Things in GT6 you want "fixed". (Please read bold first)

  • Thread starter FRoSTeD
Yes. The cockpit in the Mercedes concept car was so dark I had to switch to hood view.

Yes, this is messed up. GT6 was specifically touted as having HDR lighting. The darkening you describe (and which is also visible on tracks) is the opposite of HDR. Something is very wrong here.
Have i missed something yesterday ? Updated as soon as i put the game in for the first time and then another update after it installed. Played all night and was fine. Just put the disc in now ( 07/12/13 - 5.11pm ) and the game just updated again. Only a quick one, mind, took seonds to download and install.

Is this something that's already happened for you guys on here or is this a quick fix patch just all of a sudden ?

The quick update this morning was to download the brand-new seasonal events.
With a G25 wheel, the paddle shifters (L1 and R1) do not function as L1 and R1 in main menus. Therefore impossible to use quick scrolling buttons in menus like dealership, or even to change view when applying aero parts etc.

Same thing with the DFGT

Also the logo's to manufacturer's and tracks are really blocky, like I'm playing on a 8-bit nintendo.
In fact the problem with the blurry ghost car is worse than I originally though. When the ghost is right in front of you, everything that you see through the ghost car also looks blurred. So it can actually be quite hard to race with it right in front of you. Very distracting.
I'd like to see FPS drops fixed, Particularly in cockpit view and on replays when cars kick up dust, As well as refining the shadows, You know the ones I'm talking about.. The ones that look like rather large ugly blobs.

The tyre screech is actually quite nice, If you compare the tyre sounds from GT5 to GT6, you can hear how much they've improved in 6, though they do need to be toned down a bit.

Also.. Remove that damn stupid 20m credit cap, It was pointless in GT5 and It's pointless in GT6.
The RA function for adjusting vehicle aids during a race is IN THE GAME, but you need a Driving Force GT to bring the menu up and adjust it. They need to add the different RA menu commands in the controller and wheel configuration for other device other than DFGTs. Probably an oversight.
I'd like the ability to install all game content from disk. The current incremental ("install when you use it") approach is OK, but it slows the in-game experience. e.g. every time you enter a new manufacturer in the dealership it loads the cars one page at a time. If we could choose when to do a full install then we could set it do so before going to bed/work, then it would all be installed next time we play.
I'd like to see FPS drops fixed, Particularly in cockpit view and on replays when cars kick up dust, As well as refining the shadows, You know the ones I'm talking about.. The ones that look like rather large ugly blobs.

The tyre screech is actually quite nice, If you compare the tyre sounds from GT5 to GT6, you can hear how much they've improved in 6, though they do need to be toned down a bit.

Also.. Remove that damn stupid 20m credit cap, It was pointless in GT5 and It's pointless in GT6.

Agree. The tyre screech - at least on my sound system - sounds like nails across a chalkboard. It needs to be tweaked.
Not a big issue, but I have all music disabled in the game and when I finish the race everything suddenly goes silent. I would like to hear the engine after I finish the race.
I wonder if Kaz actually sits down and puts time into Gran Turismo? I'm sure he "Plays" it, but does he really put time into his own game? Cause if he did, these flaws would come apparent very quickly.

For me its.

(Still at #1) Sounds. No explanation needed.

- No option to just go to the next license test after you finish one. You have to back out to the menu etc.. Very annoying.

- The tuning menu is terrible.

- No more lounge. I liked the lounge, your friends could just join in when ever, and you didn't have to worry about someone who you didn't want in your room joining in.

- Having to shift from Reverse to first gear.. While i know that's what you do in real life, it's annoying on GT. I'm so use to just hitting the gas to back to first, can' tell you how many times i spun, hit reverse to turn around, then hit the gas again, only to continue going backwards..

- Music. The music is very "Un GT like" Has a Dragon Ball Z feel to it that i'm not really digging, give me my elevator music back.

- Terrible in-car shadows. So bad to the point you can't even see your gauges. Actually the shadows in the game are just crap period.

- No Top Gear test track. I know it's a license issue or whatever, but come on. At least let us have the track, i don't need to hear JC or see the Stig.

Thankfully though the positives out weigh the negatives. It just sucks, that now we have to spend who knows how long, trying to get PD's attention to fix these issues.
In a word: Everything. :rolleyes:

If I had to select 1 thing to touch on, it'd be to bring the Car Selection 'turn-table' (the dark, foggy room you could view cars in without having to switch to them) back, saw that was missing/gone/removed and you had to switch to a car to look at it in closer detail

All that block-y, questionable detail. :lol:
I wonder if Kaz actually sits down and puts time into Gran Turismo? I'm sure he "Plays" it, but does he really put time into his own game? Cause if he did, these flaws would come apparent very quickly.

For me its.

(Still at #1) Sounds. No explanation needed.

- No option to just go to the next license test after you finish one. You have to back out to the menu etc.. Very annoying.

- The tuning menu is terrible.

- No more lounge. I liked the lounge, your friends could just join in when ever, and you didn't have to worry about someone who you didn't want in your room joining in.

- Having to shift from Reverse to first gear.. While i know that's what you do in real life, it's annoying on GT. I'm so use to just hitting the gas to back to first, can' tell you how many times i spun, hit reverse to turn around, then hit the gas again, only to continue going backwards..

- Music. The music is very "Un GT like" Has a Dragon Ball Z feel to it that i'm not really digging, give me my elevator music back.

- Terrible in-car shadows. So bad to the point you can't even see your gauges. Actually the shadows in the game are just crap period.

- No Top Gear test track. I know it's a license issue or whatever, but come on. At least let us have the track, i don't need to hear JC or see the Stig.

Thankfully though the positives out weigh the negatives. It just sucks, that now we have to spend who knows how long, trying to get PD's attention to fix these issues.

Sime of the music is a bit Wangan Midnight. Go watch its pretty cool! The Devil Z!
Am a bit confused with some changes made on GT6 .
Dark cockpit Veiw ? Gt5 was ok so what happend? I've gone to hood view which I rather not use.
Online restrictions e.g pp no indication of what the pp limit is before going in the room.

Why cant we see what options other players have online e.g soft tyres, traction on , abs etc?

The worst is Ai, I've been playing GSC2013 and the AI is almost like an online race , dynamic!
With Gt5 /GT6 it's like a big block landed in front of you from no where...why is the AI braking soooooo early?

Is there an option to reduce the sound of tire screeching ? It's bad...
One thing I thought they might add is the ability to see the count down to a race when tuning your car...

Wasnt expecting too much from Gt6, just an improvement from Gt5 , I would like to know the logic behind the old stuff taken off and the lack of improvement on AI .
Has anyone else been wondering where in the world the parking brake went? Did they change the button? I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Wasnt expecting too much from Gt6, just an improvement from Gt5 , I would like to know the logic behind the old stuff taken off and the lack of improvement on AI .

I'm thinking we'll probably never seen an improvement in the AI. It's clearly not a priority for PD (no matter what they say). The day we see acceptable AI will be the day they get rid of the rolling starts. The only reason those rolling starts exist is to cover for the crappy AI.
With a G25 wheel, the paddle shifters (L1 and R1) do not function as L1 and R1 in main menus. Therefore impossible to use quick scrolling buttons in menus like dealership, or even to change view when applying aero parts etc.

Come on PD this is BASIC QA testing here - does a button work?! If you're not going to test with all peripherals then don't choose to support them.

I have this problem on my Driving Force GT too