Time Trial - Results and Community Leader Boards

  • Thread starter half_sourly
Thanks again Mr. @half_sourly for your work!

Glad to know I'm still the fastest BR in the leaderboard!

PS: I'm the only BR in the leaderboard. 😂😂😂

You can add me,
Yob 1982
@skydragon49 Now look what you've done! You've got competition...

Celebrating Rio De Janeiro GIF by xponentialdesign
Here are some statistics for TT69 at 24 Heures du Mans Racing Circuit in the Bugatti Veyron Gr.4.

View attachment 1338988 View attachment 1338989

I will update the index of TTs and the 2024 and all-time scoreboards shortly.

Drivers with gold in all TTs
The number of drivers with gold in all standard TTs remained at 99.

Interim Results for the other current TT are over on the other thread.
Thanks @half_sourly! My first time in the top 1000. Woohoo! I'm pretty excited about that :)
Not many millenials around here ! Welcome to GODs land (Grumpy Old Dudes) 😁
Being pedantic, but 2002 is Gen Z. Millennials are older than many people seem to think. Almost or just barely in their 40's for the older ones.
Being pedantic, but 2002 is Gen Z. Millennials are older than many people seem to think. Almost or just barely in their 40's for the older ones.
Millenials are not born after 2000 ? I thought so.

Sorry, not already a GOD, but I'll reach that stage soon so please be indulgent with me, those are first signs of senescence 😁
Millenials are not born after 2000 ? I thought so.

Sorry, not already a GOD, but I'll reach that stage soon so please be indulgent with me, those are first signs of senescence 😁
No problem at all. Here's a handy chart. It's, I think, a common misconception. The 90's don't feel like they were that long ago, but well, here we are :lol:

No problem at all. Here's a handy chart. It's, I think, a common misconception. The 90's don't feel like they were that long ago, but well, here we are :lol:
I don't get why millenials are not around 2000, but before.
I don't get why millenials are not around 2000, but before.
I think it's to do with when they grew up/came of age, so to speak. People born around the end/beginning of the Millennium were largely unaffected by what happened during that time. It was just life for them.

There were pretty significant changes in technology and society around the turn of 2000 that if you were born in the 80's and early 90's that they got to witness and may have affected them more so than someone born after.

I also don't make the rules, so why they decided this was correct is beyond me :lol:
Xennial is a thing. It's those of us born before tech but grew up with it. We had the best of both worlds. Emerging pop culture and tech minds (early gamers, commodore 64 users etc... 😂😂😂) and we got the old school grew up when you rubbed dirt in a cut and hopped back on your bike till dark kinda thing. We were maniacs and I feel lucky to have been born when I was. Got the best of a few worlds.
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Millenials are not born after 2000 ? I thought so.

Sorry, not already a GOD, but I'll reach that stage soon so please be indulgent with me, those are first signs of senescence 😁

I don't get why millenials are not around 2000, but before.
They named millenial because they witness the millennium turn, so if you were older than 20yo or too baby (in 2000) to not understand the Millennium bug you're not a Millennium. I'm from 82 but I feel much more a Gen X than a Millennial
Xennial is a thing. It's those of us born before tech but grew up with it. We had the best of both worlds. Emerging pop culture and tech minds (early gamers, commodore 64 users etc... 😂😂😂) and we got the old school grew up when you rubbed dirt in a cut and hopped back on your bike till dark kinda thing. We were maniacs and I feel lucky to have been born when I was. Got the best of a few worlds.
The '60's and 70's were incredible. No tech. Just mini-skirts and Muscle cars. It's a miracle I survived. ;)
I wouldn't trade growing up in the 70's and 80's for all the money in the world. I really feel sorry for kids that grew up not knowing what life was like before the internet, smart phones, and anti-social media. Without getting political, we actually tried to get along with each other too. It wasn't perfect back then but it was so much better in so many ways. But on the bright side, time marched on and in 100 years we'll all be dead anyways. 😆
commodore 64 users

I wouldn't trade growing up in the 70's and 80's for all the money in the world.
Mods, apologies for continuing the off-topic conversation, but Amen to these comments.

I remember typing in code from a Commodore 64 magazine to create some simple games. Took hours of diligent typing and error checking, and then you got the equivalent of Snake or Pong. Couldn't beat the satisfaction though.

Or having to arrange to meet friends at a certain time and place days in advance, with backup plans, as there was no way to talk to each other, other than face-to-face or over a landline.

I like to think it made us resourceful and resilient, and speaking for myself, it gave us the knowledge that one can have a perfectly happy and purposeful life with zero presence on or exposure to social media.
Mods, apologies for continuing the off-topic conversation, but Amen to these comments.

I remember typing in code from a Commodore 64 magazine to create some simple games. Took hours of diligent typing and error checking, and then you got the equivalent of Snake or Pong. Couldn't beat the satisfaction though.

Or having to arrange to meet friends at a certain time and place days in advance, with backup plans, as there was no way to talk to each other, other than face-to-face or over a landline.

I like to think it made us resourceful and resilient, and speaking for myself, it gave us the knowledge that one can have a perfectly happy and purposeful life with zero presence on or exposure to social media.
Yup we still had some video games and even racing games back then! It's been a life-long hobby for me, and when GT on PS1 came out I was already "grown up" I suppose (barely), but I must have put in 10,000 hours between GT1, 2, 3, and 4. I had a Tandy Coco 2 way back in the day, and had a book of BASIC code programs and typed it all in and saved it to a tape drive- like audio cassette tape drives! Taught myself some BASIC programming. And there were some simple racing games and even flight sims on that old thing too. Lots of friends had Commodore 64s. And when I was bored as a kid I'd read the encyclopedia.. like all of them. 🤓 😆

When someone tells me GT7 isn't a "real sim" I get it, but if you showed me this setup I have now in 1985 it would have blown my mind, especially in VR. It feels like a sim to me, especially knowing what games were like back then. But yeah I think Gen Xers have a unique perspective on things these days that no other generation does. But, I digress.. back on topic I guess. LOL
Yup we still had some video games and even racing games back then! It's been a life-long hobby for me, and when GT on PS1 came out I was already "grown up" I suppose (barely), but I must have put in 10,000 hours between GT1, 2, 3, and 4. I had a Tandy Coco 2 way back in the day, and had a book of BASIC code programs and typed it all in and saved it to a tape drive- like audio cassette tape drives! Taught myself some BASIC programming. And there were some simple racing games and even flight sims on that old thing too. Lots of friends had Commodore 64s. And when I was bored as a kid I'd read the encyclopedia.. like all of them. 🤓 😆

When someone tells me GT7 isn't a "real sim" I get it, but if you showed me this setup I have now in 1985 it would have blown my mind, especially in VR. It feels like a sim to me, especially knowing what games were like back then. But yeah I think Gen Xers have a unique perspective on things these days that no other generation does. But, I digress.. back on topic I guess. LOL
You refreshed my memory... my father brought home a Texas Instruments computer with a tape deck drive when I was pretty young. I never really played with it as it just didn't interest me as much as my bike and the dirt pile out in my parents back woods.

Buddy of mine had a 2600 that I remember playing Pole Position on at Suzuka. I was hooked. Hours and hours.... GT1 blew my mind. This game will always hold a place in my heart because of how I grew up and the progression I had a front row seat for.
You refreshed my memory... my father brought home a Texas Instruments computer with a tape deck drive when I was pretty young. I never really played with it as it just didn't interest me as much as my bike and the dirt pile out in my parents back woods.

Buddy of mine had a 2600 that I remember playing Pole Position on at Suzuka. I was hooked. Hours and hours.... GT1 blew my mind. This game will always hold a place in my heart because of how I grew up and the progression I had a front row seat for.
I was also very into dirt piles, and bikes! 😆 Yeah GT1 was amazing when it came out. I had an Atari 2600 too, I guess the 2600 is when I really started to get the "sim racing" bug even though they were just simple games, you had to let your imagination fill in the blanks. Remember "Driver" on PS1? I beat that game twice, once by myself and my buddy couldn't believe it so the next day I went to his house and beat it so he could watch. I felt like I won the Olympics or something. Haha.
-edit Sorry for thread clutter! I do get carried away with nostalgia.
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Well, the OT is going on... sorry. ;)
This made me trying to remember my roots in racing games.
Apart from arcade saloons which I didn't really like because I couldn't spend enough time to learn how to properly drive (and always ran out of coins :lol:), this was my first addiction to the racing genre:

Road Race (Atari 8-bit)

I spent long hours in the evenings driving this, ofcourse arcades were better looking, but nothing beats having this at home for as long as you like! (and praying to the gods of cassette player magnetic heads to load it up with no errors!)

Then with a change of platform it was this:

Lotus Turbo Challenge I-II-III (Amiga)

and this:

Crazy Cars III (Amiga)

There were others too (like Jaguar XJ220 etc.), but those I played the most.
Then a bit of a gaming break and in 1998 PS1 with GT1 and here we are...
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Here are some statistics for TT74 at Sardegna - Road Track - C Reverse in the Ferrari Dino 246 GT '71.



The attached Excel file has this scoreboard as well as results for all TTs for everyone on the scoreboard.

Drivers with gold in all TTs
The number of drivers with gold in all TTs dropped from 68 to 67.



  • TT74-static.xlsx
    138.4 KB · Views: 3
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