Yeah - I've got this one on pre-order - June 21 I think.

This one is gunna be big - I firmly believe these guys make the best RACING games out there.
Man - if the racing is up to TOCA and TOCA2 standard this is going to blow GT3 into the weeds - with a bit of luck this'll be the game that forces Polyphony to clean up the AI for GT4.
I loved TOCA and TOCA2, and from the screen shots, TOCA Race Driver looks like it'll be just as good. I didn't see any NASCAR's in the screen shots though.
ive just been looking at the screenshots and they look great, do you think that the GT force steering wheel will work with it.
Originally posted by BMW POWER
ive just been looking at the screenshots and they look great, do you think that the GT force steering wheel will work with it.

Given that there'll be a PC version, and that to be a reasonably serious racing game on the PS2 you really do need to have compatibility, I'd be extremely surprised (and disappointed) if it wasn't.

Actually, I'll be MAJORLY pissed off if it isn't.
Hmmm...looks like my third PS2 game (after GT3 and GTA3) has finally been put out! Can't wait to get my hands on one.

I have only three games because I only buy the good games.
Originally posted by troy
vat man,

is the wheel worth the $100

Try it and see - I love mine. Don't forget you've got the side benefit of PC compatability.

There are some well documented quality issues with it though - although I've had no problems.
mmmm I wouldn't say it is up to :gt: standards...... I doubt much that the cars will look, perform and tune to detail like GT3 :gcar:.....

I saw a review and the graphics are ok.....Car damage is probably one of the best features and GT could learn from that...

But being a Touring Car fan I'll definately be buying it :2cents:
It was slated for late June release here but I'm hearing two dates at the moment, late July and mid-August.

Knowing these guys, the racing will be superb - the TOCA series wasn't the best looking couple of games for the PSX, but the racing was fantastic - I remember running in a nose to tail freight train of cars at Hockenheim in TOCA World Touring Cars trying to look for a way past the guy in front while defending from the guy behind - it was brilliant. It lasted for about 5 or 6 laps until the guy about three cars up the train (I think I was 5th or 6th) tried something a little TOO clever at one of the chicanes and brought the whole party to a rather violent end. If TOCA Race Driver captures this sort of racing it will be THE racing buy this year.

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