Thread closed


Season 3 - Week 1


Lobby is open and invites have been sent
Houston we have a problem. At least I think we do.

In regards to the race at Zolder. I spun on the 21st lap and I know Mr. Mopar passed me, I also thought @VonSlamStone passed me as well. I thought I finished 4th, yet the official scoring table shows me in 3rd.

Anyone have replay? Better yet, Vonslam did you finish 3rd?
I was a lap down to a few guys as well and ended up finally getting a groove and passing a few guys who lapped me.

Season 3 - Week 2


Below are the current Active Drivers with provisional entries into the Main Event. The below listed drivers (not listed in BOLD below) need to confirm their intent to race this week by replying in this topic (no later than 8:00pm eastern on Monday 9/28/15) with a simple post that they plan to race this week (Example - I plan to race this week). I will update the list accordingly.

As we only have 15 active drivers this season, we will not need KOQ.
  1. Mighty_mopar - Confirmed
  2. Joe_DiBen
  3. TheFilapino - Confirmed
  4. Von_Slam_Stone - Confirmed
  5. Ice_Warden - Confirmed
  6. SGETI - Confirmed
  7. GrimGrnninGhost - Confirmed
  8. ONESPACE - Confirmed
  9. zii1993 - Confirmed
  10. Schmiggz - Confirmed
  • DoublePass
  • Magrathea_42
  • Silentkiller_201
  • M-D-I
  • gotdirt410sp
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I'm having an issue with my wheel. Or maybe it's just me and the game. It's kinda ticking me off. Sometimes when I'm racing my cars turn on a time with no set-up, other times it feels like I'm turning a cruise ship. I thought I got it figured out with calibrating the wheel. But now I'm not so sure.
I thought I had the "how to save tunes " figured out too. But I screwed those all to hell. I had the car flying around Imola, but now it's just crap and can't find the set-up.
Getting a little irritated with this game.

Season 3 - Week 2


As we only have 9 confirmed drivers this week, we will not need KOQ. I will open the lobby to all CONFIRMED drivers @ 8:30pm Eastern
Confirmed drivers for today's race
  1. Mighty_mopar - Confirmed
  2. TheFilapino - Confirmed
  3. Von_Slam_Stone - Confirmed
  4. Ice_Warden - Confirmed
  5. SGETI - Confirmed
  6. GrimGrnninGhost - Confirmed
  7. ONESPACE - Confirmed
  8. zii1993 - Confirmed
  9. Schmiggz - Confirmed

Following drivers did not confirm per the standard Pre-Race Report process and may not be racing this week

  • DoublePass
  • Magrathea_42
  • Silentkiller_201
  • M-D-I
  • gotdirt410sp

Following drivers have indicated that they are not racing this week
  • None