Tim Vasvi - This is what I shoot...

  • Thread starter timvasvi
Hi guys and girls,

Thought I would share some of the car pics that I shoot seeing as we are probably all car enthusiasts and I am always looking for comments and criticism to help better myself.

Thought I would start with a few shots I took last weekend, the weather was warm, I had my camera gear in the boot, so I popped into Epping Forest for 30 mins or so to grab a couple of quick shots to test my Fader ND in a strobist set up. The first two were shot using strobes, the last two were just normal shots. Enjoy :)




Great pictures and car 👍! Shame about the light artefacting in first picture causing the green flash. What gear do you have?

I really need to start messing with my flash again to get some cool shots like this.
Great pictures and car 👍! Shame about the light artefacting in first picture causing the green flash.

Thanks, I was shooting into the sun, so I guess Lens-flare was inevitable. I have a version where I have it removed but seeing as I had already posted the original to my flickr, i decided to leave it.

What gear do you have?

To the surprise of many, I use Sony.

Those shots were taken using my A700 with the Sigma 30mm f/1.4 and the Nature Fader ND. I was using 2 Jessops 360AFD flash guns triggered using the Cactus V4 wireless triggers