Tooned/Vectored Cars + Stuff

  • Thread starter donbenni
How! i dont get how it is possible to apply the gradients like that, are they all just linear gradients?
WIP, but I honestly don't even want to finish it. Playing Zelda for a week made me lose interest. If anyone wants it to finish it off, then say so.

Whats a simple way I can get into vectoring/tooning? I've got GIMP and thats about all I can afford. Will that allow me to do some basic stuff?
i got my night drive vectors onto tees at last :) they come out great too i shall get some shots of people wearing some later!

Those are brilliant, I remember the images from your Deviantart. I'll definitely try and buy one at some point 👍 I'm thinking Night Drive 4...
Whats a simple way I can get into vectoring/tooning? I've got GIMP and thats about all I can afford. Will that allow me to do some basic stuff?

Basic Tooning requires a tool that'll allow you to create complex lines (curves, straights mixed and every other combination you can think of). The Pen tool is your number one tool. Not using GIMP at all I have no clue if you are capable of tooning.

what tools needed for tooning:
-Pen Tool
-Some way to apply gradients such as highlights and shadows. Dodge and Burn Tools with Photoshop, or if you don't got those kinds of tools, you'll have to paint in the gradients which is probably more advanced for those who lack experience, but my guess is it can have a much more beautiful outcome.

Depends what kind of tooning you want to do.
-Some like to do vectors where there's less black strokes for outlines, and gradients are defined with basic solid colours creating the appearance of 3d form but lacking realism. An example of this would be Under18carbon's avatar of that man screaming with a guitar, forgot who it was, Lars Ulrich? Check out his deviantART gallery for more info.
-Then there's the style I tend to lean towards where I use more outline strokes. The way I see it, this will put the artwork straight into the cartoon category. What I do then after is i (on layers below the outlines layer) create the base colour and fill in the appropriate parts. then on more new layers above the base colour of the car, I made highlights and shadows. For more I add textures on another layer (again), and any parts that shine will go above that. I conclude the work by adding a backdrop that is in a vector/toon style.
bout time someone chucked a phoenix down on this thread :)
been an absolute age since iv done a vexel, someone had a request and its good to make a return


new wip, getting there :) lots to do!