Time Trial #69 | 650pp 2WD Racing Cars @ Spa Francorchamps

  • Thread starter Doodle
2:05.8XX with a brand new 2J with oil change and ballast, no aids (including ABS) with DS3. Pretty happy. :) My best TT finish as long as I stay above ~730. :D
I guess anyone can do as they please. For me I only have 1 account for time trial and if I choose to use other cars I race them against eachother. I can see though where it might be interesting for others to see what times can be set with secondary cars. On the other hand if everyone did that it would mess up the boards, and on the advanced leader boards everyone is listed, not just the first 250.

Totally agree with you it should be ONE account for the time trials I have three accounts on my ps3 the other two are for trading cars,tickets,paint chips and I never running time trails with them.
What's the point in trying to beat your own time with a different account with the same car it be like immortal pilot creating 32 different accounts to guarantee he made it in to gt academy. The rules say one account per person why shouldn't it be the same for the time trails it just pushes guys who deserve to have their name in the top 250 on pure speed,skill,and commitment pushed down the list just to boost the ego of someone who thinks he above everyone else

Sorry for the long rant but its a personal pet peeve of mine
I can almost understand using both a personal account and maybe a team account name but the idea of anything more than that seems wrong. I don't think I would be far off to say that there might be 700ish different people in the top 1000 times.
Any particular Leaderboard cutoff is somewhat arbitrary.

But I do feel that consideration to other drivers should be given, and some cutoff is warranted for the reasons mentioned by nowayback/skyline1683/Teitzy👍. Agreement on this cutoff is probably impossible but I think that it would be best if there was a cutoff, above which it is best to run only one car/game profile.

Possible cutoffs:
10th place -- because thats the cutoff for the game replays

250th place -- because thats the cutoff for what the game shows of the on-line Leaderboard

1000th place -- because its a nice round number

5000th place -- because thats the cutoff for Milouse's👍 original browsable database

10,000 place -- because its a nice round number

67,060 place -- because thats the current slowest TT driver at Spa, who has run a 8:18.508 lap:tup:

100,000 place -- because thats the maximum number that Milouse's current database can browse.

I personally don't have an issue with what you are doing, however when folks run 3-4 accounts using identical cars as has happened in the past I get a bit cranky (especially if they are in front of me on the leaderboard :D )

I too get cranky if I get pushed down the Leaderboard a bit.:yuck::grumpy:

I've cracked into the top 1000 with my Toyota GT-ONE!:)

I've just run a 2:06.559 which slots me into 998th place!:nervous:

My 998th place just above ^^^ was pushed down into 1005th place within a few hours.:grumpy:

Wait, maybe I did it to myself!!:dunce::dunce:

Anyway, sorry about all the game profiles in this particular Time Trial. I have also run an Audi R8 '01 Race Car in the Time Trial, and it is sitting down in 6695th place, and a Bentley Speed 8 which is sitting down in 8380th place, which is probably where they will stay. As I mentioned, I did get carried away with running cars at Spa, so you won't see me doing this again.

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Good fun this.
Had a dash in a Camaro LM - But the engine note was a bit dreadful.

Then Used the Best Belgian Car in GT5.

Lashings of power, not a lot of grip. Has to be the Gillet Vertigo.

I added a lot of Ballast, detuned the engine to get it to 650pp - But the car would smear the rears out of any slow corner with real contempt. Painting the track with Rubber in a fashion Rene Magritte would be proud.
Any particular Leaderboard cutoff is somewhat arbitrary.

But I do feel that consideration to other drivers should be given, and some cutoff is warranted for the reasons mentioned by nowayback/skyline1683/Teitzy👍. Agreement on this cutoff is probably impossible but I think that it would be best if there was a cutoff, above which it is best to run only one car/game profile.

Possible cutoffs:
10th place -- because thats the cutoff for the game replays

250th place -- because thats the cutoff for what the game shows of the on-line Leaderboard

1000th place -- because its a nice round number

5000th place -- because thats the cutoff for Milouse's👍 original browsable database

10,000 place -- because its a nice round number

67,060 place -- because thats the current slowest TT driver at Spa, who has run a 8:18.508 lap:tup:

100,000 place -- because thats the maximum number that Milouse's current database can browse.

I too get cranky if I get pushed down the Leaderboard a bit.:yuck::grumpy:

My 998th place just above ^^^ was pushed down into 1005th place within a few hours.:grumpy:

Wait, maybe I did it to myself!!:dunce::dunce:

Anyway, sorry about all the game profiles in this particular Time Trial. I have also run an Audi R8 '01 Race Car in the Time Trial, and it is sitting down in 6695th place, and a Bentley Speed 8 which is sitting down in 8380th place, which is probably where they will stay. As I mentioned, I did get carried away with running cars at Spa, so you won't see me doing this again.


I'm sorry, but anything more than two accounts is just a bit ridiculous no matter how you try to justify it. I've always been against this practice and always will be. In my opinion, it is just being a bit too selfish. I don't care how far back your other accounts are, at some point you are still pushing someone else out of there place. There is nothing wrong with using an alternate account I guess if you want to try different cars, but you don't need a different account for every car you wish to try out. There is just no logic in that, other than just plain poor sportsmanship. That's how I view it.
I'm sorry, but anything more than two accounts is just a bit ridiculous no matter how you try to justify it. I've always been against this practice and always will be. In my opinion, it is just being a bit too selfish. I don't care how far back your other accounts are, at some point you are still pushing someone else out of there place. There is nothing wrong with using an alternate account I guess if you want to try different cars, but you don't need a different account for every car you wish to try out. There is just no logic in that, other than just plain poor sportsmanship. That's how I view it.

Yes but if everyone used 2 accounts then someone who is 1001, is then 2001 possibly. Just seems that 1 horse in the race is enough.

Btw i wonder how prelevent this is......
Yes but if everyone used 2 accounts then someone who is 1001, is then 2001 possibly. Just seems that 1 horse in the race is enough.
Btw i wonder how prelevent this is......

Yes, I totally agree with you. I was trying to be lenient with the two accounts, but I do agree, one is enough.
Knocked about 0.3 sec off this morning & down to 203.560 but still wasn't a great lap. I think 203.3xx is achievable but probably not going to find the time to run anymore laps unfortunately.
I'm sorry, but anything more than two accounts is just a bit ridiculous no matter how you try to justify it. I've always been against this practice and always will be. In my opinion, it is just being a bit too selfish. I don't care how far back your other accounts are, at some point you are still pushing someone else out of there place. There is nothing wrong with using an alternate account I guess if you want to try different cars, but you don't need a different account for every car you wish to try out. There is just no logic in that, other than just plain poor sportsmanship. That's how I view it.

I was trying to be lenient with the two accounts, but I do agree, one is enough.

I'm with you on your complaints about someone like me who sort of got carried away and ran too many cars at Spa:guilty:, but how can the limit be one game in the Time Trials?

How can I win the prizes/tickets/helmets on my second or third games if I don't run the Spa Time Trial? Do I have to forgo the prizes?

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I'm with you on your complaints about someone like me who sort of got carried away and ran too many cars at Spa:guilty:, but how can the limit be one game in the Time Trials?

How can I win the prizes/tickets/helmets on my second or third games if I don't run the Spa Time Trial? Do I have to forgo the prizes?

Well, you could always just squeak a gold time & then that wouldn't affect the top 500/1000? ;)
I'm with you on your complaints about someone like me who sort of got carried away and ran too many cars at Spa:guilty:, but how can the limit be one game in the Time Trials?

How can I win the prizes/tickets/helmets on my second or third games if I don't run the Spa Time Trial? Do I have to forgo the prizes?


Run them with the same ID, I signed in with my psn account on another gt5, and to my surprise all was at zero, no golds anywhere.
I'm with you on your complaints about someone like me who sort of got carried away and ran too many cars at Spa:guilty:, but how can the limit be one game in the Time Trials?

How can I win the prizes/tickets/helmets on my second or third games if I don't run the Spa Time Trial? Do I have to forgo the prizes?


Well, obviously there is no limit set by PD on how many accounts you can run per TT. I was speaking merely by an honor system type thing. You know, kinda like a good sportsmanship thing. You are obviously free to do as you wish, I just don't think its good sportsmanship to have all of those accounts in the event.

And as far as your second question, again, another weak justification. If you want the prizes on those other accounts that bad, then why not just back up your save and send them to yourself? I know there may be prize cars that you can't send, but how many of those do you need anyway?

I myself have 7 accounts for various things, but when I participate in the time trial events, I always just use 1 account as I see no need, or real advantage, to using all 7 of them.

I am also pretty sure that I remember reading somewhere on the official website that they, meaning Sony/PD, even ask you to limit yourself to using just 1 account. I could be wrong on that, but for some reason that sticks in my head as having read that somewhere. I'll see if I can't find it. At any rate, as I've said before, since there is no official limit set, you are free to do as you wish.....it just comes down to good sportsmanship and respect for your fellow competitors.
After many tries could not better my 2.05.551 time, but the good news is stripped and rebuilt wheel and it now works again.
How long for is any ones guess.
Tomorrow morning be on early to see what arrives as new tt.
Best of luck everyone.
Well, you could always just squeak a gold time & then that wouldn't affect the top 500/1000? ;)

This still wouldn't be fair to someone that was sitting in 999th place that gets pushed down to 1000th place (which is something that I think I did to myself).:irked::grumpy::lol:

What if on my duplicate games, I ran the Time Trials, just over the Gold Time, maybe making it a challenge to see how close I could come to the Gold Time. Would this be ok?

****If you want the prizes on those other accounts that bad, then why not just back up your save and send them to yourself? I know there may be prize cars that you can't send, but how many of those do you need anyway?

I myself have 7 accounts for various things, but when I participate in the time trial events, I always just use 1 account as I see no need, or real advantage, to using all 7 of them.

I don't really need any of the duplicate cars/tickets/helmets. They are just shiny new things to acquire like everything else in the game.

On my two main games, I have pretty much maxed out everything at this point.:dopey: So I was running some new games to inject some new life into GT5. So these new games don't have all the cars/tickets/stuff, so winning the TT prizes was providing the needed cars/tickets/racing suits/etc.

I have all my duplicate games on each other's friends lists, so I was having fun trying to beat my "friends" on the Spa Time Trial, but this does pollute the overall Leaderboard, so it isn't really necessary.

It will be hard, but I will try to limit myself to one TT game:(

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I'm with you on your complaints about someone like me who sort of got carried away and ran too many cars at Spa:guilty:, but how can the limit be one game in the Time Trials?

How can I win the prizes/tickets/helmets on my second or third games if I don't run the Spa Time Trial? Do I have to forgo the prizes?


Hi GTsail
You can run the time trial 14 days after it is finished. It will not count then, and you will still receive helmets, suits and money.
Hi GTsail
You can run the time trial 14 days after it is finished. It will not count then, and you will still receive helmets, suits and money.

Is this possible? I have never tried running them after the 14 day period. I had thought that they got closed. Have you tried this?

Is this possible? I have never tried running them after the 14 day period. I had thought that they got closed. Have you tried this?


Yep. When you enter the seasonal event scroll to the right and you will see the previous time trial event
For multiple accounts just enter the Time Trial and hit pause and log off line. Get your gold time and back out without logging back on and your prizes with show up. Back out of seasonals and log back online, pretty simple.
Yep. When you enter the seasonal event scroll to the right and you will see the previous time trial event

Confirmed, as I just did it with the last closed TT. Forgot all about doing it that way, good call on your part. 👍

So, there is the answer to your deal there Sail. Problem solved as I see it and you should have no need to run multiple accounts on a live time trial now. 👍
***You can run the time trial 14 days after it is finished. It will not count then, and you will still receive helmets, suits and money.

When you enter the seasonal event scroll to the right and you will see the previous time trial event

For multiple accounts just enter the Time Trial and hit pause and log off line. Get your gold time and back out without logging back on and your prizes with show up. Back out of seasonals and log back online, pretty simple.

Confirmed, as I just did it with the last closed TT. Forgot all about doing it that way, good call on your part. 👍

This sounds like a reasonable alternative for my over-zealous Time Trialing tendencies:dopey::guilty::lol:

I will give this a try whenever I feel the need for a few extra prizes...... Like tomorrow;):D

Thanks for the help!
Hello to all
GTsail290 is not the problem, and he is very kind!
In my opinion, even in top 50 or 100 there are some with 2-3 profiles..... How about this?
Well this will make my night intresting a friend gave me a mentle tune for the 2j mixed with my gear box settings and withing 3 laps at 2.03.522 with few stupid rookies mistakes at hair pin , eu rouge and at the bus stop
Hello to all
GTsail290 is not the problem, and he is very kind!
In my opinion, even in top 50 or 100 there are some with 2-3 profiles..... How about this?

Yes, he is very kind but, he is the problem (more so if he's running 7 or so accounts) just as well as the others are. Anytime anyone decides to run more than one account in these TT's, they become a problem. So I, and everyone else just wasn't only blaiming Sail for this problem, but his was more pronounced because he was running so many accounts.

At any rate, Sail was a perfect gentleman as I thought we all were as we worked through this disagreement. Nobody got butthurt over the stuation and we all handled like mature adults, especially Sail since he was the subject of the debate. Its been settled so I am pretty sure we can move on with no hurt feelings here.

@Sail: I just wanted to personally thank you for the way you responded to the criticisms of what you were doing. You handled it like a true gentleman and I have all the respect in the world for you on how you dealt with. :bowdown::bowdown: Glad we found a solution for you so that you can keep doing the TT's how you wish, without upsetting a lot of people. Good sportsmanship gets respect. 👍
I've only been playing this game for 4 months didn't do online until 2 months ago... now I do have multiple accounts my ex primary which I got every car in the game by being methodical about it.. (no duplicates unless I happen to love the car 4 some reason) another to use 4 trading .. another to start other cars 2 learn from scratch to learn new things and lose bad habits... (learned that one from Marvel vs Capcom 3 if u can believe it!!!) and yet another 2 let friends race so they can't mess anything up... anyway racing the 2j is not a cheat car, I can take a 787b, Audi, Minolta, F1 McLaren or Sauber and smoke it on certain races or even the same race depending on the opposition!!! also proper tunes and styles on an HSC, NSX Road or even the '89 Isuzu concept or some other car can go toe to toe with the GSX R/4... Racing in isolation time trials is not a measure to how great a racer a car can be!!!
Hello to all
GTsail290 is not the problem, and he is very kind!

Yes, he is very kind but, he is the problem (more so if he's running 7 or so accounts) just as well as the others are.

Thanks for the nice words, they are appreciated.:)

But, Cargo is right, my sometimes excessive Time Trialing runs are not really necessary, and not often, but in some cases, unfairly push other drivers further down the Leaderboard than is warranted and was un-intended. The multiple TT results help me with my record keeping, prize accumulations, and they allow me to compare my results against two separate "friends" lists on my two main games, but otherwise there really isn't much of a benefit.

Just for fun, I went back and took a quick look at my duplicate game profiles and I see the following results for the last 83 time trials:

In 24 Time Trials I ran 1 car
In 48 Time Trials I ran 2 cars
In 2 Time Trial I ran 3 cars
In 1 Time Trials I ran 5 cars
In 7 Time Trials I ran 6 cars
In 1 Time Trial I ran 8 cars (Spa!!!):dopey:

So as you can see, I usually run two cars thru each Time Trial, but in a few cases at tracks I enjoy or where the TT used a car that I like, I ran a few more.:):guilty:

See you on the tracks!
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