those stupid speedcards

  • Thread starter dempixels

Am I doomed to go on... Easy difficulty?

  • No, don't be such a baby.

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • Yes! Yes you are!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 1 20.0%

  • Total voters
Before I explode because of my anger I first have to say.. that payback is 10 times better than the need for depression 2015.

But THOSE DAMN SPEEDCARDS AARRGGHHH. My luck sucks so much in this game that I can't even get close to the stupidly high "minimum car level". I mean.. Sure I am skilled enough that I have just beaten a level 365 offroad race with a level 300 car on normal difficulty, with a steering wheel. (even though it took me... some... uuuhhh... tries..) And I have to say that I am lucky to get to level 300 because for a long ass time I was only able to race with level 280.

But holy smokes, I just can't get those cards the way I want it to. I rarely get a combo that could seriously boost the performance my car.

Is there some way to like.. get around the system? is there some way to get some good cards? or is this all just straight up gambling until you got it?
Because if this continues I have to.. to.... sniff... go on easy difficulty! Yikes! What a nightmare! :nervous:

(Sorry for my crappy English!)
If you have time, I'd suggest replaying some of the earlier races again and grinding for more parts. It is worth bearing in mind the game is far less grindy than it was at launch, so this shouldn't be much of a hassle.

Also while you are still completing the story, try to focus on building one car to max level for each class rather than filling out your garage and upgrading multiple cars simultaneously, it just hampers the ability for you to get one car to the max level. Once you are done with the story, you will have no recommended levels attached to events and plenty of time to build your car collection.
Also note the tune up shops and tokens. If you spec out a car with a few random level 3 parts, the shops will start to stock level 4 or 5 parts. The parts change ever 10 minutes so bust a few earlier races for a couple extra speed cards and cash (trade in duplicate cards for tokens or cash) and come back for newer, better parts. Also note the bait crates and the shipments you get for levelling up. Baits give cash and cards while the shipments give cash, tokens and a vanity item. Also Drift events are an island in the stream (easy money and trade extra cards for tokens). Aki Kimura's boss race is handy for grinding as is holtzmans finale. The cash from both will pay for a high end (level 18) part with each race. Finally the part sets will also help as buying one will boost the level of the other shop parts as well. Other than that FT-1 is on point.

P.S try getting a few of the boss cars in the abandoned car thread. Currently Gallos rsr is up and is well worth a full tune. If trends keep going Natalia Nova's Pagani should be up in 4 weeks
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Not gonna lie, I forgot about the abandoned cars; Bag one of the boss cars (The RSR which is currently available is a beast in race class) and you're blessed.
Just to add a quick point on boss cars. Next week should be a 32 Hot Rod (nice for posing but not much beyond drag and even then there are better) halloween special. If you're in the mind for collecting be sure to get it as it's seasonal and is rarer than the boss cars. Once we get back to the regular boss cars the week after the order should be FEM Raptor (decent but there are better. Still useful in a pinch), Noise bomb Sylvia (very good drifter) and then the fabled Pagani (315 out of the box and an absolute peach). Note none of the abandoned cars are visually customisable.

Speaking of good cars what FT said regarding picking a car and sticking to it, he's right, but there are some cars worth sticking to more than others

Derelicts will carry you most of the way with the beetle being the best Drag racer and the 240Z one of the best Drifters. They are also free initially cheap enough after. Racers tend to be 10 a penny for early races, but standouts for top races are the Pagani (you'll have the devils own to afford it and won't really get a chance until nearer the end of the game after some grinding), RSR (160k+ for an old porsche yet a darling once fully tuned) and either the Stang or C10 derelicts (only for the fact they're free and have a super build option). Off roaders that shine are the BelAir derelict (Mac drives it for a reason), the Range Rover Sport SVT (must purchase the dlc for this. If you do the car is free) or imo the firebird (as before dlc must be purchased). The firebird is a personal option and not for the faint of heart. I have also heard it said the beetle is a beast, but I've struggled with it, but more on that later. Final class is a general free for all. Runners are generally hit and miss (pun intended). Go for the Panamera, X6M, C10 derelict or M5. Generally anything fast and heavy as you will need all your whits about you. The police aggression can be random at times, but generally brutal on hard and if you've a car that's easily swayed or slow you will suffer.

All in all pick a car you can actually drive as while some cars have an edge, if you can't exploit it or can exploit something else to better effect, go with it. Case in point I find the Firebird more to my liking for off roading than the Beetle even though the Firebird is wayward as all hell, yet ballistic across most terrain. The beetle I find too Stiff and not 'as' fast (still a bloody missile though).

At the end of the day you will face Speed cards, but if you take all the advice in this thread you'll be at a minimum for speed cards, and in a better place to take on the harder difficulties (what works best in easy works best in hard). Buy your speed cars and use your tokens, Grind drift events early on and convery needless cards to tokens or money, use your derelicts and the abandoned cars and consider a couple of hard purchases (RR Sport SVT).

P.S Complete the Speed Cross Events first. You are given a car to do it with and you get to keep it afterwards. The money is decent.
Additional advice: The game throws money at you. I chose to use the money to buy speed cards as first priority rather than roll for them. Now that I'm at the end of the game, I've used up most of my money buying cars, but now I have 350 tokens to roll for the speed cards I need.