Time Trials

  • Thread starter RaceReady
United States
North Carolina
Does anyone know of a list of Time Trials that I could use to help my times improve that aren't online ones? I would like to get my track times a lot better than they are now and Time Trials are the best ways I know to improve my times. Thanks for the help!
Arcade mode before you go into your GT home page, it has Time Trials, Drift and 2 player split screen, do a lap and then try and beat it.First add cars to your favourites then you can use them in arcade mode.
Arcade mode!?

Go to practice mode and set everything for "real" settings. And run some hot laps or 10+ lap runs. They will red your time for serious fouls. Also if you want it harder set up a solo private lobby and set penalties to high and hot lap to your hearts content.
Alright. Will do then. I just was wondering if there was a forum on here that had times on it people had set with a certain car and setting. To kinda test myself in a way. As for the real car settings Im not that good. At all. Lol. Being new is a punishment cause my lap times are bottom line disasterous. So all of this time trials and all are going to train me for GT6.
The Official Results threads contain everyone's time for that week, but to get the car and track specifics you need to go look in the WRS Archive for the corresponding week number. I can say more later when I'm not short on time and stuck on phone.
Awesome. Thank you very much for the help. I will get started on this tonight. Appreciate the help in teaching me to be a better racer! 👍
See the links in my sig. ;)

The WRS is the single best place I know of to learn how to drive faster, measure progress and compete directly with people of your own skill level. All skill levels are represented there from the best of the best to you average Sunday drivers so you are never short of people to measure against. The faster drivers are very knowledgable and willing to share tunes and driving advice as well. Things are a little slow now approaching 4 years into GT5 but it will pick up dramatically with the release of GT6.
Thanks for the nice endorsement, Johnny. 👍

Just a heads-up, everyone will be required to requalify for GT6...looking forward to that! :mischievous:
I am going to look into all of this stuff guys. I am eager to learn and ready to improve! By GT6 with some help and a boat load of practice I think I will do very well indeed. Thanks all! 👍
The WRS is the single best place I know of to learn how to drive faster, measure progress and compete directly with people of your own skill level. All skill levels are represented there from the best of the best to your average Sunday drivers so you are never short of people to measure against.

+1 Way to go...
i dont know a lot about gt5 but i was doing the 550pp italian car monza circuit time trial the other day and i was like 24000 place and i got the gold but i saw the 1st place car did a lap time of 48 seconds i drove what i thought was a good lap and when 48 seconds was up i wasnt even half way around the track i had no clue how that could be possible. after reading some of the questions and answers and learning what a hacked car is i assume that is the only way that is possible. i though gt5 was banning the hacks so i didnt know why that time was still there. although now i just checked and i see its not there anymore the top time is 150.235. i feel a hell of alot better knowing that i could get the gold and think i sucked that bad that others were in the 48 second range. just wanted to say it to see if somebody responds saying it was a hacked car.
Yea, hacks are a big problem now. They really screw us over on time trials. Which blows but hey, some people can't win without cheating. Panzys
48secs is too fast for even the Red Bull cars, so don't feel too bad. I'm proud to just get 1:38 in the seasonal TT without trying the Miura yet
As a beginner.....my times are that of a snail.......glued to the table. Lol. But hey, practice makes perfect.
That's the spirit. I've personally taken 2-3min off my Nurburgring lap times just by practice. And, now I can actually finish a lap by staying on track the whole lap.
That I haven't quite got the hang of yet. I still miss a corner here and there. But good thing is the main cormer I keep slipping off of I have gotten better at. I don't go AS FAR off the track as I used to. Haha
haha, do you mean the high speed left in the beginning? The one right at the top of a ramp..uh, I mean hill?

If you want to keep getting better at a track I'd suggest starting at a low PP level, such as 400, and do some laps. Say 10 laps, then step up to 450PP and do another 5-10. Then go up another 50 to 500PP and keep going up.

CSLACR's Nurburgring PP Board is what I use for tire selection according to PP level.
Actually the one I have the most trouble with, and I think speed has a lot to do with it, is the high speed right hander before the underpass at Aremburg. That thing gets me every time.
i dont know a lot about gt5 but i was doing the 550pp italian car monza circuit time trial the other day and i was like 24000 place and i got the gold but i saw the 1st place car did a lap time of 48 seconds i drove what i thought was a good lap and when 48 seconds was up i wasnt even half way around the track i had no clue how that could be possible. after reading some of the questions and answers and learning what a hacked car is i assume that is the only way that is possible. i though gt5 was banning the hacks so i didnt know why that time was still there. although now i just checked and i see its not there anymore the top time is 150.235. i feel a hell of alot better knowing that i could get the gold and think i sucked that bad that others were in the 48 second range. just wanted to say it to see if somebody responds saying it was a hacked car.

i dont mean to be nosy, but what was your time? i got a 2:02 (capable of much improvement if i spent the time on it ;D) in an enzo, and just wanted to know what you got and how much you worked on it.