Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
@zaxs don't get your hopes up, you'll get there eventually. Durn I thought this would be an easy TT, but apparently I was wrong. It would be great if I could get those 2M credits to increase my bank account in GT.
It was more difficult than I originally thought as well. I tried for a bit and set an ok time, then I had to go eat dinner so I told myself one more lap. And on that one clutch last lap I actually improved by a significant amount, so I was pretty happy with that. I think that time is safe, so I won't be going back.

I think these could mean 5 million credits.


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Morning guys,

Like I said I wanted to secure Atlanta first before moving on the the BMW at the bull-ring so stradled myself in that hideous X2019 again... these are realy the timetrials that I hate, I'm bad at it and I can't seems to get any love for it..., but have to deal with it....

My best S1 this morning was a 21.589 but stuffed up the very last corner and spung out under the bridge ...

This lap my S1 was a high .8 almost 9 🙈🙈
And almost restarted but just completed the lap but had a major gain on the last chicane and was very surprised to see .600 on the line.... ill take it 😂

Should be enough?



If you're tired of RA, if the M3 gets on your nerves at RBR, if Spa is too serious, why not have fun online with some friendly faces?

More info here: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/threads/the-clash-of-the-titans.425806/#post-14204136

This is a non commercial publication approuved by @Lomic @smoothbore12 @330_D @Evilmuffin @Gogga @tmtk @Gorefast @MUC76 @K1LLD0z3R @Meythia and @Pesselles !
It makes me want to participate...but I'm not going to be able to 😢😢. I sincerely hope to be able to participate at least once this summer!!!! Have fun my friends !!!! Have a good run this evening !!!!
If you're tired of RA, if the M3 gets on your nerves at RBR, if Spa is too serious, why not have fun online with some friendly faces?

More info here: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/threads/the-clash-of-the-titans.425806/#post-14204136

This is a non commercial publication approuved by @Lomic @smoothbore12 @330_D @Evilmuffin @Gogga @tmtk @Gorefast @MUC76 @K1LLD0z3R @Meythia and @Pesselles !
ACHTUNG ! Mandatory BBS rims! <3

Edit: in all seriousness, this sounds like a riot :) Though a bit early in the evening for me, maybe I'll drop by if nothing else comes up.
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If you're tired of RA, if the M3 gets on your nerves at RBR, if Spa is too serious, why not have fun online with some friendly faces?

More info here: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/threads/the-clash-of-the-titans.425806/#post-14204136

This is a non commercial publication approuved by @Lomic @smoothbore12 @330_D @Evilmuffin @Gogga @tmtk @Gorefast @MUC76 @K1LLD0z3R @Meythia and @Pesselles !
Very much looking forward to having PS+ in the future again.
Had another session at RA last night to try and make my gold a little less fragile. Didn't really work out except for a tiny improvement from 1:00.816 to 1:00.799. The good news is that this was with a pretty weak first sector (22.0), my optimal is showing some more potential:


I think I'll leave it at this for now and take comfort in the knowledge that if push comes to shove, I can probably squeeze another tenth or two out of the X2019.
I'm on PS5 controller but I haven't found a way to take it flat out, I think it can be done but way to difficult to keep trying 😂
My best S1 is 22.4
I don't think it's possible to get gold off that.
Last time this combo was on I missed gold by a tiny margin after the time improved late on. This time I might just give up early and save myself the finger ache.
I decided to take a 5 hour nap before I did anymore hot lapping, so I woke up an hour ago. Wow, it's after 5am up here in North Carolina. We're on Eastern Standard Time.

I just purchased an Audi R8 for the Spa TT. I hope I made the right decision.
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I decided to take a 5 hour nap before I did anymore hot lapping, so I woke up an hour ago. Wow, it's after 5am up here in North Carolina. We're on Eastern Standard Time.

I just purchased an Audi R8 for the Spa TT. Ihope I made the right decision.
There is a rent option 🙈

My best S1 is 22.4
I don't think it's possible to get gold off that.
Last time this combo was on I missed gold by a tiny margin after the time improved late on. This time I might just give up early and save myself the finger ache.
On PS5 Pad as well and my best in S1 was 21.9 but that only happened maybe 10 times in over 900km in total. Never got through T1 flat out. Whenever I tried I flew into the wall.

My left thumb hurts like hell today. Not even .1s to gold but I don't think I will go again. Sick of this car and track 😂
Hummm, we already have some German players in sandals, but we'll welcome you with no judgment (and no fair-play, of course ^^) :sly:
In my defense, I opt for Birkenstock or flip flops. Never go full sandal.

I'm on PS5 controller but I haven't found a way to take it flat out, I think it can be done but way to difficult to keep trying 😂
Impressive time with lifting in T1. I'm only sitting at 1:00.9XX atm, but occasionally getting through T1 full throttle in a hit or miss scenario. It does seem to work with a smoother entry with only 1/8 to 1/4 steering input at first, then smoothly swing into full lock to hit the apex and smooth out the exit. It's easy to overdrive this corner on pad and very difficult to get right and the bumps on entry don't help either. The aero does a lot, but you have to let it do its thing and smooth is definetely faster here.

Edit: meeting Barry chilling in the grass mid corner at T1 a lot these days...
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I probably won't enter either, thanks for the offer though. I fear another bronze at Spa because I am struggling mightily hard there.
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In my defense, I opt for Birkenstock or flip flops. Never go full sandal.

Impressive time with lifting in T1. I'm only sitting at 1:00.9XX atm, but occasionally getting through T1 full throttle in a hit or miss scenario. It does seem to work with a smoother entry with only 1/8 to 1/4 steering input at first, then smoothly swing into full lock to hit the apex and smooth out the exit. It's easy to overdrive this corner on pad and very difficult to get right and the bumps on entry don't help either. The aero does a lot, but you have to let it do its thing and smooth is definetely faster here.
None of us wear the classic sandals, but we had to fulfil a German cliché to be recognized by our French and Greek friends. We preferred the sandal cliché to the sauerkraut cliché :lol:
@Barareklam what are your button configuration settings for using a manual? Mine are not working out,

L2/R2: shift gears up and down

X button: accelerate
Square button: Brake

I have been using this combo ever since I started back playing GT games in Summer 2021. I have to make a drastic change though if I want to improve my times.

@MUC76 I only wear sandals in the summertime!
None of us wear the classic sandals, but we had to fulfil a German cliché to be recognized by our French and Greek friends. We preferred the sandal cliché to the sauerkraut cliché :lol:
Speaking of cliché, what about a race on a German circuit with a BMW (stands for Bretzel, Mannschaft, Warsteiner)... :lol:

Martin, you're probably the only one here to have a greek friend (I know one but he is a traitor, so... :mischievous:)
The RA time trial in the X2019 is absolutely appalling, what a terrible combo. I've given up at Bronze, and I'm keeping it that way. The car is far too skittish and unpredictable to be fun using a controller.

On the other hand the M3 at RBR is great! Even though, on my first attempt, I did completely miss the fact it was the short circuit and ploughed straight into the wall before turn 2. :lol:
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For me X2019 RA is challenging and fun - as it should be. Short lap also means I do not need to wait long to try again after doing a mistake or to explore different line. I've managed to get both my controller and wheel accounts into gold with only a couple thousandths of a second apart from each other. Still learning the wheel but my times on it are getting closer to the controller. On this one in particular it feels much more natural with a wheel though.

@Barareklam what are your button configuration settings for using a manual? Mine are not working out,

L2/R2: shift gears up and down

X button: accelerate
Square button: Brake

I have been using this combo ever since I started back playing GT games in Summer 2021. I have to make a drastic change though if I want to improve my times.

@MUC76 I only wear sandals in the summertime!
I see, I was watching your video yesterday and was wondering what is happening with controls, acceleration and brake. If I was you, I would without a doubt switch to L2/R2 to brake/accelerator and X Square for gears, I have X gear up, Square gear down. Keep in mind there will be small learning curve but we noticed from DolphDrago better times after he switched, we also noticed better times from Gomario when he switched to DualSense, so go for it and you will get there after some time.
On this video here under you can watch controls and hands at same time and notice how I can keep brake half way pressed down into turns (trail braking) and that gives me faster times because of stability of controls. You got this!

This RA TT is a real pain in the posterior. I knocked off another half second or so but still far off silver.

@Barareklam what are your button configuration settings for using a manual? Mine are not working out,

L2/R2: shift gears up and down

X button: accelerate
Square button: Brake

I have been using this combo ever since I started back playing GT games in Summer 2021. I have to make a drastic change though if I want to improve my times.

@MUC76 I only wear sandals in the summertime!
Hi Chris. You asked this question a couple days back and got a few responses but I'll respond again in a little more detail. Changing the button config isn't going to get you a gold in the short term. It takes time to get used to...especially if you've been using the same config for a long long time. But just in a general sense I'd offer a few suggestions. First, I think it's safe to say most people who use controllers for GT (including myself) use the L2/R2 triggers for brake and accelerate. They are analog and have a range of motion that fairly accurately mimics an actual brake or gas pedal. You can apply smaller or greater amounts of both as you wish. Also, using the triggers allows you to apply a bit of throttle and brake at the same time which is often a useful thing but is impossible with buttons unless you happen to be blessed with two thumbs or are a contortionist lol. Gear changes on the other hand are really a digital switch. There's never a time where you're driving along in 3rd gear and you'd like to apply just a hint of 4th gear. You either switch to 4th or you stay in 3rd. Therefore, buttons make a lot more sense for gears. So, I'd suggest you might want to try getting used to using the following:


You can of course use any of the buttons you'd prefer. I just find that my thumb sits comfortably over square and triangle while I have to pull/flex it inwards a bit to hit the X/Y buttons so square/triangle is a very comfortable set up and since you're hitting those buttons dozens and dozens of times every session it might as well be as effortless as possible.
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