Thoughts on GT7’s state and a possible band aid

  • Thread starter k20_Bones
United States
United States
I was thinking about where this, for lack of a better term, “nothing to do” feeling I get while playing GT7 is coming from and my stoner brain made this connection. Figured I’d share to see if anyone feels similar.

A lot of People complain about the car count, and I can agree for sure. Not strictly because of the count, but some of the glaring holes created by the cars that are missing. As a JDM fan, I see a list of at least 15 cars that have been in previous games and 100% deserve a spot over a lot of cars currently in game. This is where I started to notice how a game like GT3, which in terms of car count was very low, but had a ton more replay value imo. After thinking about why this is, I came to a pretty obvious conclusion. I think a lot of the lack of content the community is feeling is due in large part to the fact that you cant win cars from races every time you do the race. Even if they added the ability to sell cars now, it wouldn’t make that much of a difference since you are barely ever gifted or earn a car from an event. Not only was selling those cars the real way you would grind credits, but it also made you WANT to do every single race possible just to see what you could win. GT3 had somewhere in the neighborhood of only 200 cars, but the fact that every race could give you one of 4 or 5 cars (I forget the exact amount on the roulette wheel) gave you incentive to keep grinding. GT3 even had an added layer of replay value due to cars that you purchased more than once not producing the same amount of peak horsepower when fully modded as the original car you bought. But, winning that same car would give the same peak power as the original purchase AND offer different colors in a time when you couldn’t change the color of the car other than what was offered by the dealer. I think GT3 was the weakest of the series, yet back then they found a way to make a lack of cars not feel like a lack of content. There’s no way to implement these ideas into GT7, and I wouldn’t want them to, but I think removing the daily roulette spin and making it so you receive a ticket every single time you win a race could be a major gap fill for the “lack of content”. Make a change that allows you to earn a ticket appropriate to the level of the race, and slightly improved the odds of better roulette rewards (just a very slight improvement since the number of tickets earned is increased drastically). I think we have a solid single player game on our hands if something like this was to happen as it basically unlocks engine swaps and top tier tuning parts to anyone willing to grind tickets, on top of the extra credits, cars, and overall excitement of hunting that reward you want. Maybe this doesn’t mean anything to most people, but figured I’d share my thoughts and see if anyone else thinks this change could massively improve the game state.
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