This month's Road & Track...

  • Thread starter JM1681
...has an article about the Mach 5 that was built for the upcoming Speed Racer movie.

Towards the end of the read, they thank Polyphony Digital for creating a virtual Mach 5 to evaluate. Aside from the ridiculousness that is that principal (Realistic yes, but skidpad numbers from a game?) I'm willing to bet we'll see the Mach 5 in the completed version of GT5.


That'd be awesome to run the Mach 5. Who knows, perhaps there IS hope for The General after all! We have the Shigeno Edition (Initial D) Trueno, anyway.
Would the Mach 5 come with chim chim and a monkey in trunk?

Hmm...I think I would rather drive Racer X's car.

What kind of car is Mach 5 anyway?
Well, if included in GT5, it will probably be a car in "Jay Leno Class" - only to be raced alone as a showcase car.
Well, if included in GT5, it will probably be a car in "Jay Leno Class" - only to be raced alone as a showcase car.

The only reason the the Blastolene Tank Car, Chrysler Prowler, and the Caterham could only race by themselves was due to the fact that they had an extremely high polygon count due to the exposed suspension and internals. Judging by the detailed engine compartments and interiors visible from the outside in GT5 Prologue I find this highly unlikely to happen in future installments. Expect to be able to race Caterhams and the like against other production vehicles.
That wiki article above said the cartoon Mach 5 had 5,000 hp, and revved to 30,000 RPM. Imagine that one in-game.
If it does end up in game at all, I doubt it will be THAT intense...

...the car they "tested" was equipped with a 1700hp, quad-turbo V12 redlining at over 8 grand...

Still, I can live with 1700hp and 8000 twists per minute.
i didnt get the r&t story. obviously it was an april fools issue but is there going to be a real speed racer movie? was the mach 5 in the mag fotos a movie car or was it virtual as done by PD? sure looked real
The Mach 5 in GT would be awesome. Its no suprise that PD had a hand in this. I was pysked when I found out that Polyphony played a big role in designing the interface for the GT-R 35's in dash computer.
why movie cars!? it's a racing game!!! I think it's to much as it is in GT4 with Jay Leno's tank car and all that ****, its an awsome car but not in a racing simulator...
Its a enthusiast game created by enthusiast, its same reason they have concept cars. Dont want one? Dont get one.
Its a enthusiast game created by enthusiast, its same reason they have concept cars. Dont want one? Dont get one.

Self explanatory.

Jim Prower: The "General" as in General Lee. Dont you think that would cause alot of controversy because of the Confederate flag on the roof. I think it would be in PD's best interest to stay clear of that. Just a thought...
i didnt get the r&t story. obviously it was an april fools issue but is there going to be a real speed racer movie? was the mach 5 in the mag fotos a movie car or was it virtual as done by PD? sure looked real

Yes, there is going to be a "real" Speed Racer movie. Unforunately, it almost looks like crap with heavy doses of CGI & special effects.
I hate to burst your bubble, but every April R & T does a "joke" review of something.
Last year I believe it was a Street Sweeper, the year before it was LJK Setright's MG-TD.
I believe that the year before that it was a Zamboni.

It would be cool, but R & T has been pulling the collective leg of its readership for many years in April, as their April Fool's Joke.
Don't get your hopes up yet.
Supposedly the car they "tested" was equipped with a 1700hp, quad-turbo V12 redlining at over 8 grand with a curb weight of 2400lbs. If included, this could very well be the next great cheater car in Gran Turismo history.

yeah, if it makes it into the game, and those stats are carried over, it may even give the preposterously good Escudo Pikes peak from GT2 a run for its money.