Thoughtcrime is Death. EDIT: An Update, NEW STUFF!

  • Thread starter F1GTR
Nice. Looks really pro. A few thing, though…

The second thoughtcrime looks very squished, IMO. But being on it’s own line might not be much better. Actually, maybe it would because the colon followed by a line-break would make some sense… I dunno, you need the lines to be justified on both sides so I guess you have no choice but to leave it or do something like:
does not entail death:

Also the weight of George Orwell, Nineteen-Eighty-Four is very light compared to everything else and is a bit distracting for me.

Still, very awesome.
Fking amazing. If I had the cash, I'd ask you to upload it as the biggest print size dA allows so I could buy it. Did you follow the tutorial by tanner morrow?
Yep, followed his tutorial. (well at least what I could remember of it!) :lol:
what's this tutorial? i really like the concrete texture, the simple colours and the use of altering sizes in font.. i just finished reading reborned it with a very urban style. Yes the "thoughtcrime" is a bit small, it however puts even greater emphasis on "death".instead i think you should make 'thoughtcrime' bigger than the first 'death:'..

@ Blake: i just learned this after my poster design project, if you were to have the words lined up liek you wrote, that's widowing, meaning you leaving single words by themself which isn't a good idea. This piece of work in particular is Text Art, playing with sizes matter.. that's what helps enhance the artist's message or point.

Awesome work! My best friend is now a freelance book cover designer and I've met some of his mates who are professional illustrators, graphic designers etc.. and they seem to get paid ALOT of money for doing things very much like this. Are you studying or planning to study graphic design - or do you want to/already do it professionally?

Thanks TM, right now graphic design is more of a hobby for me, but I still haven't decided what I want to do career-wise, although I'm definitely considering it.
:drool: :D

Thats some pretty amazing work F1GTR. Both of the work looks awesome and jaw dropping.... 👍 As for the first one, it looks cool, but I agree with the others. The second "thoughtcrime" should be slightly bigger. But yeah, I wish I can make a T-Shirt out of that... :D
kudos for helvetica :P
i think itd be stronger with less colours, or maybe a total coverage of the gradient and have the battle of LA symbol and the type in black over the top