Time For Another Age Poll

Originally posted by Josh

The what?:confused:

The, "I'm older than Africa", option?:confused:

Its kinda an inside joke from the GTF. One of the members there made a poll about where everyone was in the world. A couple of people voted for Africa, and the poll maker got upset. That started a whole discussion on Africa, and how nobody could be in Africa and on the GTF and the same time. So, now alot of the polls have Africa as a choice:)
Originally posted by space

Its kinda an inside joke from the GTF. One of the members there made a poll about where everyone was in the world. A couple of people voted for Africa, and the poll maker got upset. That started a whole discussion on Africa, and how nobody could be in Africa and on the GTF and the same time. So, now alot of the polls have Africa as a choice:)


I don't really get it, but its still sorta funny. ;)
Originally posted by The White Tornado
So Viper is in the 70+ range? :confused:


Nah, I know which one Viper voted for, and I know exactly who the "comedian":rolleyes: was who voted for the 70+ range...
Originally posted by The White Tornado
Did you used to attend the GTF Josh?


I heard a few people talk about it while I've been a member here, but when I finally decided to check it out, it was too late, Kenji's message was on the main page telling about the forums going down(temporarily).
Ok apart from the person who has marked 70+ who has probally droped dead by now that makes me the oldest and wisest one here... my door is always open if you want any words of wisdom :D
Originally posted by jag_man_v12
that makes me the oldest and wisest one here...

I agree with the oldest, but I'm not so sure about wisest...:P
Originally posted by The White Tornado
Hmm..... I don't need wisdom right now, but I could use an older person to buy a minor some beer. :D

Just leave it on my front step. :D

Hey, we don't use people here, and we most certainly do not disrespect our elderly. :lol:

Anyways, I'm done makin' fun of ya jag_man, and uh, could ya pick me up a 12 pack when you're finished with White Tornado's order?:lol:
Well, I'm one year older than I was the last time I voted in this pole. :P
:cheers: guys but it aint easy living on an old age pension Ive got a v12 jag that drinks more than I do :cheers: you guys can have the beer us oldies enjoy a wine more ;)
Originally posted by Josh

Anyways, I'm done makin' fun of ya jag_man, and uh, could ya pick me up a 12 pack when you're finished with White Tornado's order?:lol:

And don't mix up the order again. Last time I asked for a bottle of Merlot and you gave me a bottle of Schmirnoff (sp)


Hey, I don't think I'm abusing him. :) do you? :D
Originally posted by The White Tornado

Hey, I don't think I'm abusing him. :) do you? :D

Nah, just leave 'em some gas money and a generous tip on the steps...;)