To the California members....

  • Thread starter McLaren
Problem #1: Housing costs
Problem #2: The food. :P

But in honesty, I'm finding this discussion even more helpful, the more I read it. đź‘Ť

To be honest I had great barbeque food, and good steaks in Texas but I wouldn't therefore classify it as the new Gourmet capital of the world!
That's about all we're good for in food, imo.
So come on Danoff, what then, is your ideal type of food / restaurant?

There isn't an ideal. I like lots of kinds of food. Depends on what I'm in the mood for. Thing is, the reason I like the food is because I like the taste rather than desiring to appear worldly or multi-cultural. If that's not what you're about then I was mistaken. But I've run into the attitude a LOT in CA that the more "worldly" or "multicultural" the better. And that's what I'm railing against.

To tell you the truth, I'm not that big on BBQ.

Been there, done that, (you know just to show off a little more! :sly:) didn't get anything hotter than Tabasco sauce, since after all this is the USA, and folks are scared that you'll sue 'em if they serve you anything that's too hot! :P

Well... if there wasn't anything hotter than Tabasco sauce then you missed a restaurant or 2. The weapon of choice in Texas is Jalapeño - which aren't all that hot but are damned tasty. And they can be hot if they're cooked right.

To be honest I had great barbeque food, and good steaks in Texas but I wouldn't therefore classify it as the new Gourmet capital of the world!

Gourmet... well probably not. Good food? Hell yes.

There's definitely stuff in this country that I can't understand, Grits, for example, but I'm not going to call the Southern US weird 'cos they like them & I don't. ;)

Grits are not weird. Grits are fairly normal and simple. Just like hummus is fairly normal and simple. Raw fish? that's a little different. Sea Urchin? That's VERY different. Black squid ink (yes I've seen it), that's damned weird. Again, I'm railing against different for the sake of different. Not, I repeat not, different for the sake of good.

To be honest I used the locations as a case in point that when I travelled I experience what was on offer.

Oh comeon! Don't tell me that you weren't playing into the typical Californian value of having been to as many exotic vacation spots as possible. You know that's a value here, and that's partly the game you were playing. "You've been to [insert run down third world mud pit here]? Awesome!! I'll bet the locals were really down to earth there."

How strange. A Texan that thinks their view of the world is the only one that's right, and must therefore be imposed on everyone. Where've I come across that before?

Didn't say I was the only one who was right. Just said I prefer hanging out around people who don't thing weird=good.

California isn't Texas. Come to terms with that. It's more liberal, less insular, generally better educated and is sure as hell more expensive!

Generally better educated... oh the arrogance! I've come to terms with the fact that CA is not Texas. Doesn't mean I have to like it. Doesn't mean I can't talk about what I don't like about it.

However, if it's purely the fact that you've followed a big paycheck out here but you're not happy, then do yourself a favour and realise that money isn't everything, and happiness is.

I'm aware, and I didn't follow the paycheck. I followed the work available. I have the coolest job in the world, and it's available nowhere else. It's hard to leave that.

[Dripping Sarcasm]That said, off back to Texas with your narrowminded self, and enjoy your roadkill surprise & Bud-Light on the way! ;) No Offense.[/Dripping Sarcasm]

I know you're being sarcastic here, but the fact that you're even joking about me being narrow minded is annoying. I just explained to you that I've tried all of these foods. That's not narrow minded. I just happen to evaluate them based on my preference in taste rather than based on how exotic they were.

Dan: Don’t you think it might be that since Californians are often raised with so much variety in food, they’ve often developed a taste for the wide variety of food? (Notice I said “the wide variety” instead of “a wide variety; I’ll try to clarify.)

... Californians are exposed to a wide variety on a daily basis from the time they’re born, it’s not a matter of purposely looking for what’s different, but what’s comfortable and tasty, because we already find this wide variety of food comfortable and tasty. To you it’s different, but to me it’s what I’ve grown up with.

Again, if you like it, good for you. My problem is not with the people who enjoy the taste, but the people who get an arrogant sense of superiority when they eat things that are different than the norm. Many of the people here view eating exotic foods as some sort of mind expanding, personal growth that leaves them superior to those who have not sample that particular flavor. And worse, they actually feel superior if they can claim to have enjoyed that particular flavor.

When I mention the fact that I don't like sushi to a typical CA native, the condescension is immediate. "You just have to try it", like I'm a narrow-minded asshole for not having tried and become in love with a particular kind of food. When I explain that I have tried it, the condescension dies down a little, but it remains partially - because obviously I SHOULD like it.

You can say the same about Persian, Lebanese, Thai, Indian, etc. etc. Anything but American food. If someone says they don't like American food here - nobody bats an eye. "Of course you don't like American food, American food is boring."

That's the attitude that bothers me.
he seems like your typical straight-up All-American Boy.
Whatever that means.

He considers Las Vegas a holiday destination. I consider it a cesspool.
Oh jeez, you're a pompous one, aren't you. I suppose the fact that it's not Cambodia or Prague means it's a "cesspool", instead of just a city where people can gamble and party. How "open minded" of you. How American of us to like Las Vegas (as if all Americans liked Las Vegas anyway).

What do you know 2 human beings with differing opinions? Never seen that before! Let's go to war over it! Oh, wait. :dopey:
Do you visit GTP so everyone can sit around and agree with each other? This is called a discussion. Don't get so offended.
Gentlemen. Let's tone it down a little. Some of these posts are getting personal, and that's off limits.

I don't consider what Danoff has said as personal, I understand there's got to be a degree of flexibility in reading a post on the internet, since it's very difficult to convey a particular emotion or feeling while typing and sadly people tend to read anger & annoyance into places where it's not meant! We all have a differing view of the world, different humour and different ways of conveying our messages, that tends to be interpreted by different people differently*.

This post brought to you by the word "different"! :D

That said, lets all take a large pinch of
and go on!
(Since it does make most things taste a little better! ;))

Oh jeez, you're a pompous one, aren't you. I suppose the fact that it's not Cambodia or Prague means it's a "cesspool", instead of just a city where people can gamble and party. How "open minded" of you. How American of us to like Las Vegas (as if all Americans liked Las Vegas anyway).

Pomposity comes with the territory, I'm English. We're born like that! ;) <---- Oooh, self depreciating humour, to spare you from having to take the p!5s out of me yourself!
And I'm sorry I missed the [Sarcasm] tags from my "opinion" line :sly:, I thought that'd be obvious, it's not a dig at anything but the fact that Man has been disagreeing (and fighting) about things for years on end, and lets face it, we're never all going to see eye to eye. I used our prior disagreement as a case in point that we'd had prior differences of opinion, and I'm fine with that.

As for Prague or Cambodia, I can't say, never been. Wouldn't be averse to going though! Vegas, I've been there, seen it, and it's mostly not pleasant, to my mind anyway. (I did quite like Old Vegas, but the new brash & flashy bit is just unappealing.) However, the place attracts 40,000,000 vistors a year, so it must have something going for it! I don't have to got to Vegas to party though, and to me gambling doesn't hold much appeal, it's commonplace and accepted where I'm from, and therefore not the novelty that it is to folks over here.

Perhaps you'd be kind enough to point out where in my post I went as far as to suggest that "All Americans love Vegas"?

Do you visit GTP so everyone can sit around and agree with each other? This is called a discussion. Don't get so offended.

So far I haven't been.
Gosh look at that! I spotted your sarcasm, without tags! :D
I've merely tried to justify to another member that what he considers "weird & different" isn't necessarily "weird & different" to others, and that people eat things that don't seem normal to him because they like it, not because they're all trying to prove something. Then again, he's close to LA, there are probably a lot of those who are! :)
I'm not a Californian at all. I can't speak for a Californian, but I do live here and I do also have an opinion on what goes on here, if you can't accept that without getting all tetchy and defensive, then that's not such a great loss to me.

If that's not what you're about then I was mistaken. But I've run into the attitude a LOT in CA that the more "worldly" or "multicultural" the better. And that's what I'm railing against.

Thanks for that, it's not what I'm about. đź‘Ť
I do like to travel, but for my own enjoyment, not so I can belittle those that haven't. Most of the travel was business related, so I didn't have time to indulge my sightseeing fancies as much as I'd've liked, but I've always felt that at least trying, and I'm not suggesting I've liked everything I've tried, the local food & beverages was a good way of expanding my experience.

Having a broad world view isn't a bad thing, and I've never tried to suggest that I'm better for having seen some of it nor is anyone worse for choosing not to. Some of the world is downright wrong politically (e.g. Sudan, Afghanistan, North Korea), or inhospitable (e.g. Sahara Desert, North Pole) but it's not a bad thing to know that either and nobody ever forces you to go anywhere.

Well... if there wasn't anything hotter than Tabasco sauce then you missed a restaurant or 2. The weapon of choice in Texas is Jalapeño - which aren't all that hot but are damned tasty. And they can be hot if they're cooked right.

I was being a little facetious at this point, I only visited Austin! :guilty:
I missed more than a restaurant or 2, I missed 99% of the State! You have a fair point! :lol:
I like Jalapeño dishes, but Habañeros are preferable. :drool:

Grits are not weird. Grits are fairly normal and simple. Just like hummus is fairly normal and simple. Raw fish? that's a little different. Sea Urchin? That's VERY different. Black squid ink (yes I've seen it), that's damned weird. Again, I'm railing against different for the sake of different. Not, I repeat not, different for the sake of good.

Grits aren't weird to you 'cos you grew up with them, they're weird to me 'cos I didn't, however, I can accept that you may eat them and enjoy them, and in doing so aren't doing it just because it's weird to me, but because that's normal to you. I've tried them didn't care for them, and I wouldn't continue to eat them because just to my mind because they're weird and exciting.
Raw fish is originally an alien concept to both of us, because of where we've both been brought up, but ask a Japanese fellow what's normal out of raw fish & grits, and you'll get a polar opposite response to your own!
I'll not even ask about your opinions on British Black Pudding! :)

Oh comeon! Don't tell me that you weren't playing into the typical Californian value of having been to as many exotic vacation spots as possible. You know that's a value here, and that's partly the game you were playing. "You've been to [insert run down third world mud pit here]? Awesome!! I'll bet the locals were really down to earth there."

See above: not vacation. ;) I moved to California 'cos after 3 years I got burnt out from being on a plane 2 or 3 times a month.
Never been to any third world countries, closest I got was San Diego, on the doorstep of Mexico!

Didn't say I was the only one who was right. Just said I prefer hanging out around people who don't thing weird=good.

Sorry :guilty:, couldn't resist a pop at George W. with that comment!
But, to clarify, you only like to hang out with people that think the same things that you do?

Generally better educated... oh the arrogance! I've come to terms with the fact that CA is not Texas. Doesn't mean I have to like it. Doesn't mean I can't talk about what I don't like about it.

I'm not talking about you or I being more educated than the other. :rolleyes: Everyone here is well aware you work for NASA which requires a high level of smartness, and I don't need to put sarcasm tags when I say that I'm assuming you didn't move out here to be their janitor?!!! :)
I'm not suggesting that Texans aren't educated, nor that the relative levels of education in Texas or California are different, I could look up some facts, but I can't be bothered 'cos that wasn't my point, just that as far as large technology centers go California attracts a great number of well educated people from all over the world to work here. I'm aware of the same sort of thing happening in Texas, but not to the same extent. Maybe I'm wrong.

My problem is not with the people who enjoy the taste, but the people who get an arrogant sense of superiority when they eat things that are different than the norm.

I'm still not sure what you're referring to as "the norm"? California has had a huge Asian and Hispanic influence for well over 200 years now, it's not a new thing, it comes from bordering the Pacific and Mexico. You can't impose standard Caucasian standards of normalcy that might be true in Texas to a place as diversely populated as California. (and yes I'm well aware of Texas' border with Mexico too!)
I'm not asking because I want to be arsey and offensive, I'm trying to understand where you're coming from, relative to what I've seen and experienced here. đź’ˇ

I see your point that you've evaluated things based on taste rather than origin, but it's not fair of you to dismiss anyone who genuinely would now rather have a Shami Kebab than a hamburger, because they happen to like the taste, just because a few people in California have tried to make you like something along the lines of your Sushi experience.
It's too broad a generalisation, that everyone here is like that, kind of like my sarcastic line in my last post, only my sweeping Texan generalisation was joking! :guilty:
I wonder where Central Cal went off to...
Central Cal is just something that you dream of when you go into a driving coma when traveling from LA to San Fran. It doesn&#8217;t really exist.

(Just kidding. I love you Central Calers. ;))
Grits aren't weird to you 'cos you grew up with them, they're weird to me 'cos I didn't,

Actually I didn't. And that's kinda my point.

however, I can accept that you may eat them and enjoy them, and in doing so aren't doing it just because it's weird to me, but because that's normal to you.

That's not what I'm talking about at all. I'm talking about the people who do things because it's weird to them and everyone they're associating with. Hopefully there is no way that you thought I was ragging on Persians going out for Persian food. I'm talking about people who go for Persian food only so they can say they ate Persian food. Or people who look down on you if you tell them you went someplace they consider boring.

Never been to any third world countries, closest I got was San Diego, on the doorstep of Mexico!

You're probably one of the 6 people in California that hasn't spent at least 2 weeks in a 3rd world country feeling bad for the people who live there and superior to the people that choose not to spend their time in a mudhole.

But, to clarify, you only like to hang out with people that think the same things that you do?

I didn't say that. I said I don't like hanging out with people who think weird = good. And I'll point out that this is you trying to put me back into the narrow-minded box.

I'm not talking about you or I being more educated than the other.

I'm absolutely sure. But, you're saying Texas is generally less educated than CA. You could even be right for all I know, but the fact that you pointed it out is still arrogant. I hope you were joking and that I didn't catch it.

I see your point that you've evaluated things based on taste rather than origin, but it's not fair of you to dismiss anyone who genuinely would now rather have a Shami Kebab than a hamburger, because they happen to like the taste, just because a few people in California have tried to make you like something along the lines of your Sushi experience.

A few people? Most people don't take a personal interest in getting me to like something like was done with me for Sushi. Most people just assume that I'll be interested in going someplace that serves authentic third world cuisine because, afterall, this is California. And if I say that I've tried it and don't like it? Suddenly I'm a stupid American who refuses to open his mind about other cultures and experiences.

I'm not talking about isolated incidents or I wouldn't have brought it up as a general critique of people of California. I'm saying this happens ALL THE TIME with most people I know.

Look, Smallhorses, I know you're an intelligent guy. I know you live in a city that considers itself better than the rest of the planet. Take a step back and think about what I'm saying. You know it's true. You know that Californians are all about political correctness and this is no exception. The poorer the country the food comes from, the more likely people are to embrace it here. The more backwards the culture, the more people here want to celebrate it. And if you dare to question that philosophy you're branded (as I have been in this thread) as narrowminded and ignorant. You know this is the truth.
Central Cal is just something that you dream of when you go into a driving coma when traveling from LA to San Fran. It doesnÂ’t really exist.

(Just kidding. I love you Central Calers. ;))

Well, all you can mainly see is farm land and houses
Is it ok to say I hate food period...?

That made me lol.

On topic, I haven't ever visited California, but I know I would never want to live there. It may be nice to visit, but I don't think I could bring myself to live somewhere where I'd have to spend a half million + just for a house. San Diego is probably the place I'd most like to visit in CA if I ever end up going.
I don't consider what Danoff has said as personal...<SNIP>

No, I was thinking more along the lines of these statements:

[Dripping Sarcasm]That said, off back to Texas with your narrowminded self, and enjoy your roadkill surprise & Bud-Light on the way! ;) No Offense.[/Dripping Sarcasm]

Oh jeez, you're a pompous one, aren't you.

Whether your joke was truly genuine and good natured, or just a simply a smokescreen to hide the true intent of verbal abuse is ambiguous at best, given the context of the discussion. At the very least, it strikes me as somewhat passive/aggressive. Especially in light of other statements you've made to Danoff that can be interpreted as an insult, such as these:

How strange. A Texan that thinks their view of the world is the only one that's right, and must therefore be imposed on everyone. Where've I come across that before? ;)

My Worldview doesn't begin at the Atlantic and end at the Pacific. :sly:

Now, just because you put a smiley at the end of a statement that may offend someone doesn't give you carte blanch to say whatever you want. Again, only you know what your true intentions were, but from a neutral observer's standpoint, the "good natured jest" seemed insincere.

I understand there's got to be a degree of flexibility in reading a post on the internet, since it's very difficult to convey a particular emotion or feeling while typing and sadly people tend to read anger & annoyance into places where it's not meant!

And since you seem to understand this, don't you think you should also take care in avoiding making statements that may be taken poorly? Especially if you don't know the person very well?

....kind of like my sarcastic line in my last post, only my sweeping Texan generalisation was joking! :guilty:

I'm glad you clarified this. But you should also realize that it just came across as an excuse to hide what you really wanted say behind a humorous facade.

It wasn't my intention to make a big fuss about this. But since you brought it up, I thought I'd be very clear about it.

Whether your joke was truly genuine and good natured, or just a simply a smokescreen to hide the true intent of verbal abuse is ambiguous at best, given the context of the discussion. At the very least, it strikes me as somewhat passive/aggressive.

Ambiguous? Please don't insult my intelligence by suggesting that I truly believe all Texans live off Bud-Light & roadkill.
It was a suitably absurd remark, so absurd that I don't think it needed the extra tags, but I threw them in to let the less adept at spotting sarcasm know I was joking, I didn't want a bunch of kids hassling me 'cos I've dissed all of Texas! It was designed to highlight the same level of absurdity that I, at least, believe Danoff has shown with his generalisation, that 35 million Californians in all their diversity, are somehow able to be tarred with the same brush.

I, however, credit Danoff with enough intelligence to read my posts "in context" and place the quips at the end as a humourous aside. If he didn't, then I'm sorry, but since we we're having our own discussion here (which I do understand should probably not be done here, since it's not technically on topic, before you're kind enough to point that out as well) I put those comments in for his benefit, not everyone elses. If you've chosen to look at them out of context, as you've so nicely pulled out & highlighted above, then I'll happily admit they can be misinterpreted, but you weren't the intended recipient, and when viewed in context of the rest of the discussion that we've had, they're risque yet topical, but directed more in general terms at the current government and a "stereotypical" American view of the world that at a single person even though they were in response to his comments.

I can do the same if I so chose:

Yeah, damned immigrants! :grumpy:

To be honest, this statement earlier in this thread, taken totally out of context could very well be interpreted to be racist & xenophobic. (Which incidentally I'm neither of!)
When viewed in context it's perfectly rational (and humourous, how about that?!)

And since you seem to understand this, don't you think you should also take care in avoiding making statements that may be taken poorly? Especially if you don't know the person very well?.

While I don't know Danoff personally, I know enough about his reputation as an excellent, subtle debater and have seen his posting style around here to know that we can always expect a rational point of view from him, but he's not entirely devoid of a sense humour, and I chose to encompass that view when I posted, believing he'd see the funny side.

I'm glad you clarified this. But you should also realize that it just came across as an excuse to hide what you really wanted say behind a humorous facade.

See above.
I'm not some loose-cannon kid that's come here to shoot his mouth off. I've made a lot of useful contributions to this site, and I'm not in the habit of violating the AUP or arguing with the moderating staff.

It wasn't my intention to make a big fuss about this. But since you brought it up, I thought I'd be very clear about it.

There you go, seen what you've said, been clear about what I meant too.
And not a smiley to hide behind in sight! :) <----- Damnit! How'd that get there?

Maybe I'll just head back to my usual simple factual posts in the GT4 forum.....

Look, Smallhorses, I know you're an intelligent guy. I know you live in a city that considers itself better than the rest of the planet. Take a step back and think about what I'm saying. You know it's true. You know that Californians are all about political correctness and this is no exception. The poorer the country the food comes from, the more likely people are to embrace it here. The more backwards the culture, the more people here want to celebrate it. And if you dare to question that philosophy you're branded (as I have been in this thread) as narrowminded and ignorant. You know this is the truth.

Whilst I can understand that you may have had such experiences as you describe down there in LALA land (probably, ironically, from the same ever-so image conscious "Beautiful People" that you claim to be a positive aspect of California), I can safely say that not once in the 7 years I've lived here, have I ever felt looked down upon by anyone in this area simply for wanting to enjoy something different, nor have I been scorned for voicing an opinion suggesting I didn't want to do something that's not what I consider normal, nor made to feel inferior for sticking to my guns (actually I'm an Englishman, I'm still petrified by guns anyway!) over something I wish to do / wish not to do.
The only thing I've ever experienced attempting to be forced upon me here is religion, but there's Jehovah's Witnesses everywhere, and they're the same the world over. Believe in what you will, but please, don't try to make me feel the same.
I can't dispute the fact that the "people" you're referring to are out there.
I live close to Bezerkley which is an epicentre of strange/weirdness and generally "Granola-y" folks, but there's almost 35 million folks out here, and a lot of them are imports or transient folks like myself, and you can't tar us all with the same brush as you initially tried to do with me, just because I originally made a statement which fits your "typical Superior-Californian" stereotype.

If you feel I'm being antagonistic by defending this viewpoint then I'd suggest we continue this discussion via PM. Not because it doesn't warrant public viewing, but clearly I've overstepped some of ///M-Spec's boundaries, and I'm not stupid enough to believe that if you thought for a minute that I'd merely want to hide a whole bunch of denigrating and insulting PMs to you without realising that it'd result in a (rightful) report to the moderating staff, that I'd also be insulting your intelligence too.
Ambiguous? Please don't insult my intelligence by suggesting that I truly believe all Texans live off Bud-Light & roadkill.
It was a suitably absurd remark, so absurd that I don't think it needed the extra tags, but I threw them in to let the less adept at spotting sarcasm know I was joking, I didn't want a bunch of kids hassling me 'cos I've dissed all of Texas! It was designed to highlight the same level of absurdity that I, at least, believe Danoff has shown with his generalisation, that 35 million Californians in all their diversity, are somehow able to be tarred with the same brush.

I think the joke was in poor taste and mean spirited. No matter how well meaning it was or may be, it opens you up to offending people. The fact that Danoff said he found it "annoying" and Zrow entered the discussion irate proves that it happens.

I know you're being sarcastic here, but the fact that you're even joking about me being narrow minded is annoying.

^ Did you fail to notice the person you were supposedly joking around with didn't find it funny, but was instead irritated? Really. How successful was that joke?

I, however, credit Danoff with enough intelligence to read my posts "in context" and place the quips at the end as a humourous aside.

I want you to take a moment and really think about what you've written here. You've now stated that "intelligent" people would have read your post "in context", which implies that anyone who interprets your post in a way you didn't intend is therefore unintelligent.

Is this what you really want to say? Please spell it out for me, since I seem to be intelligence challenged.

The bottom line is, someone posted a statement that was an AUP violation. But part of the reason he did this was because there were statements made in this thread that made him upset and instigated the behavior. Now, it was his fault for doing it, but he man'ed up and cop'd to it. Which left me to deal with the root of the problem which is what made him upset to begin with.

Whether intentional or unintentional, you were responsible for a part of that. You can either see it for what it is, accept it and move on, OR you can be too proud to admit it and make a fuss. Keep in mind before you do this that you have received zero administrative action, not even a PM.

But if you think that the best way of getting me to see your side of things is to imply only unintelligent people can hold this point of view, you've got another thing coming.

If he didn't, then I'm sorry, but since we we're having our own discussion here (which I do understand should probably not be done here, since it's not technically on topic, before you're kind enough to point that out as well) I put those comments in for his benefit, not everyone elses.

Hold on a moment. If you wanted a private discussion, take it to PM. It is unreasonable to assume that just because you're addressing Danoff directly that no one else is allowed to interject.

If you've chosen to look at them out of context, as you've so nicely pulled out & highlighted above, then I'll happily admit they can be misinterpreted, but you weren't the intended recipient, and when viewed in context of the rest of the discussion that we've had, they're risque yet topical, but directed more in general terms at the current government and a "stereotypical" American view of the world that at a single person even though they were in response to his comments.

I haven't chosen to look at them out of context. I "pulled them out" because they are the salient points and I wanted to keep my post uncluttered.

If you like scrolling past the entirety of your own posts, I can include the entire unabridged text next time.

To be honest, this statement earlier in this thread, taken totally out of context could very well be interpreted to be racist & xenophobic. (Which incidentally I'm neither of!)
When viewed in context it's perfectly rational (and humourous, how about that?!)

I don't know why you keep insisting that I'm not able to grasp the context of your 'private discussion' with Dan. It's not like I can't read all the posts. Do you think that if you quote someone in a post, it becomes invisible to everyone but the person you quoted?

While I don't know Danoff personally, I know enough about his reputation as an excellent, subtle debater and have seen his posting style around here to know that we can always expect a rational point of view from him, but he's not entirely devoid of a sense humour, and I chose to encompass that view when I posted, believing he'd see the funny side.

Well, given his reply and the reactions of at least one other poster, I don't think it was the comedy smash hit you thought it was.

See above.
I'm not some loose-cannon kid that's come here to shoot his mouth off. I've made a lot of useful contributions to this site, and I'm not in the habit of violating the AUP or arguing with the moderating staff.

I didn't say you violated the AUP. I said you've made statements in this thread that were in poor taste, quite possibly insincere and could offend people. Which in turn may cause them to escalate and make problems.

Don't read into this and assume you're the only person (besides Zrow) I've had issue with in this thread. You ain't.

There you go, seen what you've said, been clear about what I meant too.
And not a smiley to hide behind in sight! :) <----- Damnit! How'd that get there?

Maybe I'll just head back to my usual simple factual posts in the GT4 forum.....

Up to you, of course. You are also welcome to PM me about this if you want to continue in private.

Wow, this certainly turned into a multi-quote, poo-flinging contest. Let's all just settle down and agree that Washington is the best state in the country.
Wow, this certainly turned into a multi-quote, poo-flinging contest. Let's all just settle down and agree that Washington is the best state in the country.
Yeah, thatÂ’s a great way to stop the fighting, because we can all agree that thatÂ’s a bunch of nonsense. :D :P
Washington is pretty cool as far as I've experienced. đź‘Ť

Can I say that without anyone jumping to conclusions that I'm showing off or being insincere? Honestly? :guilty:
Wow, this certainly turned into a multi-quote, poo-flinging contest. Let's all just settle down and agree that Washington is the best state in the country.
I'll agree to a point it's a cool state only because everyone I've met from or know in Washington is pretty cool. Never meet an ass/jerk from there.
Personally, I really wasn't all that afraid of the quakes.
Living as close as I did to Hollister, I was a bit nervous.
What idiot builds a nuclear power plant that close to a fault line?

If I were to go back to stay, it would be someplace like Merced.
I don't know how much it's changed since I left. But back in the day it was a lot like the little Kansas town I live in now, with significantly better weather year round.