I like this idea hugely.
You could alternatively have a Teams' Division and Independents' Division so we don't separate the teams' too much. 12 Runners in each race. All racers lag tested and should be classic TOCA.
In all fairness, nobody saw roughly 30 entries for Season 4 but with over 20 racers from previous seasons so it is going to be a slight problem. 7-8 Independents or League 2 Hour. 8-9 Teams or League 1 Hour.
Its never too late, Furi and I'm sure anything to cure the blackscreen would be a 👍
Teams Division: Furi, tom97, Red Dragon, Smuffy, Matty, Akmuq, Neljack, DaxCobra, Carbonox, TomMCD and Mule and Wiifreak (12)
Independents: Sumo, DanF1, The_Boyce, JediJoe, funky, Chqr, cunny, pj, RacerPaul, Knelly, h3llaflshh and chrisjohnson (12)
I think Div 1/2 would be quite awkward as some teams might have a car in each division and it might easier to get points in one division than the other so yeah. Just proposing an idea.