thinking of useing kazaa lite

  • Thread starter 1mic


im ****en sick and tired of direct connect DLing sooo ****en slow, like the fastest i got was 40/kbps, on my friends he uses normal kazaa and he gets 100/kbps all the time, so i still like DC for the RARE files but its too ****en slow...
so should i DL kazaa lite?
I recomend against any kind of file-sharing system. This is because of the uncountable virusus that exist therein, and that people can hack your system through them...
Originally posted by Jpec07
I recomend against any kind of file-sharing system. This is because of the uncountable virusus that exist therein, and that people can hack your system through them...
Ever heard software called anti-virus software? So long as you scan your file before you open it up, you'll be right. And if you have a decent firewall, you'll be set against hackers. As for spyware, Kazaalite doesn't have any of that - but if you want to be on the safe side, Adaware is recommended.
Originally posted by 1mic
im ****en sick and tired of direct connect DLing sooo ****en slow, like the fastest i got was 40/kbps, on my friends he uses normal kazaa and he gets 100/kbps all the time, so i still like DC for the RARE files but its too ****en slow...
so should i DL kazaa lite?
All ****en right then. By the ****en way, I only get about ****en 18kbps second max on Kazaa, so think yourself lucky.
Originally posted by Viper Zero
What is Diet Kazaa?
It's like an add-on to Kazaa.

This is what is says on the Diet Kaza site.
- Removes spyware, POPUP ads, etc

- Advanced Download Accelerator / Notification
- IP-Based File Browser / Buddy List
- Supernode Controls
- Participation Level Tools (Cheater,Backup/Restore)
- Sig2Dat Integration and Hash Generation [Fixed]
- Advanced File Search Shortcuts / Ignore Options
Originally posted by Eddy
All ****en right then. By the ****en way, I only get about ****en 18kbps second max on Kazaa, so think yourself lucky.

It's ****in, not ****en because ****en is an Americanism.

Kazaa blows, if you want music go and buy it.
Originally posted by Eddy
All ****en right then. By the ****en way, I only get about ****en 18kbps second max on Kazaa, so think yourself lucky.
may-****en-be, its becuz u have a ****en slow connection.. ****en *****made mother****er!
of maybe the **** not!?
i a have tight-as-****: cable btw...
Originally posted by ALPHA
Didn't Jordan not like people talking about Kazaa on GTP or am I dreaming?

It's important to remember that when you discuss using peer-to-peer file-sharing programs such as KaZaa, then you're effectively saying "Hey, I'm a copyright thief". It is illegal to use KaZaa to obtain access to material that is subject to copyright but for which you have not paid, and discussing illegal activities is forbidden under the Acceptable Use Policy.

So, it's OK to discuss the application itself, but not what you do with it.
Originally posted by Viper Zero
Not when a CD costs $20. I refuse to pay such a price for a CD.

$20?! Pshhh...find a better CD shop. I know there are places that get almost that price (FYE leaps to mind at $18.99 a pop). But there are more places that have somewhat reasonable prices. Just shop around....
Lets say, hypothetically, you have Kazaa on your computer, and would like to remove it. Is it a simple matter of add/remove programs? Is there more to do? If so, how?

This really is the best version of Kazaa which I have ever seen and used!

It is waaaaayy better than

The thing that is so awsome about the kazaa lite from is that it searches so well! Even when downloading this kazaa performs better by constantly finding new sources (not comparable with the speed up from other versions).

If you are going to take a kazaa, plz try this one... (it will save you a lot of problems)

I uninstalled Kazaa last night, and installed Ad-aware. I also got rid of an enormous program I never use. It's nice to have my computer back again.
No I do. I was just sick of the performance robbing attributes. And it kept causing illegal operations. Another thing I ran into (I only had it for a month or two) were locked files that I could not get rid of. So everybody kept downloading them and I couldn't stop it. It ruined my bandwidth. I don't have a cable connection so I can upload 500mb programs to ten people at a time.

I plan to get Kazaa Lite eventually. But I'm in no hurry.
Originally posted by askia47
what do mean by "performance robbing attributes" ?

Every few minutes I got the "An error has occurred in the script on this page..." message. Click.

So many uploads going on used up a lot of bandwidth. Does this use processor power, too?

Illegal operation warnings all the time.

The inability to delete or even move old or superfluous files because they were "locked" or "write protected." They weren't files Kazaa used, but files I had downloaded. I don't know if it violates Kazaa etiquite, but I did not share every file I downloaded, mainly big ones. But if you can't even move it you have no choice but to let everybody download off you, using up bandwidth.