This is actually relevant to what I was going to add to the thread.Folding space/time would be the best option for time travel. Since its already shown gravity distorting space also distorts time, this makes the most sense to me for how to get around to traveling through time. Just fold time in half like a piece of paper.
Over the years there have been many times where, like many other people, I've experienced "déjà vu," or I guess more accurately, déjà vécu. But unlike those who simply define it as a "fleeting sense of familiarity," I specifically remember having dreamt the conversation or event that I'm in (if only I could commit to keeping a dream journal...). I remember what someone is going to say next, I remember what my own response will be, and I remember my surroundings at the time and the things I saw. There have even been times where I've stumbled on a certain word in the dream (you know, when it's on the tip of your tongue but slips your mind), and used that experience to get it right when the event/conversation actually happens...but most of the time I'll just let myself say the same things and finish the conversation before bringing up the déjà vécu with my friends or whoever. I guess my mind is more comfortable doing that.
Here's my thought -- what if time isn't like a rigid line, but is actually more like a curled-up thread, a ruffled-up sheet, or distorted "space?" And what if different "points" in time occassionally brush against each other or barely touch, allowing the perception of these future events and causing the déjà vécu? What if dreams of past events are also caused by this? What if dreaming elevates us to a higher sense of awareness beyond our three-dimensional world? What if this perception of future/past events is what separates "realistic," vivid dreams from more vague ones, which are/could be entirely created by our own minds? What if vivid yet "weird" dreams are alternate realities or different "branches" in the timeline?
Come to think of it, what if time travel could be achieved by "switching" our consciousness over to ourselves at another date through this timeline "touching?" It wouldn't mean much for those who wish to go farther forward or back than their lifetimes, but that idea isn't so plausible anyway.