Tommy Kaira ZZll What will be of this Car?

Duplicates I agree, but those are just about 5% of the standards.

Hm, not to sound like an idiot, but cockpits are actually useless fancy decoration. No purpose to the game at all.
I mean, people play a racing games to race, or to watch car cockpits?
I don't use the cockpit, and that post does make you sound like an...
Interior cam gives you a different point of view. It's the only racing view that isn't centered. It gives you(is supposed to give you) the feeling of actually sitting inside the car as you drive. It actually changes how you drive.
Grasping at straws huh buddy?
Not really :sly: I never use cockpit view because it has very limited view. IMO cockpit view is only good for 3 screen which I can't afford!
I don't use the cockpit, and that post does make you sound like an...
Interior cam gives you a different point of view. It's the only racing view that isn't centered. It gives you(is supposed to give you) the feeling of actually sitting inside the car as you drive. It actually changes how you drive.
Same as above.
Hm, not to sound like an idiot, but cockpits are actually useless fancy decoration. No purpose to the game at all.
I mean, people play a racing games to race, or to watch car cockpits?
Oh yeah, Codemasters said the same thing when making Grid 2, look how THAT came out to the fans...
Duplicates I agree, but those are just about 5% of the standards.
No. When I said over 10% of the car list I meant over 10% of the entire car list, including the Premium duplicates PD were nice enough to include as being "all new" for GT6. If you want to strictly include Standards, then even being generous with what constitutes a duplicate (meaning counting some Miatas as separate when they really aren't) nets you nearly 20%. It's sure as hell nowhere near 5%.

But still, you're from america, maybe in america you don't find these cars, but in Japan you'll surely find them.
In Japan the majority of those cars would have been forced off the road by Japan's emissions inspection laws within half a decade.
No. When I said over 10% of the car list I meant over 10% of the entire car list, including the Premium duplicates PD were nice enough to include as being "all new" for GT6. If you want to strictly include Standards, then even being generous with what constitutes a duplicate (meaning counting some Miatas as separate when they really aren't) nets you nearly 20%. It's sure as hell nowhere near 5%.

In Japan the majority of those cars would have been forced off the road by Japan's emissions inspection laws within half a decade.
Well, maybe you're right, but I remind you that just because two cars are called "Skyline" doesn't mean they're duplicate. (for example)
And, cars in the game have zero emissions :D
I just hope whatever PD is modelling right now is good. They've already shown improvement in car selection with the new 412.
Who cares about Grid 2 fans.
Let me explain the simplest way possible: 500 good cars is good. 1200 cars where only 500 of them are good is not good. Why? Because the PlayStation 4 is much more powerful than the PlayStation 3. Why does it matter? Because on a new generation, gamers expect that the graphics are much better. If they kept the standards, the game overall will not look good. It will make the game inconsistent in quality, and when gamers and critics spread this information to others who were thinking of buying the game, it can actually hurt sales. Do you understand?
Let me explain the simplest way possible: 500 good cars is good. 1200 cars where only 500 of them are good is not good. Why? Because the PlayStation 4 is much more powerful than the PlayStation 3. Why does it matter? Because on a new generation, gamers expect that the graphics are much better. If they kept the standards, the game overall will not look good. It will make the game inconsistent in quality, and when gamers and critics spread this information to others who were thinking of buying the game, it can actually hurt sales. Do you understand?
I think you did not read me properly. I never said "keep all the standards as they are now" I said keep all the important ones and improve all of them, at least to semi-premium quality. Semipremium cars with semipremium interior if you want, would be ok to replace the standard quality.
I think you did not read me properly. I never said "keep all the standards as they are now" I said keep all the important ones and improve all of them, at least to semi-premium quality. Semipremium cars with semipremium interior if you want, would be ok to replace the standard quality.
Nope. Has to be all premium. I want the Tommy Kaira ZZII, Toyota Supra, and RUFs but if its not fully premium in GT7 don't even bother putting the car in the game. It's only going to get mixed reactions from gamers.
I hope GT7 has standards. But with that hope comes the hope that every piece of content missing from previous GT games comes back in standard form.
I think standard cars are highly unlikely for GT7, as they would be the laughing stock of the industry (using assets that are 2 generations old, that already looked terrible on the previous generations).

I wish they would just outsource the model upgrades to the community. It wouldn't be that hard to tighten the textures but it just takes time that they are not willing to spend.
Let me explain the simplest way possible: 500 good cars is good. 1200 cars where only 500 of them are good is not good. Why? Because the PlayStation 4 is much more powerful than the PlayStation 3. Why does it matter? Because on a new generation, gamers expect that the graphics are much better. If they kept the standards, the game overall will not look good. It will make the game inconsistent in quality, and when gamers and critics spread this information to others who were thinking of buying the game, it can actually hurt sales. Do you understand?

Add onto that Gamer's also expect Gameplay to be upgraded as well and I agree with this post lol.
I haven't driven a Tommy Kaira since GT2, honestly. They were interesting cars and I remember there was a larger selection back then. Not really a fan of Japanese cars, but the more Premium cars, the better. Heck, if either both of the TK's were Premium, I'm 100% sure I would have them in my garage. Because for me to buy a standard, it has to be a car that I REALLY love.