Tickets 5, 9, 12, 17 and 1000-mile

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Looking for all seven tickets. All told, I need:

Level 5
Level 9
Level 12
Level 17
Level 21
Level 24

I can trade any of the marked-off tickets above for a remaining ticket, or any five of the following paints:

Silver Chrome
Azzuro Acqua Marina
Midnight Purple
Midnight Purple II
Midnight Purple III

Color Shift:
Azzurro Nuvola Iridescente
Chameleon Blue
Chameleon Orange
Crystal Topas Pearlescent
Formula Chameleon Green
Maziora Andromeda
Maziora Andromedall
Maziora Everest
Maziora Matterhorn
Maziora Mazeran
Maziora McKenley
Maziora Seyfert
Maziora Trapezium
Maziora Plreadesll
Reflex Purple
Reflex Spice

AMG Monza grau magno
Matt Black
Matte Black
Matte Blue
Matte Brown
Matte Dark Blue
Matte Dark Gray
Matte Dark Green
Matte Dark Red
Matte Dark Silver
Matte Gray
Matte Green
Matte Light Blue
Matte Light Green
Matte Light Gray
Matte Light Red
Matte Light Silver
Matte Orange
Matte Pink
Matte Purple
Matte Red
Matte Silver
Matte White
Matte Yellow

I've also got 787B, R89C, R92CP, R390LM, R390 Road, GT-One, 905, 908 Total, etc... don't be afraid to make an offer if you have a ticket I'm looking for.
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Sorry - I had to edit the original post. For those that have already contacted me, I have Level 21 tickets, not Level 24. Sorry for the confusion.
Adbusmc, I've got all but the 5 and 9 lined up, I think. Would you trade for the Diablo Nomad, R390 Road Car, X1 S. Vettel, TVR Speed 12, Lambo Muira, Peugeot 905, Peugeot 908 Total or Nissan R92CP? I'll trade any one of the following for the 5 and 9 tickets.
i just got the Maziora Plreadesll chip, willing to trade it off. what do you still have avaliable to trade? willing to accept paint for paint trade too, rare oranges (peralized) or whites (matte/satin perferably).

also have a matte light gray and matte light silver....would love to trade for matte white, but looks like youre on the hunt too :/
I've got all the mattes. 24 in total. If you want the full set, I can do that.

I'm not sure of the full, complete list of color-shift, but I'm not missing any that I've ever seen offered:

I've also got the following color-shift

Azzuro Nuvola Iridescente
Aurora Nuvola Iridescente
Chameleon Blue
Chameleon Orange
Chameleon Purple
Crystal Topas Pearlescent
Formula Chameleon Green
Maziora Andromeda
Maziora Andromedall
Maziora Everest
Maziora Matterhorn
Maziora Mazeran
Maziora McKenley
Maziora Seyfert
Maziora Trapezium
Maziora Plreadesll
Reflex Purple
Reflex Spice


Azzuro Acqua Marina
Flip-Flop Yellow
Midnight Purple
Midnight Purple II
Midnight Purple III
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I'm back:

Just finished a bspec race and got a level 5 ticket. Still need one? Matte white and reflex spice for level 5 ticket?
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