My little sharing about the now we all know it is identical to the T500 pedal but Thrustmaster offers a standalone add-on, and it does include the rubber foam with spring brake module and the T3PA additional conical rubber brake module for your own preference, I would say obviously....everyone will go with the conical rubber which I have installed it in the T3PA pro myself, contributing a 44lbs/20kg force by default longest position, have it tried for few races today, absolutely stunning when you are desperately looking for delicated control of brake level, it really helps a lot, specially at hard corners, you will feel the difference immedaitely and found yourself (at least I'm) previously applied too hard braking result in velocity and momentum loss at corners, now you can feel u must apply harder to press the brake pedal at around 80% and start to think whether you really need a even more harder braking depending on various situation, for example time attack and race against people are totally differenct things....