(((Thunder Days))) -NASCAR Series- Season Over- *Claim Your Prizes* :)

Ill try my best to race, but a warning to all be wary my wrist may go again...

try your best, I hope u do well & good luck 👍
Am I still your team mate?

Can you give me some point

yes, you will be receiving points as independent as your not in a team atm, the points will depend on how many other people will be racing tonight
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The finale really needs more people. :scared:

Il try my very best to get people to join on Sunday at the right time, but moss and Tim are likely crossed off the list for that but Katie can hopefully make it cus it'll be before she does her hw, we have Alan, brendon, you, me, rst220, Optimusbiffus & Katie, that should be great! Maybe il invite Phil too for a 1 off
Il try my very best to get people to join on Sunday at the right time, but moss and Tim are likely crossed off the list for that but Katie can hopefully make it cus it'll be before she does her hw, we have Alan, brendon, you, me, rst220, Optimusbiffus & Katie, that should be great! Maybe il invite Phil too for a 1 off

You guyz postpone it or you guyz race without me and who won the race
Ah k m8 btw don't use soft on Toscana

I used meds mostly, but started with soft's to get a lead at start and used soft's on last pit to catch up, I did this for both races

The results will be up tonight or tomorrow depending on when I've got time, its my 1st week of college
The last race will take place at- 5:00pm UK time (BST)
EST: 11:00am

Before Nascar on TV and early enough for people to race who go to work the day after 👍
You guyz racing yet

Lounge just opened.

Never has a racing series had more drama over internet connection than the actual racing.
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Great series. Thanks to Stig for hosting it, Storm for giving me close rivalry, Alan your a great pace car driver :), and thank you stig and Katie for sticking with me after my slow starts on route x.. !
This was a great series and I wish to see something similar to it in the next year or so. :D:tup:

Anyways, in case you guys are interested I'm starting a Super GT oval series. Feel free to join if you wish.
This was a great series and I wish to see something similar to it in the next year or so. :D:tup:

Anyways, in case you guys are interested I'm starting a Super GT oval series. Feel free to join if you wish.

I super gt'd myself out before i joined gtp so ill pass sorry mate.
Lounge just opened.

Never has a racing series had more drama over internet connection than the actual racing.
Yh it took longer to sort out the connection issues then the time it took to do both races lol, but glad we got through to racing in the end :)

This was a great series and I wish to see something similar to it in the next year or so. :D:tup:

Anyways, in case you guys are interested I'm starting a Super GT oval series. Feel free to join if you wish.

Yes next year, in the summer hopefully I will do 'Thunder days season 2', or maybe 'Road to Daytona' which will be on GT6, so more tracks, maybe I can do a long & crazy looking track for it on the new track editor if it allows me.
I hope to race you all again in Nascar on GT6.

For now I'm just focused on the Blue & Red championship that I'm running with the help of Brendon.

About the SuperGT, I sent you a message about it but sorry I will not be able to take part unless if I can join in the Xmas holidays when I'll have more time :)

Great series. Thanks to Stig for hosting it, Storm for giving me close rivalry, Alan your a great pace car driver :), and thank you stig and Katie for sticking with me after my slow starts on route x.. !

your welcome Brendon 👍

The Results will be up for Toscana & Route X + the overall results before Thursday

I do wish to give out prizes and as I have a huge collection of 790cars, I can send cars (of the winner's choice If I have it & If it costs over a mill, I'll put it up for sharing) + my prize package (which includes: racing suits/helmets & paints) to the winners of Driver results & Teams
I can also paint the car chosen in DLC paint before sending it 💡

Yh it took longer to sort out the connection issues then the time it took to do both races lol, but glad we got through to racing in the end :)

Yes next year, in the summer hopefully I will do 'Thunder days season 2', or maybe 'Road to Daytona' which will be on GT6, so more tracks, maybe I can do a long & crazy looking track for it on the new track editor if it allows me.
I hope to race you all again in Nascar on GT6.

For now I'm just focused on the Blue & Red championship that I'm running with the help of Brendon.

About the SuperGT, I sent you a message about it but sorry I will not be able to take part unless if I can join in the Xmas holidays when I'll have more time :)

your welcome Brendon 👍

The Results will be up for Toscana & Route X + the overall results before Thursday

I do wish to give out prizes and as I have a huge collection of 790cars, I can send cars (of the winner's choice If I have it & If it costs over a mill, I'll put it up for sharing) + my prize package (which includes: racing suits/helmets & paints) to the winners of Driver results & Teams
I can also paint the car chosen in DLC paint before sending it 💡


Now that's service but only storm needs one :P
I like to host wrc series

My advice would be to do a survey on friends, ask them if they would join you if you set it up and also plan out a time that fits them

Get people aboard before putting it up on GTPlanet rather than putting it up first and hoping that people will join,

get up to 3 people or more interested first and who will definitely take part before you start 👍
My advice would be to do a survey on friends, ask them if they would join you if you set it up and also plan out a time that fits them

Get people aboard before putting it up on GTPlanet rather than putting it up first and hoping that people will join,

get up to 3 people or more interested first and who will definitely take part before you start 👍

When you be on gt5? There's a 1:53.8 Alfa waiting for you
Toscana Results

(((Race 1)))
Driver-/<Points>/(Additional info)
1. Mrbrendon999- [31pts] &#8216;Podium (+1)&#8217;
2. Stormtrooper2178- [30pts] &#8216;Podium (+1)&#8217;&#8216;Fastest Lap (1+)&#8217;
3. TheOldStig- [27pts] &#8216;Podium (+1)&#8217;
4. Alan_2134 / TIMxMP4-26 / rst220 / Optimusbiffus / Katiegan- [24pts] &#8216;Absent&#8217;

(((Race 2)))
Driver-/<Points>/(Additional info)
1. Stormtrooper2178- [30pts]
2. TheOldStig- [28pts]
3. Mrbrendon999- [27pts] &#8216;Disconnected&#8217;&#8216;Fastest Lap (1+)&#8217;
4. Alan_2134 / TIMxMP4-26 / rst220 / Optimusbiffus / Katiegan- [24pts] &#8216;Absent&#8217;
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Route X Results

(((Race 1)))
Driver-/<Points>/(Additional info)
1. Stormtrooper2178- [30pts]
2. Mrbrendon999- [29pts] ‘Fastest Lap (+1)’
3. Katiegan- [26pts]
4. TheOldStig- [24pts]
5. Alan_2134- [22pts]
6. TIMxMP4-26 / rst220 / Optimusbiffus- [20pts] ‘Absent’

(((Race 2)))
Driver-/<Points>/(Additional info)
1. Katiegan- [30pts]
2. Alan_2134- [28pts]
3. Stormtrooper2178- [26pts]
4. Mrbrendon999- [25pts] ‘Fastest Lap (1+)’
5. TheOldStig- [22pts]
6. TIMxMP4-26 / rst220 / Optimusbiffus- [20pts] ‘Absent’
Overall Driver Results of Season:

1.Stormtrooper2178- 326
2.Mrbrendon999- 314
3.TheOldStig- 310
4.rst220- 295
5.Optimusbiffus- 280
6.Alan_2134- 279
7.Katiegan- 264
8.TIMxMP4-26- 248

Overall TEAM Results of Season:





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I have given my points over to alan for Toscana as I was the sub driver for the team he was in. this is the only was it would logically work.
Driver Prizes:
Well done Stormtrooper2178!
-choose a car + you will receive a prize package
(I will send after you have chosen your car/s & paints)

Overall Team Racing prize:
Another well done Stormtrooper2178!
-choose another car + select any more paints
(I will send after I have sent your 1st prizes)

Winner of team of 2 Prize:
Well done Mrbrendon999!
-choose a car + you will receive a prize package
(I will send after I have sent storm's prizes)

Winners of Team of 3 Prizes:
Well done Optimusbiffus, Alan_2134 & rst220!
-Choose a car + you will receive a prize package
(I will send after I have sent Brendon's prizes)
Brendon did win race 1. He passed me about an eighth of a mile before the finish. :P