Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
Begun almost a 24 hour travel back home from Italy to Sweden (Foggia - Roma - Copenhagen - Linkรถping), will at least get the possibility to watch tonight's Euro in the airport in Copenhagen (Allez les Bleus!! ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท) during an 8 hour wait there. ๐Ÿ˜ด

Should be back home tomorrow morning sometime and will get one day to take care of the X2019 at Road Atlanta and M3 at Red Bull Ring. Not exactly optimal, let's see how it goes. :lol:
Begun almost a 24 hour travel back home from Italy to Sweden (Foggia - Roma - Copenhagen - Linkรถping), will at least get the possibility to watch tonight's Euro in the airport in Copenhagen (Allez les Bleus!! ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท) during an 8 hour wait there. ๐Ÿ˜ด

Should be back home tomorrow morning sometime and will get one day to take care of the X2019 at Road Atlanta and M3 at Red Bull Ring. Not exactly optimal, let's see how it goes. :lol:
Tack @NAXEHT !!!
Safe travels :)
Another 20 laps stint at RBR, with a tiny improvement, but it is pain...


Optimal better too...

62 laps in

Wรผrth still my nightmare, everytime I manage to gain something at T1 (one lap every 5 or 6 :P ) I lose everything and more at Wรผrth, and if there was something left after Wรผrth, I do a bad last turn.

At least not much red laps this time.

Did not put any ghost. Used CSA strong to test, did not feel much difference. Most of my time lost is due to my inability to do things right.

I've watched again @Mistah_MCA's lap guide but it did not gave me much more clues. Except in Wรผrth where he goes deep inside, I tried to replicate that but did not succeed each time, and often time it makes me even slower to be too much inside too early, as I have to crowl all along the inside to avoid oversteer to the outside and be in a bad spot for the left turns that follows
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I know I know... I said I won't be touching this, but having reached my limit at RBR (59.09x), I had to give it a go.


First couple of laps were abysmal, 1:40, 1:38... I thought to myself, come on man, how is this even possible, looking at the friends leaderboard, I know I had to go into the 33s somehow. And half an hour later, here we are :D Just had to get the hang of it, it's actually a blast to drive, very enjoyable, even on this horrid track.



Happy with this, onto the next one :D
I've been meaning to ask for quite some time. I know you're American, so why the KPH? :lol: About how fast are you at corner exit in MPH?
Haha...yes I am American, but I'm very confortable with metric units and actually have hard time with some of the imperial units (for example....fluid oz makes no sense to me. It takes forever to process how much is 32 fl oz, but 1 litter I can picture right away).

Anyways, corner exit speed was at 155kph which is 96.3mph (That's when I hit the left hand side of the main straight).
Good morning, look I urgently need you guys to check my two conversations, I selected 20 of you, I'm sure you'll get the notifications when you log on. I am having real trouble with RBR. However the Big Willow TT is more fun and relaxing, I got a time under 1'40.000.

I know most of you are busy with work and real life things but could you check and listen/read my post whenever you get a chance. I will be back later to see who responded, thank you all for your help and support.

@Evilmuffin what part of the U.S. do you live, because I live in NC and I still use KPH.
Another stint after lunch, 20 laps again, no improvement

Watched again lap guides from @Mistah_MCA and @Tidgney

In Tidgney's lap, I noticed that on the last 2 corners, he was breaking full power, then ease off smoothly, let the car roll without using throttle and then putting full throttle once the car as rolled enough. Tried to replicate that but to no avail.

And my inputs in Wรผrth are all over the place.

Medium time is a bit better though.

82 laps in
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After a few days managed to play the Willow TT. Was able to enter the 34 territory which felt like a relief. I was surprised that my earlier time of 1:35:231 was still within Gold category. Are players finding this TT hard or not many users have taken part in this TT? I drove around 25 laps today & it's fun driving with this car around Willow.

Another stint after lunch, 20 laps again, no improvement
View attachment 1371095

Watched again lap guides from @Mistah_MCA and @Tidgney

In Tidgney's lap, I noticed that on the last 2 corners, he was breaking full power, then ease off smoothly, let the car roll without using throttle and then putting full throttle once the car as rolled enough. Tried to replicate that but to no avail.

And my inputs in Wรผrth are all over the place.

Medium time is a bit better though.

82 laps in
I need to study their guides too. Cool times mate!
Today after finishing my run on the Willow TT, I just for the sake of understanding as to how do the top ranked players do so well saw the 2nd ranked player's replay.

What I instantly noticed was his car was barely nervous/twitchy especially through the downhill right left combo. Of course he had no assists on but it was real smooth. Probably he was on a steering wheel which helps not with the steering but even the pedals help with trail braking which I noticed he was doing through a few important turns.

It's a good lesson by seeing the replays of experts. They surely inspire us but matching them is impossible which is why they're experts in the first place.
Today after finishing my run on the Willow TT, I just for the sake of understanding as to how do the top ranked players do so well saw the 2nd ranked player's replay.

What I instantly noticed was his car was barely nervous/twitchy especially through the downhill right left combo. Of course he had no assists on but it was real smooth. Probably he was on a steering wheel which helps not with the steering but even the pedals help with trail braking which I noticed he was doing through a few important turns.

It's a good lesson by seeing the replays of experts. They surely inspire us but matching them is impossible which is why they're experts in the first place.
I don't think any of us mortals and humans will ever be able to copy what the aliens do and that's just the way it is. I think most of my issue is during my years of school, I used to be competitive in sports and have always wanted to be the best player ever. That's the same thing here, but I realize that it's not possible with my skill level as it is, so I'm gonna have to let my ego go and just finish each TT to the best of my ability.

My dad always said, "Chris, be proud of what you accomplish, you don't have to be better than everyone else, your health matters too, you can't put a price tag on your health."
What I instantly noticed was his car was barely nervous/twitchy especially through the downhill right left combo. Of course he had no assists on but it was real smooth. Probably he was on a steering wheel which helps not with the steering but even the pedals help with trail braking which I noticed he was doing through a few important turns.
Bizarrely, I'm on controller ๐Ÿ˜Š
Wow. Would love to know what sensitivity do you use for the DS4? My default is 4 & I took my setting to -2 and even to 9. I wonder if either makes a difference but I feel the right setting will help me extract more out of my best time.
Sensitivity is always set to 10 unless there are cars that require very precise inputs โ€“ like when racing on ovals etc.
Just keep in mind that each player is a different character and needs different time to adjust. There's no right or wrong setting in the end of the day.
I always use a controller for the ps4. I always have my sensitivity set at 9 or 10. Man, I should have tried the Willow TT when it came out, it is much smoother than the RBR one, see RBR is cramped up, there is more room to drive on Big Willow IMO.
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Managed to sneak under a minute at Road Atlanta... Miyazono went round in 58.913 during Nations Cup qualifying which is insane.

I know they were using new physics but everyone else was back in the 59's which is what you'd expect... (can't wait to try the new physics though!)


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โŠ‘โŸ’โŒฐโŒฐโœ โŸ’โƒโ€โโŠ‘โŒฐโŠฌ โŽŽโ€โŸŸโŸ’โ‹โŽ…โŒ‡, โ™โŸ’ โ˜Šโœโ‹”โŸ’ โŸŸโ‹ โŒฟโŸ’โƒโ˜ŠโŸ’
(Hello friends from Earth, we come peacefully)

โ™โŸ’ โŠ‘โƒโŽโŸ’ โŒ‡โโŽโŽ…โŸŸโŸ’โŽ… โโŠ‘โŸ’ โ€โŸ’โŒ‡โŽโŒฐโโŒ‡ โœโŽŽ โโŠ‘โŸŸโŒ‡ โŒฟโŒฐโƒโŠฌโŸ’โ€ โƒโ‹โŽ… โŠ‘โŸ’ โŽ…โœโŸ’โŒ‡ โ‹โœโ โŽ…โŸ’โŒ‡โŸ’โ€โŽโŸ’ โโœ โšโŸ’ โ€โŸ’โ‹”โœโŽโŸ’โŽ…. โ˜โŸ’โŸ’โŒฟ โŸŸโ!
(We have studied the results of this player and he does not deserve to be abducted. Keep it!)

โŠฌโœโŽ โŽŽโ€โŸŸโŸ’โ‹โŽ…โŒ‡ โœโŽŽ โ‹‰โŸ’โ‹โ‹-โŒฐโƒ
(Your friends from Zenn-La)


2 TTs very differents but similar results:
  • +/- 050 from the next sub
  • +/- 1.5 sec from the WR
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โŠ‘โŸ’โŒฐโŒฐโœ โŸ’โƒโ€โโŠ‘โŒฐโŠฌ โŽŽโ€โŸŸโŸ’โ‹โŽ…โŒ‡, โ™โŸ’ โ˜Šโœโ‹”โŸ’ โŸŸโ‹ โŒฟโŸ’โƒโ˜ŠโŸ’
(Hello friends from Earth, we come peacefully)

โ™โŸ’ โŠ‘โƒโŽโŸ’ โŒ‡โโŽโŽ…โŸŸโŸ’โŽ… โโŠ‘โŸ’ โ€โŸ’โŒ‡โŽโŒฐโโŒ‡ โœโŽŽ โโŠ‘โŸŸโŒ‡ โŒฟโŒฐโƒโŠฌโŸ’โ€ โƒโ‹โŽ… โŠ‘โŸ’ โŽ…โœโŸ’โŒ‡ โ‹โœโ โŽ…โŸ’โŒ‡โŸ’โ€โŽโŸ’ โโœ โšโŸ’ โ€โŸ’โ‹”โœโŽโŸ’โŽ…. โ˜โŸ’โŸ’โŒฟ โŸŸโ!
(We have studied the results of this player and he does not deserve to be abducted. Keep it!)

โŠฌโœโŽ โŽŽโ€โŸŸโŸ’โ‹โŽ…โŒ‡ โœโŽŽ โ‹‰โŸ’โ‹โ‹-โŒฐโƒ
(Your friends from Zenn-La)

View attachment 1371179

2 TTs very differents but similar results:
  • +/- 050 from the next sub
  • +/- 1.5 sec from the WR
First of all, thank you for this post Daniel.
I'm still lying under the table trying to regain my composure. ๐Ÿคฃ

The picture is also very expressive.
  • Centre and right tells me: This guy is fast
  • The fact that there's nothing on the left tells me: The guy is also clever
Done for today, the beer kicked in so my times started to go to trash. Still managed to get close to 1:33. 0.4s improvement thanks to, again, @djolliea ghost. Last day of this trial tomorrow, unless next tt will allow me to put some focus on big willow. Top 500 gives me my personal best for now. Managed to jump in front of @Pesselles (at least for a moment) which was my little side quest on the road to 33 :)