Things that fascinate you - your Top 5

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
1. Importing cars from Japan. (I really want a Lancer Evo IV/VI someday.)
2. Traction circles.
3. Space.
4. Racing.
5. Racing.
1. Everything about space!
2. Racing
3. The stupidity of people these days.
4. Pokemon! (Gotta catch 'em all!)
5. Trance
1. Auto Racing - While it isn't surprising to me that people would start racing 'horseless carriages', how motorsport has evolved from it's origins to today fascinates me. I myself want to be a race car driver, even though my family isn't the richest in the world, and they don't support me wanting to be one. :grumpy:

2. Mesoamerican Cultures - I always found Aztec and Mayan cultures to be intriguing. To be honest I really don't have any particular reason for them interesting me so much, they just... do.

3. History in General - The main thing that got me into history - believe it or not - was an old Civil War game that my dad had for the PC. I loved that game, and ever since I've wanted to learn about what happened in the past.

It's interesting how for thousands of years we were struggling to survive, now we have advanced to the point that we don't have to worry about most things that would have regularly killed us years ago (such as most diseases and infections).

I should have two more posted when I get back from grocery shopping, given I don't forget that I posted this. :P

EDIT: OK, there are many more things that interest me, I just don't know how to word them. :P
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My Top 5 things that fascinate me: (in no particular order)

1) Space (bet this one will be popular)
2) Airplanes (especially WWII era fighters + Fighter Jets)
3) Sky Scrapers (weird because I am scared of heights)
4) Extreme weather (mainly tornadoes)
5) Anything to do with WWII (no idea why, I was born in '85)


Honestly? This is probably exactly what I would say. Word for word.

So, here's five other things, for variety (in no order).

1) Brass instruments. Playing them and how they work. I hope to one day build my own instruments.
2) Asian (particularly Japanese) culture, fashion, music, etc. Interesting particularly because I don't care about American or European culture or fashion in any way. Possible perhaps because I'm a quarter Chinese.
3) Large machines of any kind. Trains particularly. Tunnel boring machines, tower cranes, etc. These plus skyscrapers and basically any other type of vehicle means at least part of my brain hasn't advanced past 5 years old. :P
4) Technology in general. Any cool new innovations or gadgets I go nuts over. Also specifically when things in science fiction become science fact.
5) Virtual reality/having a second (virtual) life/holodecks.

Honorable mention to stupidity. I just cannot fathom the stupidity of many people.

(in no particular order)

1. Boobs

:lol: Also accurate...
1.- Cars...
2.- Planet Earth, all of it... There's so much magic out there...
3.- History. Mostly Ancient Egypt and Rome.
4.- Read No. 1...
5.- Architecture

1. Japan
2. Racing
3. The symmetry of things
4. Video games
5. Geography (though not as much as the others on the list)
1. Tea
2. Biscuits
3. The Queen
4. Carrier bags costing money
5. Americans

1. Beer
2. Bergers
4. liftid truckz


Seriously though, these are for me, in no particular order.

1. WW2
2. Space in general
3. Documentaries of foreign places that we wouldn't have access to under most circumstances, like when VICE goes to North Korea and goes "behind the scenes" for different things in the Middle East and Africa etc. etc.
4. The ocean and everything in it
5. Documentaries on crime, no specific types of crime, but usually murders from the 70s to present.
1. Gaming- looking back at where I started gaming with the NES up to now and am amazed at how it has advanced

2 Cars- Mostly Sports and Muscle not fussy on the asian stuff but will admit they are good cars

3 Roller Coasters- Used to dislike them now I want to ride any coaster I can

4 Cats- As an owner of one or does she own me whatever it amuses me how one moment she is brillant then she pulls a bonehead move the next

5 Motorsports. I will admit I am a Nascar fan but I also watch other series as well. just not fussy on F1 and Superbike racing
1 - Space/Universe
2 - Submarines, especially WWII German U-boats (no clue why but I need read every novel I can find about them)
3 - Sound systems, mainly 2 channel audio
4 - Radio, especially Shortwave LW and MW.
5 - Earth, the geological aspect of it
I listed 3 last time so I've though of two more -

4. Plastic. It's used in pretty much everything these days. I have a love hate relationship with it because its so useful but also so polluting.

5. Humans. We're so unlike anything else, I would even know where to start explaining my fascination with people.
Ready? Here goes.

Things that fascinate me:

1) Navel lint- How does that stuff DO that day after day? Pick it out, it's back the next day. Freaky
2) Ear Wax- Same thing
3) Watermelon seeds- Ever try to pick up a fresh one from a table? It's as if it's surrounded by a force field making that task impossible, it just squirts off to the side. But you can flick it away.
4) Top fuel dragsters- Whoa!
5) Cat ears- fur lined radars, can't get much better than that!

Edit: belly button ok
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1) All religions. It fascinates me how people can be so gullible and led along to believe in what is nothing more than a mass cult. All what it will achieve is the premature end of the human race - ironically by arguing about who created it.
2) Technology in general. How man has endeavored to mine the world of it's resources and turn them into every day objects from our cars to ipods is just incredible.
3) Self made millionaires/billionaires.
4) Drug users. What on earth possesses people to take up this foul past time? My one burning desire is to rid the world of drugs. I hate drugs and I hate the users even more.
5) Marine life. I doubt we will ever find even a tenth of the worlds marine life but what has been discovered so far is incredible, some is so weird it's almost alien!
1. Space. Exactly what is out there? Odds are that there are other lifeforms out there, but what about civilized ones? I'm aware that the odds are extremely high, but disappointed that I'll never get a definitive answer in my lifetime.

2. Accidental discoveries. For example, penicillin. Or how about the less important discoveries? What poor person discovered that moldy cheese can actually taste good. Same goes with Natto. Fermented (a.k.a, rotting) soy beans.

3. Life itself. I'm not a religious person, but the mind boggles when the chicken and the egg question comes up. Why are we here? How are we here? Some people would be content with the God explanation. I do admit, it provides some closure to life's great questions but that alone isn't reason enough for me to believe in an omnipotent being.

4. Serial Killers. Equally disturbing and fascinating. Especially those who were never caught. The Zodiac Killer is probably the most interesting to me. Why did he suddenly just stop? Was it Arthur Leigh Allen? The dates certainly line up, but he was later ruled out due to DNA evidence. Of course, he could just have gotten someone else to lick the envelopes he sent his letters in. A group of people on the web seem convinced that it was Richard Gaikowsky, but I'm not convinced.

5. The achievements of the Human Race. I find it fascinating when I think of all the things the human race has achieved. We've evolved from simple cave dwellers to people who build cities, discover cures for diseases, put a plane in the air and men on the moon. Quite frankly, the Human Race has achieved great things. Particularly in the last few hundred years.
1. Black holes.

2. The boundary of the observable universe.

3. Fractal cosmology.

4. Philosophy of mind.

5. That magic trick where they cut a woman in half. I mean, how do they do that 'la?

1. Cars.
2. The fact that the universe exists.
3. Modern Technology
4 + 5 - Some other stuff thats fascinating.
Cars. Just cars in general. I'm also fascinated with the future of man kind. I often find myself thinking about what the state of the environment will be in the years to come as well as what technological advances will take place.
1. The Automobile and the different stories and colourful characters that have to do with it.
2. The Lexus LFA and the McLaren F1. They just came together so well and so perfectly I'm fascinated by these machines.
3. The history of everything.
4. Rain.
5. The human nature in itself.
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1. Space, which I'm sure is a common one. It just blows my mind how small we are, and it blows my mind even more that we're made of the same stuff as stars and planets are. I... Yeah.

2. Binary, hexadecimal, octal and other non-denary counting systems. I sometimes think about how much more advanced we would be as a race if we had six fingers on each hand because then we'd count in 12s instead of 10s, so we'd be better at maths. Possibly. And that might mean we'd be smarter. I don't know.

3. Engines. They're just a collection of metal tubes into which liquefied dinosaur corpses are injected, explosions occur and then you go forwards. Who thought of that and what were they smoking?

4. Transistors. No one ever thinks about the transistors and yet we'd be nowhere without them. It's not so much how the transistor works - though that's still pretty impressive - but the scale in which they're used and what they can be used to achieve.

5. Wings. These are pretty bloody smart, too. Speed up air flow on one side and slow it down on the other and you can keep several tonnes of aircraft and 200 or more passengers aloft at 30,000ft. That is seriously impressive too.