Gentlemen. Let's tone it down a little. Some of these posts are getting personal, and that's off limits.
I don't consider what
Danoff has said as personal, I understand there's got to be a degree of flexibility in reading a post on the internet, since it's very difficult to convey a particular emotion or feeling while typing and sadly people tend to read anger & annoyance into places where it's not meant! We all have a differing view of the world, different humour and different ways of conveying our messages, that tends to be interpreted by different people differently*.
This post brought to you by the word "different"!
That said, lets all take a large pinch of
and go on!
(Since it does make most things taste a little better!
Oh jeez, you're a pompous one, aren't you. I suppose the fact that it's not Cambodia or Prague means it's a "cesspool", instead of just a city where people can gamble and party. How "open minded" of you. How American of us to like Las Vegas (as if all Americans liked Las Vegas anyway).
Pomposity comes with the territory, I'm English. We're born like that!
<---- Oooh, self depreciating humour, to spare you from having to take the p!5s out of me yourself!
And I'm sorry I missed the [Sarcasm] tags from my "opinion" line
, I thought that'd be obvious, it's not a dig at anything but the fact that Man has been disagreeing (and fighting) about things for years on end, and lets face it, we're never all going to see eye to eye. I used our prior disagreement as a case in point that we'd had prior differences of opinion, and I'm fine with that.
As for Prague or Cambodia, I can't say, never been. Wouldn't be averse to going though! Vegas, I've been there, seen it, and it's mostly not pleasant, to my mind anyway. (I did quite like Old Vegas, but the new brash & flashy bit is just unappealing.) However, the place attracts 40,000,000 vistors a year, so it must have something going for it! I don't have to got to Vegas to party though, and to me gambling doesn't hold much appeal, it's commonplace and accepted where I'm from, and therefore not the novelty that it is to folks over here.
Perhaps you'd be kind enough to point out where in my post I went as far as to suggest that "All Americans love Vegas"?
Do you visit GTP so everyone can sit around and agree with each other? This is called a discussion. Don't get so offended.
So far I haven't been.
Gosh look at that! I spotted your sarcasm, without tags!
I've merely tried to justify to another member that what he considers "weird & different" isn't necessarily "weird & different" to others, and that people eat things that don't seem normal to him because they like it, not because they're all trying to prove something. Then again, he's close to LA, there are probably a lot of those who are!
I'm not a Californian at all. I can't speak for a Californian, but I do live here and I do also have an opinion on what goes on here, if you can't accept that without getting all tetchy and defensive, then that's not such a great loss to me.
If that's not what you're about then I was mistaken. But I've run into the attitude a LOT in CA that the more "worldly" or "multicultural" the better. And that's what I'm railing against.
Thanks for that, it's not what I'm about. đź‘Ť
I do like to travel, but for my own enjoyment, not so I can belittle those that haven't. Most of the travel was business related, so I didn't have time to indulge my sightseeing fancies as much as I'd've liked, but I've always felt that at least trying, and I'm not suggesting I've liked everything I've tried, the local food & beverages was a good way of expanding my experience.
Having a broad world view isn't a bad thing, and I've never tried to suggest that I'm
better for having seen some of it nor is anyone
worse for choosing not to. Some of the world is downright wrong politically (e.g. Sudan, Afghanistan, North Korea), or inhospitable (e.g. Sahara Desert, North Pole) but it's not a bad thing to know that either and nobody ever forces you to go anywhere.
Well... if there wasn't anything hotter than Tabasco sauce then you missed a restaurant or 2. The weapon of choice in Texas is Jalapeño - which aren't all that hot but are damned tasty. And they can be hot if they're cooked right.
I was being a little facetious at this point, I only visited Austin!
I missed more than a restaurant or 2, I missed 99% of the State! You have a fair point!
I like Jalapeño dishes, but Habañeros are preferable.
Grits are not weird. Grits are fairly normal and simple. Just like hummus is fairly normal and simple. Raw fish? that's a little different. Sea Urchin? That's VERY different. Black squid ink (yes I've seen it), that's damned weird. Again, I'm railing against different for the sake of different. Not, I repeat not, different for the sake of good.
Grits aren't weird to you 'cos you grew up with them, they're weird to me 'cos I didn't, however, I can accept that you may eat them and enjoy them, and in doing so aren't doing it just because it's weird to me, but because that's normal to you. I've tried them didn't care for them, and I wouldn't continue to eat them because just to my mind because they're weird and exciting.
Raw fish is originally an alien concept to both of us, because of where we've both been brought up, but ask a Japanese fellow what's normal out of raw fish & grits, and you'll get a polar opposite response to your own!
I'll not even ask about your opinions on British Black Pudding!
Oh comeon! Don't tell me that you weren't playing into the typical Californian value of having been to as many exotic vacation spots as possible. You know that's a value here, and that's partly the game you were playing. "You've been to [insert run down third world mud pit here]? Awesome!! I'll bet the locals were really down to earth there."
See above: not vacation.
I moved to California 'cos after 3 years I got burnt out from being on a plane 2 or 3 times a month.
Never been to any third world countries, closest I got was San Diego, on the doorstep of Mexico!
Didn't say I was the only one who was right. Just said I prefer hanging out around people who don't thing weird=good.
, couldn't resist a pop at George W. with that comment!
But, to clarify, you only like to hang out with people that think the same things that you do?
Generally better educated... oh the arrogance! I've come to terms with the fact that CA is not Texas. Doesn't mean I have to like it. Doesn't mean I can't talk about what I don't like about it.
I'm not talking about you or I being more educated than the other.
Everyone here is well aware you work for NASA which requires a high level of smartness, and I don't need to put sarcasm tags when I say that I'm assuming you didn't move out here to be their janitor?!!!
I'm not suggesting that Texans aren't educated, nor that the relative levels of education in Texas or California are different, I could look up some facts, but I can't be bothered 'cos that wasn't my point, just that as far as large technology centers go California attracts a great number of well educated people from all over the world to work here. I'm aware of the same sort of thing happening in Texas, but not to the same extent. Maybe I'm wrong.
My problem is not with the people who enjoy the taste, but the people who get an arrogant sense of superiority when they eat things that are different than the norm.
I'm still not sure what you're referring to as "the norm"? California has had a huge Asian and Hispanic influence for well over 200 years now, it's not a new thing, it comes from bordering the Pacific and Mexico. You can't impose standard Caucasian standards of normalcy that might be true in Texas to a place as diversely populated as California. (and yes I'm well aware of Texas' border with Mexico too!)
I'm not asking because I want to be arsey and offensive, I'm trying to understand where you're coming from, relative to what I've seen and experienced here. đź’ˇ
I see your point that you've evaluated things based on taste rather than origin, but it's not fair of you to dismiss anyone who genuinely would now rather have a Shami Kebab than a hamburger, because they happen to like the taste, just because a few people in California have tried to make you like something along the lines of your Sushi experience.
It's too broad a generalisation, that everyone here is like that, kind of like my sarcastic line in my last post, only my sweeping Texan generalisation was joking!