did you use nosNow the only question remaining is "WHICH DIRECTION"???
Reluctant to post details since I'm NOT sure which direction to run BUT running consistent 1'20s with less than 900HP. Sure I can get in the 1'19s if I can Tune-out some twitchiness in the chassis.
I WOULD love to see the car that can get them times it would be very impressiveNOS??? NEVER Happen! IMHO it's the second thing that should be deleted from GT, right after Test Course. I'm NOT a programmer but it seems to me we could have at least TWO more worthwhile circuits utilizing the space Test Course probably takes up on the disk! [/rant]
BTW: I've only tried Tokyo Rte 246 in the "Normal" direction.
MY times is better than the 123.111. time but it would be cool to show you that one for now:tup:my new time is 1'18.806 and far more to comeI was contacted by BluesDeluxe with regards to verifying a couple of GT4 laptimes for him as a fellow NTSC user, as he's aware that I'm a verified clean racer and as a staff member forbound more-so than everyone to uphold the AUP and clean racing rules here.
To that end, I have just viewed his Tokyo lap, coming in at 1'18.841 and can verify for certain that it is 100% OLR standard clean, using RSS tyres and done in a tuned road-going car without NOS. It is 100% within the rules specified here in post #1. If anything I'd say it was actually a little over-cautious in many areas, and certainly has room for improvement.
I will not reveal his choice of car at this time, as I believe that is BluesDeluxe's prerogative to unveil as and when he see's fit.
I hope this clears up any dispute here, and we look forward to seeing the replay promised by paddycars1, although I'll have to have one of my PAL colleagues check that out.![]()
well just thought about this one and it is a very happy day for me. so its all blue dudes lap not because I did not get the time. its christmas and happy christmas to everyoneWe're still waiting for proof of your 1'18.806 laptime...
Post a picture in this thread soon.![]()
so its all blue dudes lap not because I did not get the time.
GTPlanet AUPBy using these Forums, you agree to the following:
You will not post any material that is knowingly false, misleading, or inaccurate.
OK you want proof you will get the proof and I think its a cheat car anywayChristmas is no excuse for violating the Acceptable Use Policy of this site.
Your credibility as a racer is now non-existant. 👎
I personally will not believe any times posted by you from now on unless they're accompanied by proof.
Count yourself lucky no to have received an infraction for this, and know that if you lie about your times here again it will be forthcoming.![]()
There is no picture of a 1'18.806 lap.
You posted you'd achieved that just to out-do Blues Deluxe's verified true time while never actually doing anything of the sort. 👎
Thus you lied, which is a definite no-no here atand your own fault that no-one in future is ever going to trust you to post an honest time.
It was the behaviour of a petulant child, not an adult, and as such you should be prepared for the consequences.
I did not say I didn't its christmas dudeMuch Better. 👍
Although it doesn't show that it's Tokyo.
Next time if you'd like people to be less suspicious, you should post the proof shortly after it's requested, not weeks later.
Also why say you didn't get the time when you actually did?
very cool time dudeThat GTO I told before did just 1'30s .
I'm pretty happy with my car choise as I did a 1'16.708
I'd still actually like to see a shot of the replay theatre screen for the 1'18.806 lap verifying it's done on Tokyo since the shot after the replay completes doesn't show anything at all except the car and the time.
It's the poor quality of the English in your posts that leads to confusion, you've been warned about it publically by numerous staff members and regular members here, but it's not improving at all.
It's what lead me to believe from reading your post "that you were conceding to Blues Deluxe because you actually didn't get the time that beat his."
Reading it now more carefully because of the lack of punctuation, poor grammar and a double-negative I can see now that you meant you didn't get any time to beat your own time by any more.
Please, save your fastness for the racetrack and exercise some restraint and care when posting here.
Learn, as I've suggested before, to use the "Preview" buttons before you submit anything, and the "Edit" buttons to add additional information.