This Can't be good

suggesting GT5 will be pushed back to summer 2010 or holidays 2010 because of the limited info/footage we have now is kinda silly. didn't KY say that when they announce the release for GT5, it will be a surprise? and that it'll come sooner than we think. the limited stuff presented right now is quite depressing though.
tell me something... what other sony exclusive would they put in the annual holliday PS3 bundle... the acclaimed GT5 sounds like a great idea for christmas 09. fail to mention that GT has bundled with a playstation in the past
Chances are the rumor that interviewers were asked not to ask about GT5 is probably true, considering we only got a teaser trailer, so I wouldn't get your hopes up of getting any more info on GT5.

We haven't had any of the interviews about any of the games period. So how am I to think that there's a vow of silence on GT5 only?
^ Maybe too much of a good thing may explode our brains out! :sly:

-> They're 'just' giving us 'drops' of information. And take note Amar is still on a lockdown. ;)
Without those GT5 would be GT5 Prologue ;)
Well now... :lol:

I know a lot of people are bored with Prologue, and to an extent I am too. sort of. But honestly, with all the very good racing games I have to play, I still come back to Prologue, because it's just a better experience all the way round than anything I've ever tried.

And let's say that GT5 ended up being Prologue with a boatload of new cars, tracks and features, but none of what's in my list above. I'd still be totally happy, and I wouldn't doubt that most of us here would be too.

I don´t need damage,weather or day n night cycle... just give me GT4 in that GT5P graphics and some online features!
^ Hermmmm... *ponders*

After watching the video several times, I'm very hungry for more, as the video hints at. I would buy GT5 if it didn't have damage, weather or any of that, in fact if it really was just Prologue with more cars and tracks, and I'd be happy. But I would always be dreaming of what GT5 could have been.
Why in every thread is there a barrage of forza posts. It seems a bit like the Killzone is the Halo killer syndrome to me, it's almost embarassing. Polythony Digital wont release it until they think it's perfect because it's almost guaranteed to be a 10million+ seller it's as simple as that. I get the feeling Yamauchi wants a Gran Turismo 1 type effect with Gran Turismo 5 where it revolutionized racing games alot of things point to that.
well, if its a GT4 with GT5p graphics and online, sorry to say it but i just wont buy it. now i do not believe it`ll be a GT4 with better graphics, i expect more extensive modifications in car than in previous GT`s, counting livery editor too..if it comes with that, ill be completly happy.

and, like i said before, there are still more days of E3, and now that the game its not a secret, a lot of interviews/leaks will come.
In the long run, Kaz has to evaluate how long the PS3 has left.

If he really does push and make an absolutely epic game that will put Forza in the shade, I'd be delighted, but the side effect is that it'd squeeze everything out of the PS3 and we'd probably have to wait 6-7 years for GT6 as there would be nowhere to improve on GT5 without a PS4.

On the other hand, if he holds back a little, we could have a GT6 in a couple of years, and it could be what GT4 was to GT3 - refined and packed with features.
I really think gt5 has sliped into 2010 holdays. They were only able to show us a teaser, I don't think sony would release gow3 and gt5 in the same month(march). :grumpy:
Personally, I don't think there's anything to worry about (apart from the fact that it is just a game after all). It makes sense that PD focused on GT PSP, considering it's coming out in October. I wouldn't be surprised if more features and a late '09/very early '10 were to be announced at the Tokyo Game Show, after the release of GT PSP.
I just want this game as soon as possible. Once it's out they can add to it with yearly updates of new cars and tracks for the remaining lifespan of the PS3

I don't think there will be a GT6 on the PS3. It takes so long to develop that I think it's going to be a one version per console deal.
My guess is that we are still one year away from GT5 being released. And I have no problem with that, my life doesn't depend on gaming.

Meanwhile, this also means that games like NFS:Shift, Supercar Challenge and V8 Superstars Racing will get some needed "breathing space". Good for them.

Back to GT5, again I see jaw-dropping graphics, but that's the GT trade-mark (and their curse too). A trailer doesn't tell you anything about physics, I can only hope they take that aspect at least as seriously as they do graphics.

So, what's new? very important stuff:

a) damage engine;
b) rally stages (although we see two rally cars do battle :yuck: )
c) NASCAR (but limited to 16 cars)
d) a "hint" of day/night transition (could mean nothing, but could mean a lot also)

Unrealistic bit [joking] at 0:34, the pigeons don't get scared when all the SuperGT Japanese cars enter the street! PD, get your act together and make those pigeons fly, or else people won't buy the game !!!!!! :lol: [/joking]

Back to serious stuff ... my "short list" of demands remains unanswered in this trailer. It concerns mostly endurance racing and I WANT this:

a) day/night cycle (hinted, but not confirmed)
b) variable weather
c) ability to save mid race (in the pits, as an example)
d) Spa-Francorchamps
I believe more info on GT5 will be released to a European audience first, seeing that its there that GT games make the bulk of their sales and its the least PD could do to thank them in return. So if Leipzig is cancelled, whats the next European game show and when? Anyone?
Remember, Only a moron would release 2 huge titles at the same time, such as GT mobile and GT5, I think GT5 is much closer then you all think, my personal view is that Sony will let GT mobile sell and then release GT5, but to tell you guys what I see in that trailer gave me goose bumps as it was plain amazing, especially seeing my all time fave race car up against a 787b on a runway straight way battle. (Audi R10)
I cant imagine that they would push back the date to Summer or Winter '10.... That wouldnt be such a good choice from a business standpoint... and in the end... PD and Sony are businesses that are there to make profit and as much as possible at that... I still stand by the assumption it will be out march '10 at the latest.... Taking into account that Sony needs to sell units in order to keep a float and stay competitive in these economic times, it would be logical to bring out the money maker right about now... especially around the Holiday season... If they manage to release a bundle with GT5 and PS3 around the Holidays (Dec. '09) this year they will rake in a fortune no problem.... and to buffer this effect they release GT mobile in Oct., so they have a nice little cushion to end the year on... Oh well, this is all speculation right now, I just wanted to give my 2 cents after reading all the posts here 👍
They'll release it when they make a profit on the PS3 hardware...that's why their big games (Uncharted 2, GOW3, Heavy Rain, GT5) are not being released yet, and are are almost being "eased back" to late 2009/10, because it's still a case of being the more PS3's they sell, the more money they lose.

The PS3 slim in Sept or Oct will probably change that, which is why it's no surprise GT5 will be coming after they start making money on each PS3, because they know GT5 is going to be huge system seller....and they'd rather make a profit, than a loss.