This might just catch on....

You beat me to the punch. That's a great idea! I think it'll be a big hit.
Another low blow for society. I bet he'll get slapped with a lot of law suits from his staff. But, I still think people will be fighting to get in.

It wouldn't fly in the U.S. Women here have much higher attack multipliers. PMS is stacking, too.
It sounds alot better then the anger release method we have around here. Everyone here just gets drunk at the bar and starts stabbing random people.

I'd hate to work at that bar and see some guy with a black belt and a ticked off look on his face come walking in. :scared:
Touring Mars
Might be a good place to pick up women, except they are mostly slappers
:lol:👍 TM strikes again.

It sounds completely mad.
Getting smashed takes on a whole other meaning at the bar now.

This is far cooler than karaoke.
It's the same as getting invovled in a physical sport. Just more direct to the source of the stress.
I've heard of similar things to this, only you pay to completely destroy the contents of a room.
I think this could be a great stress reliever, though I can probably think of a few ways that are cheaper.
Touring Mars
Might be a good place to pick up women, except they are mostly slappers ;)
I don't mind women who slap. Infact I am bigger than most women haha. Lets hope I don't see a 6'1 260lb butch. :scared:

They should hire Chuck Norris.

But seriously, as said, that will never catch on. There'll end up being some group that thinks its wrong.

They should hire Chuck Norris.

But seriously, as said, that will never catch on. There'll end up being some group that thinks its wrong.

Well then, send the people of that group in.
Naw, you know how some of these groups are. They'll protest it, but they actually won't try do anything about it.
Strippers at funerals? Why not? It keeps 2 meanings of the word "stiff" in the same place.
I was always under the impression that China was a mellow country. Not to much violence. I could be mistaken it for Japan.

I agree with what had been said already. Bring it to America, some group will find something wrong with it and protest against it.

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