TOCA Series Season 3 & TOCA Megane Challenge - SEASON COMPLETE!!!

  • Thread starter Furinkazen
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No one learns the lesson, people ignore people like furi saying before races 'becareful, race safely etc'

Clearly just about no one learnt the lessons from Monaco that SHOULD have been learned.. :ouch:

More penalties are needed.
You see, when it's a narrow track*, people grow impatient. They know that they must get through others quickly or the leaders will escape, but there's barely any room so their attempts lead into crashes. True fact...

*=almost typed truck, lol...
You see, when it's a narrow track*, people grow impatient. They know that they must get through others quickly or the leaders will escape, but there's barely any room so their attempts lead into crashes. True fact...

*=almost typed truck, lol...

People in this series are impatient at all tracks. It's not just the crashes, as these happen, few people apologise for incidents here even when they are blatantly at fault which shows a tital lack of resoect for fellow drivers. If the races in this series were perhaps a little long er then that might help the situation perhaps?
God no, I doubt Stewards want to spend all week sorting it out....

More discipline is needed, people know they can drive like a car thief and so try to get away with it. It's like driving with 10 GTP_Johnys....

(I had to)
People in this series are impatient at all tracks. It's not just the crashes, as these happen, few people apologise for incidents here even when they are blatantly at fault which shows a tital lack of resoect for fellow drivers. If the races in this series were perhaps a little long er then that might help the situation perhaps?

Stongly agreed.
3! I need mine extra loud although it wakes up my family but it just merges into my dream. I don't get how I can stay asleep in an apparent nuclear meltdown?

Hahaha, easy ;)

Ok, sleep is calling for me, night. 👍
Good racing at Tsukuba...
Why didn't vtec even reply to anything? Either he was blind (very possible) or then he was an ignorant little bitch who simply wants to be penalized ASAP.
ToCA's full of too much talk as is.... That is what's gotten kinda sad about it.
I'm definitely adult about it... I know, It's just a game.

As part of Season2, I also know all too well about; being pushed around or feeling like I was robbed a race... It always was exactly how it played out today. S2's Madrid, Monaco, Tsukuba & Indy Road Course we're much the same. We all dealt with DK's aggressive dives & bumps (not pointing the finger in a bad way) but it was apart of "our" racing. My S2 Monaco Race3 was exactly the same as well & I never saw a penalty there.

I'm sure I'm ToCA's "Public Enemy #1" now but that doesn't really bother me. I took hits too & no longer care to complain. (& if I were to, it would a PM to Furi about a racing incident, not a public rant)

Once again, good racing at Tsukuba.
Oh look, now the drunkard speaks. Congrats on losing another TOCA win to your own idioticness. Now I know why you never won a race before either...
A few warning may be handed out to people via PM's. Any notification will be via PM to the person only.

News for next week:


Megane - Wet Race
TOCA - Dry races!
It appears he has been turned... to the dark side... He killed... younglings.

But RP would never... kill younglings?!
Padme: They said you killed younglings?!

RP: neljack is trying to turn you against me!!

*neljack appears*


Padme: No!...

*RP Force Grips Padme*


neljack: You have done that yourself!
It appears he has been turned... to the dark side... He killed... younglings.

But RP would never... kill younglings?!

Oh eck!! I see Vtec is up to no good again my season 2 headaches were down to our Canadian freind warned you Furi. Time to toughen up fella theres still a good series underneath all the aggro.👍
Oh eck!! I see Vtec is up to no good again my season 2 headaches were down to our Canadian freind warned you Furi. Time to toughen up fella theres still a good series underneath all the aggro.👍

Im sure the minority causing the trouble will get bored and not tun up soon. 👍
Im sure the minority causing the trouble will get bored and not tun up soon. 👍

Was thinking about dropping in over the next 4 meetings if there was space as my weekends are clear for the next month, im afraid very afraid guess its a bad idea.:nervous:
Was thinking about dropping in over the next 4 meetings if there was space as my weekends are clear for the next month, im afraid very afraid guess its a bad idea.:nervous:

Nah, Should be fine after yesterday, would be good to see you there 👍
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