Tokyo/Sarthe/Sardegna tunes for "rare" cars

If it weren't for people using these tunes I probably would have quit the game for good, so thank you, really. Bought the game day 1 and was done with most of the content by May or June, and so little has been added to the single player game in that time that it's hard to stick around at times. Still have the Spa and Nurburgring Circuit Experience to gold, but other than that tuning and running random cars at Sarthe/Sardena/Tokyo is all that is keeping me playing. I do like to be able to help other players on car setups, even though I may not be the best at it by any stretch...

I could probably add 5 alternate tunes for the Miura, F1, Mk1 GT40, and a few other cars I spend so much time in, lol. So if you ever have a car where you'd like it to be fine-tuned to your driving style don't hesitate to ask. I literally have nothing else to do in the game... So tuning requests for a specific track, whatever, I'll do my best to make it happen (current physics engine permitting)

Been playing GT since the PS1 days so I’ve historically tuned my own cars (didn’t discover this site until last year). But I’ll say that threads like these (and of course the maestro’s) have kept me playing this GT title. Thanks for what you do, I’ve certainly used a couple of your tunes and pleased with them (‘94 McLaren 👌).
Sorry for the month-long delay! I got kind of burnt-out and didn't log-in for a while...

I used the low wing, though on one of the liveries I've used that can't be edited I believe it had a medium wing. They all perform the same, but I think the lower one looks a little more discreet.

If you don't have a thread you're posting them in you are welcome to post them here if you want. I can add them to the first post so people can find them easier, and credit your work, obviously. Either way I'd love to try your DB3S and D-Type tunes! I've got one for each myself but the settings are so strange and the driving feel is so strange I've avoided posting them, lol.
I started posting my tunes as The Docs Classic Tunes.Both the D Type and DB3s are there.Despite thinking that i wasnt going to tune the DB3s anymore i have stumbled onto something that if all goes as i think then the DB will be a lot easier to drive.There is a definate knack to driving these old cars,but once you learn it they are a blast.As these old cars have no aero you need to kind of coast around the corners and then give them wellie.You do need a better than average knowledge of the circuits so you know the cornering speeds of each corner.
Honda RA272 '65 - 666pp/Sarthe - Any Racing Tires

I took the lazy way out and went with the jacked-up ride height... But it's an open-wheel so at least it doesn't look stupid like road cars all jacked-up, lol. Very conservative tune, airing as far on the safest side possible while still being able to turn at all. On that note: follow the game's recommended gearing for each turn. Not sure if it's my gearbox setting or what but staying in 3rd when it wants to be in 2nd can cost you a penalty at Sarthe on many corners, so I recommend running it in a time trial for a few laps to get a feel for it.
raising the front toe or lowering the rear toe will give it a little more turn-in (I wouldn't go much lower on front ride-height as the braking wobble sneaks back in) The "pendulum" is largely gone, but brake early going into the curved braking zone at the end of the Mulsanne. Use light trail-braking if it starts to wobble and it'll straighten out.

I't's a bit stiff for my tastes, but I manage 5-10sec faster per lap compared to the stock setup. FM1 will run at least 4-5 laps, so tires/rain are the only concern, and even with these really tall gears it still hits 205mph. I've not tested the medium-rpm turbo but am guessing it will work just fine, but you may need to raise the final gear of the transmission (to about 355km/hr top speed)

I plan to play around with it at Sardegna in the coming days, so if I find a way to loosen it up for that course the results will follow.

If it weren't for people using these tunes I probably would have quit the game for good, so thank you, really. Bought the game day 1 and was done with most of the content by May or June, and so little has been added to the single player game in that time that it's hard to stick around at times. Still have the Spa and Nurburgring Circuit Experience to gold, but other than that tuning and running random cars at Sarthe/Sardena/Tokyo is all that is keeping me playing. I do like to be able to help other players on car setups, even though I may not be the best at it by any stretch...

I could probably add 5 alternate tunes for the Miura, F1, Mk1 GT40, and a few other cars I spend so much time in, lol. So if you ever have a car where you'd like it to be fine-tuned to your driving style don't hesitate to ask. I literally have nothing else to do in the game... So tuning requests for a specific track, whatever, I'll do my best to make it happen (current physics engine permitting)
Ran the Honda today at LeMans. It's much better than stock, but still quite exciting in the rain. :) A different mindset is needed to drive these, to be sure. Easy, early, slowly on the brakes and at the same time, lifting on the throttle. Sure is fast, though.

You're doing a great job with these frustrating cars. Thanks.
I started posting my tunes as The Docs Classic Tunes.Both the D Type and DB3s are there.Despite thinking that i wasnt going to tune the DB3s anymore i have stumbled onto something that if all goes as i think then the DB will be a lot easier to drive.There is a definate knack to driving these old cars,but once you learn it they are a blast.As these old cars have no aero you need to kind of coast around the corners and then give them wellie.You do need a better than average knowledge of the circuits so you know the cornering speeds of each corner.
Awesome, going to go check them out now! Won't be able to try them until this evening, but I'll let you know how it goes (has to be better than mine). Oh, and sorry for missing your reply in the DM's. I know I was the one suggesting a collab-tune, but things in my life got a little crazy and I completely forgot to even check my DM's. Apologies, I wasn't trying to be rude or anything.
Ran the Honda today at LeMans. It's much better than stock, but still quite exciting in the rain. :) A different mindset is needed to drive these, to be sure. Easy, early, slowly on the brakes and at the same time, lifting on the throttle. Sure is fast, though.

You're doing a great job with these frustrating cars. Thanks.
As I've been trying to tweak it I'm running it in the wet, running it in the slipstream of other cars, and the biggest challenge: braking into a corner without needing to trail-brake, doubly-so if on rain tires. So I'm on it, at least when I've got time (at work right now, though I have no work to actually do... need some more remote work as it's ridiculous to have employees sitting in a building with the lights/heat on when 98% of us are just twiddling our thumbs! But I digress...)

One thing that we seemingly do have to learn to live with on the RA272 is getting on the brakes early, as we don't have any other cars that reach these speeds that don't have downforce. Like the first corner at the end of the front-stretch/grid at Sarthe: normally I just let off the gas 10-15 meters before the right-hand bend before getting on the brakes. With this car if I don't down-shift 20+ meter prior to the aforementioned curve, I'm either overshooting or flying off the track to the left. So that's just something new all us players have to get used to and tackle in our own way as I don't see a way that tuning can prevent this.

That said, there are definitely problems with the tune I posted. I normally test for at least an hour before putting tune up once I've got it where I think it should be, and I didn't with the Honda or Porsche if I'm being honest. Been in weird head-space that I won't bore you with, but it affecting how I do, well, everything and that needs to change, and fast...

Both of those cars have problems that are essentially unique to those cars alone, so I'm going to take a few days to get it right. Priority to the Honda as we've already got plenty of 911's that can run the content that pays. I may post some works-in-progress to get some feedback and see what needs to be worked on that I may be blinded to for whatever reason (another set of eyes is always beneficial)

I'm at the brink of just walking away from this site and the game altogether (long story...) but as long as I stay off of the general board I should be good. So I may go silent for a day or two, but I will be back.
No worries bud am happy to collaborate.Here are the latest settings.

For those that havent driven an old car like this you will be taking corners at MUCH lower speeds than you are used to.These cars had skinny wheels and no aero,as such you Will spin out if you exceed the cornering speed.Dont worry though the Db3s acceleration and top speed on the straight is more than enough to beat modern cars at 700 pp or even 800 pp.With the skinny wheels braking is a much longer process.The wheels WILL pick up any changes in camber of the track and it will cause your car to go as if its wheels were stuck in a tram track,so find the best line whre there is less or no camber.Also be cautious in just how hard and how long you apply the brakes for,this car responds well to cadence braking.Its a knack to aquire but pays dividends when raing old cars with poor brakes.With this setup you can lap at 4 min 20+ secs of Le Mans on lean.If needed i can upload a vid of how i drive the car and an idea of the corner speeds at Le Mans.
Ran the Honda today at LeMans. It's much better than stock, but still quite exciting in the rain. :) A different mindset is needed to drive these, to be sure. Easy, early, slowly on the brakes and at the same time, lifting on the throttle. Sure is fast, though.

You're doing a great job with these frustrating cars. Thanks.
I also tried this little beauty out last night.I applied my standard tune i use on all my cars i tune and was suprised at just how good it is,i got 210 mph down the Mulsanne!I do need to play with the gear ratios a bit to get the best out of it.Fuel is just not an issue as you get 9+ laps even with a Turbo!I need to improve tyre wear a bit but to be honest is bloody great as is.
Ferrari 250 GT Berlinetta '61 - 681PP - Race Medium

This is the ultra-rare "Competizione" variant. Lighter than the GTO, with about 66 more horsepower. Better exhaust note too, and its less than half the price! lol

I've got it set up with Race Mediums but Hards are fine too. Run it at FM4 for 3 laps at Sarthe and careful on the throttle if it's started to rain on lap 3 as the mediums will be pretty worn by then. Oh, I'd also lower the brake sensitivity by a few points to 32 or 33 as I kept forgetting to do it myself... Transmission was just eye-balled so its very possible to optimize it for better acceleration, but as it stands its faster than the GTO and can win Sarthe, though its not going to completely outrun the AI on hard like some other cars can.
Works great with, ( and I hate to say this) - a rear wing. Stabilizes it better i the rain. The trans works fine as you have it. Thanks.
Jaguar XJ13 '66 - 700pp/Sarthe - Race Hards

For some reason I thought Praiano already had a tune for this up but when I went to see how he handled first gear there was none to be found. Since I was working on a Sardegna tune a 700pp tune was much easier to get into shape. 1st/2nd will still step-out on you if you're greedy on the throttle, but it can be easily caught so it was left in. FM4/5 for 3 laps @ about 4:10 per lap. Around 4:05 or better at FM1, but brake a few meters sooner than your normal brake-point as it can hit close to 200mph at full fuel sip.
Another outstanding tune. Thanks.
Thanks for the McLaren F1 tunes! I got one with no permanent upgrades at 700pp for Le Mans and one with every permanent upgrade at 800pp which requires a little short shifting for a 2-stop at Sardegna and is something I’ve already gotten used to with other cars.
Ferrari 330 P4 '67 - 750+pp/Sardegna - Race Hards/Mediums/Softs

This has become my favorite Sardegna car over the last couple weeks. Worked on probably 10 different tunes for it and while others were more stable, more user-friendly, or made more sense on paper, this is the one that was the fastest and most engaging. High risk/high reward setup I guess you could say. Treat it like a road car and be very careful on the throttle in corners, on uneven ground (after turn 1), or when near the AI. They can and will punt this little car off the track, and it doesn't have the weight to fight back...

One-stop at FM6 short-shifting with a pit after lap 8. I prefer pitting after 7 and 13, then grabbing some race softs to really push it to the limit for the last two laps. It's right around a 27min total regardless of pit strategy, though one-stop is a tad quicker.
Can this be done without the HIGH RPM Turbocharger? thanks
Lamborghini Miura P400 Bertone Prototype '67 - 700pp - Race Hards - With Wing

Unlike the other 700pp tune this one can can put up laps well under 4:00. It's a lot of power for such a light car, so careful on the throttle, especially at FM1/2. It's only capable of 3 laps at FM6 unlike the stock-ish tune due to all of the permanent engine upgrades.
It's a top-tier road car for Sarthe in lap times once you get the "feel" of it (not that it matters... Still fun to go fast though!)

Note: This is a different car than used for the 600pp and 700pp "no wing" tune. If you only have one Miura keep that in mind before doing the permanent upgrades as this is essentially a maxed tune.
Still a great tune, even reduced to 580pp. Just adjust the gearbox. It can be used on the Mangusta,too.
