- 123
- Port Saint Lucie, FL
- Decambre95
We try to update this page as soon as something changes in the series. Also, the new drivers in our league receive many messages containing information on race dates, official car list, and etc... Continuing, the car you originally wanted to drive was open when you signed up for this series. Unfortunately, we can't completely sign up the new drivers for the series until we have a better understanding of their characteristics. For this cause we hold a practice race before each and every season to see how a driver competes with the other racers. With that being said a driver's attendance is also important. We can't allow a new driver to keep his/her car if they don't show up to the races. That's unfair to the drivers who wish to participate but can't because of drivers "signing up" before them. This is our fourth series and we have met drivers who show up in the beginning before the season even starts and disappear when it begins.
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