Thunder & lightning race garage - home of the brave

  • Thread starter Marchbrown
i am available any day after 20:00 GMT.
For the BATTLE THAT NEVER HAPPENED ime going to be in the JAAAG.
If you can try to keep it for 10-12 people then you will have a better time countering lag.
Jon will probably host, he has quite good net. Or I can too, my upload is 10M.


Although, the host doesn't manage all the traffic any more apparently, it's more like p2p style traffic now.

RACE WEDNESDAY No 1 - talking money


Time: wednesday 19.01.11 at 20:00 GMT - 30 min qualifying
Track: Monaco - cote d'azur
Weather: Sunny only

Duration: 40 laps ~ roughly 60 minutes of driving + qualifying
Pitstops: 1 mandatory pitstop required between laps 2 & 39


Cars and restrictions:

Lancia Stratos 73 road version
Bhp limit 189 (no parts only oil change)
Tires: Sport Hard

BMW 2002 Turbo 73
Bhp limit: 210
Weight : 962 ( weightreduction stage 2 + windows)
Tires: Sport Hard

Golf I GTI 76
Bhp limit 210+ ( all parts included turbo stage 3)
Tires: Sport Hard



The Track
The port of Monaco is first mentioned in historical records as early as 43 BC, when Julius Caesar concentrated his fleet there while waiting in vain for Pompey. In the 12th century, the area fell under the sovereignty of Genoa, which was granted the entire coastline from Porto Venere to Monaco. After much conflict, the Grimaldis regained the rock in 1295, but suffered a significant amount of opposition in the ensuing years. In 1506 the Monegasques, under Lucien, Lord of Monaco, were under siege for some four months by the Genoan army, which had ten times the number of men. Monaco officially received full autonomy in 1524, but experienced difficulty retaining power, and on occasions briefly fell under the domination of Spain, Sardinia, and France.

BMW 2002 Turbo
The BMW New Class was a line of compact sedans and coupes produced by German automaker BMW starting with the 1962 1500 and continuing through the last 2002s in 1977. Powered by BMW's celebrated four-cylinder M10 engine, the New Class models featured a fully independent suspension, MacPherson struts in front, and front disc brakes. Initially a family of four-door sedans and two-door coupes, the New Class line was broadened to two-door sports sedans with the addition of the 02 Series 1600 and 2002 in 1966.

Sharing little in common with the rest of the line beyond the power train, the sporty siblings caught auto enthusiasts' attention and established BMW as an international brand. Precursors to the famed BMW 3 Series, the two-doors' success cemented the firm's future as an upper tier performance car maker.

Golf I GTI
Like its predecessor the Volkswagen Beetle, the Volkswagen Golf Mk1 has proven to be influential. In continuous production since 1974, the Golf was one of the first widely successful front-wheel drive hatchbacks. In the USA, the Morris Mini, Honda N360 and Fiat 128 saw only limited success, but it was the Rabbit, along with the Honda Civic that sparked another generation of European-derived front-wheel drive American compacts, such as the Dodge Omni, Escort and Cavalier in the 1980s, just as the Beetle inspired Falcon and Corvair in 1960s and subcompact Vega and Pinto in the 1970s.

Lancia Stratos
The Lancia Stratos HF, widely and more simply known as Lancia Stratos, is a car made by Italian car manufacturer Lancia. The HF stands for High Fidelity. It was a very successful rally car, winning the World Rally Championship in 1974, 1975, and 1976 and is btw the absolute dream garage car of the fearless leader of T&L. The Stratos was a very successful rally car during the 1970s and early 1980s. It started a new era in rallying as it was the first car designed from scratch for this kind of competition. The body was wedge-shaped, and unusually short and wide, providing maximum traction. Lancia did extensive testing with the Stratos and raced the car in several racing events where Group 5 prototypes were allowed during the 1972 and 1973 seasons. Production of the 500 cars required for homologation in Group 4 commenced in 1973 and the Stratos was homologated for the 1974 World Rally Championship.

1st - 8 T&Ls
2nd - 7 T&Ls
3rd - 6 T&Ls
4th - 5 T&Ls
5th - 4 T&Ls
6th - 3 T&Ls
7th - 2 T&Ls
8th - 2 T&Ls
9th - 2 T&Ls
10th - 1 T&Ls
11th - 1 T&Ls
12th - 1 T&Ls
13th - 1 T&Ls
14th - 1 T&Ls
15th - 1 T&Ls
16th - 1 T&Ls

According to Top Gear's highly spurious and questionable scientific knowledge, playing car racing games for hours makes you an 88 per cent better human being. And a better driver.


Flash 48
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ORGANIZATION - T&L Race season 2011

Race weekends

Time: The every second weekend T&L series 20.00 GMT

The race series is created by the members of the T&L crew. The task of race administrator is divided to the participants of the T&L race crew. Its up to the race administrator to decide track, number of laps, cars and conditions. In every race points are given from 1st: 16 points to 16th: 1 point.

Race administrator have to make a new post with name of race, track, cars involved, conditions and regulations for the race at least 4 days ahead of the race date.

Race series - name of event - Race administrator - date

Jan - The slide Ride Derby - Jon - 15.01.11
Jan - Wet pants wipe dust - Jon - 29.01.11
Feb .............. - Mac - 12.02.11
Feb .............. - Jukka - 26.02.11
Mar ............... - Mario - 12.03.11
Mar ............... - Kai - 26.03.11
Apr ............... - Maz - 09.04.11
Apr .............. - Adam - 23.04.11
May .............. - John - 07.05.11
May .............. - Bjørn - 21.05.11
Jun ............... - Warren - 04.06.11
Jun .............. - Rune - etc
Jul .............. - Jon
Jul ............... - dont know
Aug ................. - Mac
Aug ............ - Jukka
Sep ............. - Mario
Sep ................ - Kai
Okt ................ - Maz
Okt ................ - Adam
Nov ................. - John
Nov ................. - Bjørn
Des ................. - Warren
Des ................. - Rune

Race weekdays

Race Wednesdays - on turn fellowship - 20.00 GMT

What could be an interesting battle? Who is the better driver? - OR - Whats sliding all about? How could I make this thing go faster?
Race wednesdays is all about sharing and giving. T&L members give it your twist - and let your fellow crew take part. Its open mic racing.

Race admins - please post: name of race: track: cars allowed: tuning alowed: etc

Jon - week 2 and 3, 14, 27, 37, 48
Warren week 4, 15, 28, 38, 49
Jukka week 5, 16, 29, 39, 50
Maz week 6, 17, 30, 40, 51
Mac week 7, 18, 31, 41, 52
John week 8, 19, 32, 42, 53
Mario week 9, 20, 33, 43, 54
Kai week 10, 23, 34, 44
Adam week 11, 24, 35, 45
Bjørn week 12, 25, 35, 46
Rune week 13, 26, 36, 47

Members can change dates among themselves.

The GT 500 series

Not ready.......

The MR to thew moon series

Not ready

If raceadmins needs help please ask someone or the fearless leader.

T&L points

To stay a part of the Thunder & Lightning race team you will need T&L points. The year is divided into two seasons and by the end of each season you will need 10 T&L points.
More comming........

T&L handicap
Time from quali sessions decides what tire you can use in race. Its a free choice to upgrade tires with a week quali time.
More comming............
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Does anyone have a tune for the Jag? I just put one of my mickey mouse tunes on it, lower it put some camber on and call it good.
I havent done much to the Jag myself John. Made it 5 klikks lower in the rear and lowered the damper comps 2 klikks. Aero dosent make it much slower but I havent added it. Maybe Ill do If Ill choose to race the car. BTW you havent sorted out skype?
Nope mate - you can tune the engine up to 200 bhp thats it.
Ofc its hard to tell if anyone dosent apply to the rules but its a T&L event and I expect all of us to stay within the race limits. Im coming online later - maybe a test. Maybe the 2002 would be cool as we both fancy BMWs?
Wet pants Wipes dust
- xxxxxxxxxxxx - Saturday 29.01.11


Time: Saturday 29.01.11 at 21:00 GMT
Track: xxxxxxxxx time: xx.xx
Weather: You'll never know until raceday

Start time: 20:30 GMT (qualifying)
Weather: Rain

Duration: x laps ~ roughly x hr xx minutes of driving + qualifying
Pitstops: 1 mandatory pitstop required between laps x & x
Cars: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tires: Racing hard

* BHP is set after making oil change





The T&L 2011 season has just started and the first of hopefully manny T&L events are just around the corner. And for some points is the ultimate answer in life. In the name of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy the answer is already set - its 42 but - we do it serious. This is the points from the norwegian jury:

1st - 16 T&Ls
2nd - 15 T&Ls
3rd - 14 T&Ls
4th - 13 T&Ls
5th - 12 T&Ls
6th - 11 T&Ls
7th - 10 T&Ls
8th - 9 T&Ls
9th - 8 T&Ls
10th - 7 T&Ls
11th - 6 T&Ls
12th - 5 T&Ls
13th - 4 T&Ls
14th - 3 T&Ls
15th - 2 T&Ls
16th - 1 T&Ls

Points can be claimed after race.


Saturday 29.01.11
Start time aprox: 22:30 GMT (qualifying 10 min)
Duration: x laps ~ roughly xx minutes of driving + qualifying*
Pitstops: 1 mandatory pitstop required between laps x & x
Cars: xxxxxxxxx
Tires: Racing hard

* Its a guess and nothing else

- BHP is set after making oil change


Time: wednesday xx.02.11 at 20:00 GMT - 1 hour qualifying
Track: xxxxxxxx ........
Weather: Sunny only

Duration: x laps ~ roughly ...... minutes of driving + qualifying
Pitstops: 1 mandatory pitstop required between laps x & x
Cars: xxxx
Tires: Sport


According to Top Gear's highly spurious and questionable scientific knowledge, playing car racing games for hours makes you an 88 per cent better human being. And a better driver.
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My BMW is going to be in Storm trooper White.

Will be online about 8pm to do some testing and then some Super Gt.
Was goig to use the BMW, but for some reason i did the weight reduction on it. Will now be using one of the other two cars. Is upgrading the trans and shocks ok?
Was goig to use the BMW, but for some reason i did the weight reduction on it. Will now be using one of the other two cars. Is upgrading the trans and shocks ok?

Hi John

Trans and shocks can not be upgraded. The car should be stock, but after some testing yesterday Ive upgraded the race regulations. You'll find what you need in the race post and it includes the following:

BMW 2002
Upgrade bhp limit from 200 to 210 bhp
Upgrade weight reduction from nothing to weight reduction stadium 2 + windows. Car weight should be 962 kg.

Lancia Stratos
Downgrade bhp limit from 200 to 189 ( only oil cahge alowed)

Upgrade bhp limit from 200 to max bhp (including last stage turbo)

After testing all cars with these upgrades/ downgrades they are pretty simular except the difference you should expect in FR, FF and MR cars.
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PP: To be announced

TYRES: To be announced

TRACK DIRECTION: To be announced

TRACKS: Eiger short track 7 laps
Grand Valley 7 laps
Trial Mountain 7 laps

PITSTOPS: Optional

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