When 10-year-old Austin Smith heard Barrack Obama had been elected president, he had one question: Does this mean I won't get a new gun for Christmas?
That brought his mom, Rachel Smith, to Bob Moates Sports Shop, where she was picking out that special 20-gauge shotgun - one of at least five guns she plans to buy before Obama takes office in January.[/url]
Barrack has gun nuts in buying frenzy (New York Post)
Sorry, but let's look at that for a second. Barack Obama, of the Democratic Party, brings "new thinking"? The Democratic Party wouldn't have put him forward as their nominee if he didn't represent their interests - just like his 7 predecessors since WW2 (with 9 being Republicans).
New thinking with respect to George Bush...
That is an absolutely horrifying concept. Seriously. Committing criminal acts because you disagree with someone and getting rewarded for it?
Who said anything about rewarding terrorism? You could say that entering negotiations legitimises their cause, but so does attacking them.
After years of refusing to negotiate with the terrorists - who, in the case of the IRA, wanted an Irish-ruled Northern Ireland - the terrorists set up political parties (though the parties in question would dispute the links, Sinn Fein are the IRA) and not only gave up their weapons, but didn't get what they want. The British Government gave up nothing.
I never suggested for a second that the UK gave up anything, only that we achieved peace in the province, which we have.
The UK elected a woman into the highest office nearly 30 years ago. She ran the country (whatever you may think of her methods when doing so) for just over 11 years, proving herself to be the right person for the job rather than some figurehead put into place to redress an unseen balance.
Was Barrack Obama elected to redress an unseen imbalance? It is also interesting that you stated that Margaret Thatcher proved herself to be the right person for the job after 11 years (see highlighted section), was she not the right person for the job before those 11 years in office? Why Can't Barrack Obama prove that he is the right person for the job?
Why should any country, least of all two of the most powerful nations on Earth, elect as their political leader someone who is not the right person for the job just because they fit a certain demographic? It's almost an obscenity to suggest a black man should be President because it's about time a black man was President, and that we should follow suit.
Again, I never suggested that we
should elect a black President/Prime Minister. I did post comments regarding why we (the UK) hadn't. That's not the same.
I guess, but I didn't want to make a post sound like I called Mag. a complete racist.

Why am I a racist? Because I celebrated in the fact that your nation elected its first black President? that's ludicrous!
As I have said earlier, I am mixed race. That makes me half black and half white. Apart from my father and my sister, the rest of my family is white. I have lived my life exclusively in a white community, and except for one black friend, all my friends are white. How the hell can I be racist!?
I've brought into the American culture many times over. I wear the blue jeans, I have the Hollywood films, as do I have the music and books that have come from your country. The computer that I am using is American, and most of my favourite sports are American too. Would I even bother if I had any racist feelings towards your country? I'm sure you won't find the Commodores greatest hits the the music collection of a White Supremacist!
I'm going to retract my earlier statement that I thought highly of your country. Wait for it, I'm not FOR ONE SECOND saying that I think any less of you now.
Its just that my sincere congratulatory comments have been misconstrued and twisted to make me sound like a racist when in fact I am not.
It seems around here that I'm damned if I do, and damned if I don't.