Tire capacity... smoke, yelling and more. proposals?

  • Thread starter Patrik
but their is just one problem.. if u race the same course in 50 days on a "gray" track u gonna end up with a black treack instead of a gray course...

why not just a option that says "remove skidmarks" and voilá u got a new clean course to decorate with tiremarks

see yah :P
yeah, but the skidmarks can start getting weaker after 5 days then... and completly gone in 10 or something :D
use the ironie.. "This is a new feture in gt5: now u can use your tracks do write stuff up, like your homework numbers and messages"

just a little joke about it :D
use the ironie.. "This is a new feture in gt5: now u can use your tracks do write stuff up, like your homework numbers and messages"

just a little joke about it :D
hahaha! homework: 21+254/23.89=11.51 on the long straight of De La Sarthe
yeah.. why not? or why not just a picture of your SA on that stright to give to the teacher
lol :D

now on topic... is there anything else the tires should do? I know one thing though, and thats the damage (puncture). imagine to buy an old **** car, N1 tires and burn them out so they blow!!! :D
Vissible dirt/grass after being out of the track is a must :D that have allready been used in many other racing games so thats really a must for PD to fix...

they really have much to think of and not forget :D i just hope they make it :D
They'll :sly: i think they'll try even harder now that they got competition...Forza :) yes yes I know its on another platform but still... im one of the lot who only bought PS2 for GT3&4. :)
They'll :sly: i think they'll try even harder now that they got competition...Forza :) yes yes I know its on another platform but still... im one of the lot who only bought PS2 for GT3&4. :)
well, since the PS3 probably is gonna kick ass out of Xbox360 PD have to really show that PS3 is powerful, and i think they will do that, as you said... ;)
ppl that have the old crapbox when the ps3 is released is probely gonna sell the crapbox and buy ps3.. don´t you just love it when ppl like SONY just shows off and is better then microsoft? :D

but more small details is a must!
grass, sand (hey u dont get a JGTC car out of there but just flooring your peddel.. u need a crane)
and why not flags that sway in the wind? and mayby some rain and snow on all courses (mayby not summer places but u get my point)

give me bad ass throphy trucks to race with mini coopers with :dopey:
ppl that have the old crapbox when the ps3 is released is probely gonna sell the crapbox and buy ps3.. don´t you just love it when ppl like SONY just shows off and is better then microsoft? :D

but more small details is a must!
grass, sand (hey u dont get a JGTC car out of there but just flooring your peddel.. u need a crane)
and why not flags that sway in the wind? and mayby some rain and snow on all courses (mayby not summer places but u get my point)

give me bad ass throphy trucks to race with mini coopers with :dopey:
hmm, maybe to much if you get stuck in the sand outside the track... would be too hard... but it could be really slow to come out of there :) Flags that sway in the wind they have in GT3 and GT4 as well ;) (behind the grandstands) on some courses...
hope they include at least 2 kinds of dragtires that you can buy to allmost every car you want (one not too big kind and one big kind)! :D and front dragtires as well! :D. and then if they include a dragrace mod they should let uss do the burnout and stage in on our own :D and imagine with all these tire capacitys that we've discussed! :D
:D one more thing i want them to allow you to do, is to decide how wide the rim is gonna be so it can look like this:

EDIT: if you know what I mean ;)
Oh, I allmost forgot! tire marks! it has to be in the game! its a must! and the thickness of the marks depends on the condition of course. guess this is NO problem to do for PD either but you never know...

Yeahhh...I remember the tread marks way back in NFS: Hot pursuit! That was cool. Doin' donuts in a Lamborghini Diablo SV, whilst racing away from the police. The tread marks would be a nice touch, but I think GT5 would be better off without the police. Pork: it's what's for dinner! :sly:
Yeahhh...I remember the tread marks way back in NFS: Hot pursuit! That was cool. Doin' donuts in a Lamborghini Diablo SV, whilst racing away from the police. The tread marks would be a nice touch, but I think GT5 would be better off without the police. Pork: it's what's for dinner! :sly:
GT5 is a racing game! everything else than driving from a police game!!!
yeah.. the closest thing u get to a police cvar in gt4 is the gran turismo 4 pacecar :D

but i still want my pit-girls :D and please import a "warmup lap with pacecar before it starts
yeah.. the closest thing u get to a police cvar in gt4 is the gran turismo 4 pacecar :D

but i still want my pit-girls :D and please import a "warmup lap with pacecar before it starts
yeah! both those things would be great! and the girls wear different clothes depending on what event it is :D the warmup lap would be great to... and when its over you drive to your starting line... :D great ideas svensken där! ;)
well mayby not the ring but there u can start the warmup right before the long straight..

and this just popped in to my head.. how about flags (the yellow means that there is a hazzard on the track and no overtaking is allowd) "raceflags"
that would be cool to have in mayby licenses test area so u learn the real flags
yeah! both those things would be great! and the girls wear different clothes depending on what event it is :D the warmup lap would be great to... and when its over you drive to your starting line... :D great ideas svensken där! ;)

well u gootsa have som entertainment on the track except thecars and races :D

and yes Im a Svensk.. and same to u Svensken där :D
GT5 is a racing game! everything else than driving from a police game!!!

I hope burnouts are a feature in the game cos after 7 hours of drift everyday
i just take my 350 z and do burnouts on the driving park


Gran turismo is true to its name, Its a driving simulator
well ok you are racing but really i think we are all just test drivers.
I hope burnouts are a feature in the game cos after 7 hours of drift everyday
i just take my 350 z and do burnouts on the driving park


Gran turismo is true to its name, Its a driving simulator
well ok you are racing but really i think we are all just test drivers.
maybe true, but they cannot put free roaming in gt5, it IS a racing game. ask PD if u dont belive me.

get Need For Speed if you wanna drive away from the police...
On a standing start before you take off while you rev the car have some shoot flames out the exhaust. Also wheelies and having a mercedes clr to make do a backflip at sarthe
This is very important for me since I like burning the tires and drifting and such... I want really thick smoke when sliding/burning rubber... and the amaount of smoke should depend of how warm the tire gets... (how long you burn/slides) and it should even be affected by wind and such... so if its calm with no wind the smoke should stay longer in the air you know. and if its windy it should blow away quite quickly...

wouldn't that be cool? very possible with the PS3 as well i guess... i've seen games before where the smoke is affected by wind...

-For Real! I really want the next GT to have realistic tires: tires that produce smoke according to how fast they are spinning, then there should be a tire mark! When I light the tires up in my supra, I want it to leave big black marks all the way down the street. This would make the game much more realistic, and fun. Especially enhancing the drifting aspect of in the game! Also, when spinning the tires, the car should get a little squirrelly and fishtail around making the driver correct the backend when it comes out. They also need to bring real donuts back, because a car driving in a circle w/out really spinning around just doesn’t do it for me in GT4. Is this too much to ask for? Tire marks, tire smoke that increases w/ the burnout, and slight loss of control/able to fishtail or spin a donut.

They should also bring back better engine noises that sound like the car you are driving. GT4’s engine noises are way off on a lot of cars. Corvettes sounding like RC cars? What’s up with that?
The sound of a “turbo spooling” should be amplified, BOVs should be louder, superchargers should be whining like hell, all motor honduhs should be screaming w/ v-tec powerrr, American muscle cars should be camn’ like crazy and give out a good old throaty exhaust note. Most cars sound like RC cars in GT4...some cars sound like what they should. You can slightly hear turbos spooling, turbo cars w/ 800hp and external wastegates are screaming in real life.

GT is a dope game they just need to add better effects: sounds, smoke, tire marks, ect.
