Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
Apparently it is possible. This was on my to do list when I still used my G29, but I switched to Fanatec and didn't end up trying this.

I do not know how to link specific posts, but here is the link for the entire thread. The important bits you want to read on how it's done is from post #34 to #46. You need a windows pc for this method.

If you or any other G29 user tries this method, please report back. I am curious to know if it really works.

Looks like you figured out how to link to specific posts, or a mod did it for you. Either way, I appreciate you posting this. I was unaware GHub could make changes to the G29, which I still have in use, albeit infrequently since it was handed down to wife and grandchildren. I'll need a '15 USB extension to get it connected to my PC from where it's installed now, without tearing it all down, to see what I can get GHub to do with it. Never did hook it up to my PC for firmware updates either.

Thanks again for posting that.
Looks like you figured out how to link to specific posts, or a mod did it for you. Either way, I appreciate you posting this. I was unaware GHub could make changes to the G29, which I still have in use, albeit infrequently since it was handed down to wife and grandchildren. I'll need a '15 USB extension to get it connected to my PC from where it's installed now, without tearing it all down, to see what I can get GHub to do with it. Never did hook it up to my PC for firmware updates either.

Thanks again for posting that.
Pleasure. Once you test it, let me know if it works. I kept my G29 as a backup wheel.

I was referring to linking to specific posts, the way @half_sourly did here:

Hi guys!

First session at the Eiger with the Mitsu... 56 kms and a .15.231 which gives me an average suitable with the current record (ok, the track is short 😉)

Thanks to @Metalgear9493 for his ghost.

I don’t have a flash at the moment, maybe it will come when I get closer to my limit (but no goosebumps at this time).

Something else (since the Super Formula and its aerodynamics), I find my wheel inert, despite a setting in game to 10. PD changed something for the tires?

Not really attracted to the kart at BH Indy, it reminds me of the Chapparal in Daytona... I have the feeling that this will be played for milliseconds, so first come, first served.

Have a nice weekend
Decided to celebrate promotion at work with a little gift for myself :D.

Yet to try GT7, but played a little EA WRC and difference coming from G29 is just massive. If you guys have any recommendations on settings/resources/anything else please share.
Pleasure. Once you test it, let me know if it works. I kept my G29 as a backup wheel.

I was referring to linking to specific posts, the way @half_sourly did here:
That appears to be where he may have pulled/copied the specific post URL as shown below for your last post

Then highlighted the text he wanted "wrapped" in that URL and clicked the Link button on the toolbar.


Paste in the URL in the resulting dialogue box and click Ok.

It gets a little tougher when you +quote/reply posts from entirely different threads.
Decided to celebrate promotion at work with a little gift for myself :D.
View attachment 1437956
Yet to try GT7, but played a little EA WRC and difference coming from G29 is just massive. If you guys have any recommendations on settings/resources/anything else please share.
You are going to really enjoy it.

If you look in the DD Extreme wheel thread there are a couple guys who post occasionally about what works and I've always found their settings work really well for me. I didn't know much about wheel tuning so I just copy what the experts use. I would read a little over there (settings overlap between wheels) but you might have to turn up the in game FFB torque because the pro has a little less...

I screenshot this from that thread but I do suggest reading a bunch in there and in the DD Pro thread in the sim racing hardware part of this forum.

Enjoy and I hope this helps.
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Thanks for the suggestion @330_D! I was looking for the FF settings for different games and it seems that every corner of the web has a different favourite settings, so it gets a little overwhelming at times. Will defintely start with these for GT7.
Ok, I haven't seen this said, so I am going to say it

The brake balance is broken. It is totally irrelevant. I have been trying to improve my Race 3 time with the lancer


With BB 0, I am getting 1:27.7 's
with BB -5, I am getting 1:27.7 's
with BB +5, I am getting 1:27.7 's

I tried using the E brake after a bit of frustration....NOTHING. I went and checked my mapping, and yep, it's mapped, but the E brake doesn't work.

I think that anyone setting a better time because of brake balance, it has simply been a coincidence. IF it isn't broken everywhere, it's definitely broken on the GR3 Evo.
Ok, I haven't seen this said, so I am going to say it

The brake balance is broken. It is totally irrelevant. I have been trying to improve my Race 3 time with the lancer


With BB 0, I am getting 1:27.7 's
with BB -5, I am getting 1:27.7 's
with BB +5, I am getting 1:27.7 's

I tried using the E brake after a bit of frustration....NOTHING. I went and checked my mapping, and yep, it's mapped, but the E brake doesn't work.

I think that anyone setting a better time because of brake balance, it has simply been a coincidence. IF it isn't broken everywhere, it's definitely broken on the GR3 Evo.
Thr best place to check is the double left hander at RBR. the second left is very telling for brake balance. In thr group 3 supra, on +5 I will unsettle the car if I aggressively turn in and quickly lift off the brake. If I set BB to +4, this goes away and I get lovely lift rotation and fly through the corner.
Ok, I haven't seen this said, so I am going to say it

The brake balance is broken. It is totally irrelevant. I have been trying to improve my Race 3 time with the lancer


With BB 0, I am getting 1:27.7 's
with BB -5, I am getting 1:27.7 's
with BB +5, I am getting 1:27.7 's

I tried using the E brake after a bit of frustration....NOTHING. I went and checked my mapping, and yep, it's mapped, but the E brake doesn't work.

I think that anyone setting a better time because of brake balance, it has simply been a coincidence. IF it isn't broken everywhere, it's definitely broken on the GR3 Evo.
Probably wrong thread? As far as I know, one can't even adjust it in Time Trials
Just about squeezed out a silver after multiple laps using the kart at BH! Not sure how you guys are easily achieving gold, vey tricky! Sold my G Pro setup so back on the pad for now and not sure which I prefer but quicker to pick up the pad and blast a few laps.
Just about squeezed out a silver after multiple laps using the kart at BH! Not sure how you guys are easily achieving gold, vey tricky! Sold my G Pro setup so back on the pad for now and not sure which I prefer but quicker to pick up the pad and blast a few laps.

CSA strong, controller sensitiity 10.

Try to keep the speed and momentum up, you only brake at T2 and the final right turn. Other than that you just lift off at the other turns.
Morning folks,

Was hoping for some trial time this weekend but only had saterday morning cause renovating the house takes a lot more time than expected.

But wanted to be @crome his poked bear but failed 🤣, great time buddy.

I didn't manage to climb on my leaderboard but did grab a few places 87 to 72, so I think a top 100 is secured.
I'm hoping to do one more stint on Eiger but time will tell

Great progression all, normally I'm a bit more active but times al very busy 🤣
(Water damage aint fun)

CSA strong, controller sensitiity 10.

Try to keep the speed and momentum up, you only brake at T2 and the final right turn. Other than that you just lift off at the other turns.
What does CSA actually do? And is it only recommended with a controller or can it be used with a wheel also?
What does CSA actually do? And is it only recommended with a controller or can it be used with a wheel also?

CSA stands for Counter Steering Assist.

With the Racing Kart I feel like it helped me fight the twichty nature of it. Also it helped me stopping going full lock when turning. That's just my personal experience/opinion though, I'm on a DS4 controller. Can't say much about the wheel.
What does CSA actually do? And is it only recommended with a controller or can it be used with a wheel also?
Yes it can be used with a wheel. In fact with better effect according to people like Tidgney, who believes the controller has built in assistance to reduce oversteer.

As to what it does, my experience is that it reduces oversteer (assisting the driver in counter steering to address oversteer, hence Counter Steer Assistance), making for better stability on exit.
Yes it can be used with a wheel. In fact with better effect according to people like Tidgney, who believes the controller has built in assistance to reduce oversteer.

As to what it does, my experience is that it reduces oversteer (assisting the driver in counter steering to address oversteer, hence Counter Steer Assistance), making for better stability on exit.
I’d agree with this.

I don’t use CSA personally and don’t have loads of oversteer issues but you do have to be lightening fast adding the oppo and lifting to catch most it most of the time. With CSA it feels like it’s doing that first 200ms of oppo where you might not even be feeling the slip start to happen.

I see a couple of streamers moaning that slides are impossible to catch, but you can see 2 things, they aren’t fast enough in adding the opposite lock and typically you can already hear and see that the wheels have completely lost traction by the time they are trying to correct it. It’s typically too late (I know this first hand when I rolled my M3)
I've always felt that with everything but AWD cars the CSA on weak makes them feel more like a real car when inducing oversteer. You don't get the snap that is famous in this game and generally mostly unnatural. Rarely am I quicker with it off and I don't really see it as an assist as much as just a way the car feels in game. It feels more settled in touchy spots for me with it than without.
I never mess with the settings myself. ABS weak and everything else off. I do on occasion blip the TC up a step or 2 but that's very rare and never lasts long. That applies to both the G29 wheel and the controller.
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As a pad user only I almost never turn on CS exept for very tricky and twichy combo's, it can indeed help bringing some nervousness back altho for my feeling or drivingstyle I must say it sometimes comes with a price, I think ( going on the input from reading here ) CS has a lot more use for wheel users, and some are definitely make that work big time ( I mention no names @crome ) 🤣

So for me it kind of combo or even corner depended... we had a NSX at Daytona a while ago.... braking into T1 was a real nightmare without CS, rest of the lap was fine without though 🤣

Try it and use what feels best for you, sometimes it takes a while to adapt but may be rewarding when putting in the time.

So for the running combo Brands Hatch... CS feels strong on the kart, and makes it a bit more doable but in the end for me it doesn't made a difference in laptimes.

Eiger, definitely no CS for me, tomany tight turns where CS seems to make rotating a little harder, but margins are pretty small cause the last time I did try and did run some 14.9's ....

So...... verdict...what erver feels best I guess 😁🤣