No one said it doesn't stay in memory.
I tell you want you believe what you been told & I will believe the information I was given by TM tech when I purchased my wheel last year.
If I was informed wrong then so it goes , what I will do is email them again & get an update.
You should of ask does the settings under gain in the windows control panel affect the wheel when use on a PS4.
Nancy is a helpful person but is not sure, the reason I know is because I asked her.
But either way you do it your way & I'll do it mine
End of chat on my side.
Good luck & enjoy the game
I can say you in games with autodor as the first assetto or GTS ,the inputs of the TM control panel doesn't affect/apply playing on PS4,as the game sets everything automatically.
Other games as Pcars, ACC ,yes, the gain you put in TM control panel apply and affects playing on PS4 like also the limit of rotation and some other settings that you can decide set it or that the game sets it.
I use an laptop, changed config in TM control panel ,and it apply/affects playing on PS4,you see and feel the changes made.
Use same in-game settings,car and track to see it isn't fake or placebo.
You can easily try for yourself,in my case it's easy and fast connect the wheel to my laptop,do some changes/reset config/update firmware,disconect from laptop and connect to PS4 again.
I just wanted to be helpful and explain what I've learned and know, everyone is free to do and believe what they want.
I ended up with after updating the firmware of my wheel and this FFB settings in-game, saving 6 presets with the different rotations of the cars, and I'm really enjoying and happy with the feeling and the game right now.
If my posts helps you ,or somebody else, perfect..if not,well, sorry
If one does not have access to update the T300 firmware, will this game be unplayable? I’ve had my wheel for 4 and a half years and have never updated.
Not unplayable,but on last firmware the performance of the wheel can be better on ACC and other games, the last update brings also performance upgrade to the new Thrustmaster T-LCM pedals if you contect them to the wheel base, changing the pedal input from 12bit to 16bit (more bits make them more responsive and with more presicion).. firmware updates can also iron out some problems.
Always good idea to update the firmware of the wheel