.

I doubt it as well, but hey, kids are stupid. Who knows... That Zoey girl is sooooooooooooooo cool! Shes like, 16, and like, is pregnant, and like, has a Mercedes. I soooooooooo want to live that way!
That's usually how it happens unfortunately...:indiff:👎
I assume by “usually” you mean “very nearly 0% of the time”. (Newsflash: Gran Turismo causes me to drive 140 mph through bends, COD4 causes me to shoot Russian nationalists, and Katamari Damacy causes me to roll up buildings into a giant ball. And Jack Thompson is a very pleasant, moral man. Hahahaha…)
I saw this on another forum and it summed up what I was kinda thinking for the most part. xD

Damn. If I could get myself to be temporarily infertile I know where I'd go for a good time... all right...

It's cool again I'm already goin to hell...
Yes, I'm sure they'd tell you that. You know, the colony of teenage girls who'll sleep with anyone - including a vagrant - unprotected because they want to get pregnant.

I wouldn't hit that with a twin-layer latex-wrapped shovel.
I have to agree with Famine on this one. It seems that we have both lived in similar towns. My town is full of "Teepees" (teenage pregnancies) as I refer to them.

They knock out two or three children, claim benefits and live pretty much rent free with a nice little income on the side. I try not to think about it too much because it makes me want to pack up and leave this country.
The lack of Sex. Ed. I think comes from people dropping Phys. Ed. classes; with that package is the only formal schooling in that area, as well as Health Education. It may be in some way related to rising obesity rates...
These kids did it cause they have nothing. Christ, suicide was probably their other option.

I just heard on BBC1 that abortion rates are way up in the UK, and apparently people are calling for more sex education classes. Not a bad idea, I say.
Then those people should actually go to a school and sit in on the sex-ed lessons and see how quickly how attention wanders. They're boring and if I struggled to pay attention I can guarantee all the class clowns and slags didn't even attempt to.

It's no longer a matter of how much sex-ed they recieve, its the quality of it. Sitting and watching a video is the lamest way in the world. Sitting and watching a geriatric nurse explain it to you is just odd.

The best thing I've known in terms of countering teen age pregnancies is the college (16yrs~18yrs) giving out condoms from the nurse. 12 condoms a week (woo!), free, variety and goddamn most the lads I know were proud to have a "condom" card even if you knew they weren't getting any. Sure it almost supports casual sex, but so do cars that go faster than the speed limit. If you can't stop it, make it safer.
This is probably going to spawn loads of copycat pacts... other schools may suddenly have loads of girls getting pregnant..

When they were talking about Gloucester High School on the news I though they meant here! :lol: Then I saw loads of US flags and thought hmm something wrong here :sly: Gloucester doesnt have a major fishing industry woot! :dunce:

Well we now all know where to go where the girls like to party! :sly:

It's no longer a matter of how much sex-ed they recieve, its the quality of it.

Quite right. Although I giggled my way through my sex education classes in middle school, I learned a lot, and in the end, decided I wasn't in any rush. Particularly after the questions about 50 lb scrotums and questionable acts with animals...

(its a long, long story...)
i just KNOW some boobs are gonna blame those of us in the "alternative lifestyles" group for corrupting their "babies"
Now I feel sorry for the children; they sure didn't decide to be brought into this world at this time with those mothers, and now they pay for it...

Sex. Ed. should likely at least be a seperate course with Health Ed. in high school.
sex ed? geeze, all the taught us in sex ed is how the parts work, not how NOT to do it. 'sides, how many parents on the other end of the spectrum would harp about teachers trying to condition their children into an "old fashioned" belief.
Of course sex education ought to be done by parents, progressively, rather than teachers all at once. Not least because it encourages kids to ask a question whenever, rather than being worried that their peers might make fun of them for asking that question in a classroom.