Tire capacity... smoke, yelling and more. proposals?

  • Thread starter Patrik


This is very important for me since I like burning the tires and drifting and such... I want really thick smoke when sliding/burning rubber... and the amaount of smoke should depend of how warm the tire gets... (how long you burn/slides) and it should even be affected by wind and such... so if its calm with no wind the smoke should stay longer in the air you know. and if its windy it should blow away quite quickly...

wouldn't that be cool? very possible with the PS3 as well i guess... i've seen games before where the smoke is affected by wind...
This would've been perfect in the "Little things you'd like in GT5" Thread. ;)

But I see your point. Honestly, I'm not too worried about smoke. But that's just me.
if they include a real dragstrip and dragcars this effect would be cool (tire wrinkles cause of the power and grip in the take of):
that would be awesome. Imo that could be done with PS3, look back at that "duck in the bathtup" presentation... If so so much more things can be done.... :drool:
that would be awesome. Imo that could be done with PS3, look back at that "duck in the bathtup" presentation... If so so much more things can be done.... :drool:
yeah, thats very possible! look at EA's Fight Night... thats the same princip :D
Oh, I allmost forgot! tire marks! it has to be in the game! its a must! and the thickness of the marks depends on the condition of course. guess this is NO problem to do for PD either but you never know...
And I want the marks to stay on the road instead of it dissapearing after a while too. It may be pointless but it would be cool. :)
And I want the marks to stay on the road instead of it dissapearing after a while too. It may be pointless but it would be cool. :)
thats not pionless! ;) thats realistic! and how about if it stay even days! like if they r getting weaker and weaker depending on how many days have past in game since the mark was made... they are just textures and i guess PS3 will make it... or may it not?
What made me come up with the idea was in Forza on Xbox. You can do as many marks on the road as possible, but then they would dissapear. :(
Tyre marks stay on the road in LFS, but only for that race/session IIRC. They can be quite helpful sometimes as a guide for braking points, if there are no other markers
Tyre marks stay on the road in LFS, but only for that race/session IIRC. They can be quite helpful sometimes as a guide for braking points, if there are no other markers
yeah, they stay in LFS forgot that :) was a really long time ago i played that game btw. (just have the demo though)

But then the PS3 has enough power since PS3 is more powerful than the best supercomputer in the world as I've heard... now its just up to KY to make the marks and make it to stay for a race or even for ''in game days''
Actually, I believe KY didnt put skidmarks in prevous GT's because he's a perfectionist, and with PS1 and PS2 hardware it was impossible to create realistic skidmarks while making them stay on the road for (ingame)days.
Actually, I believe KY didnt put skidmarks in prevous GT's because he's a perfectionist, and with PS1 and PS2 hardware it was impossible to create realistic skidmarks while making them stay on the road for (ingame)days.
yeah, thats true. the same reason he didn't put in damage...
You could write your name on the track in rubber :dopey: could be cool to see ur name on the track in a replay :)
yeah! :D

Imagine the smoke... im thinking of... something like this:

EDIT: on that pic you clearly see how the wind should affect it :) would be so wunderful... :drool:
You could write your name on the track in rubber :dopey: could be cool to see ur name on the track in a replay :)

Ha ha now thats a good idea!

Gread ideas guys, i really hope this happens with the marks staying on track for days! 👍 :)
Ha ha now thats a good idea!

Gread ideas guys, i really hope this happens with the marks staying on track for days! 👍 :)
imagine to play at a track and write your name for exampel :) and then 20-25 days later its still left when you drive a JGTC race or something :D would be awesome :D :drool:
imagine to play at a track and write your name for exampel :) and then 20-25 days later its still left when you drive a JGTC race or something :D would be awesome :D :drool:

Better yet! when (or should i say if) online the person who selects the track its their skidmarks on the track while battling with someone at say the ring! and down the big straight - your name burned in with rubber! :)
Better yet! when (or should i say if) online the person who selects the track its their skidmarks on the track while battling with someone at say the ring! and down the big straight - your name burned in with rubber! :)
hahaah :) guess it'll be a ''longest burn mark competition'' at this forum when the game is out :D
hahaah :) guess it'll be a ''longest burn mark competition'' at this forum when the game is out :D

Ha ha - good idea - you thought of it first, you can make the thread when its time!!:lol:
but their is just one problem.. if u race the same course in 50 days on a "gray" track u gonna end up with a black treack instead of a gray course...

why not just a option that says "remove skidmarks" and voilá u got a new clean course to decorate with tiremarks

see yah :P
wow!!! a idea just showed up in my head! 💡 imagine if they do a DFP2 or something, with cluth and everything! :D cause in the previous games the brakebutton is both brake and cluth if you know what i mean... but if they make a cluth pedal and press the brake pedal down the wheels start to spin when releasing the clutch pedal :D

EDIT: it will say, on a rearwheel drive car... ;)