Torc 15.1 - Ford Focus @ London

  • Thread starter Tosk
Times received without replay (connection issues) from...

Times & Replays received from...
Joe Racer
Mr P

AERO_HDT - No worries mate, I think you will make the deadline, just, as the deadline is 10am UTC, you had just under 12 hours fro your post!!
The replay folders only needs to be zipped cos it is critial that the files structure & name needs to be unmodified.

Godson - Can you attach your replay to a PM?

Mr P - I agree mate, I actually enjoyed the race, despite the AI on lap 1

Preliminary results will be posted ASAP.

Thanks for confirming receipt of the times and replays Tosk 👍

The AI on lap 1 was by far the best part of the race for me :sly: finding the clean route past them sneakily and as fast as possible was a great challenge :cheers:
Preliminary results for race 1 - Pending Replay Review
Pos Driver           L1       L2       L3       RT       Points
1   Mr P             1:06.680 0:56.072 0:56.014 2:58.766 50
2   davissi          1:07.390 0:55.877 0:56.067 2:59.334 49
3   WayneGTC         1:07.281 0:56.127 0:56.134 2:59.542 48
4   Flinx            1:07.551 0:56.340 0:56.044 2:59.935 47
5   Doggyollie       1:07.715 0:56.341 0:56.495 3:00.551 46
6   GTP_MeAgainstYou 1:07.517 0:56.474 0:56.611 3:00.602 45
7   peekay           1:07.630 0:56.724 0:56.338 3:00.692 44
8   Godson           1:07.545 0:56.585 0:56.764 3:00.894 43
9   Stotty           1:07.673 0:56.807 0:56.419 3:00.899 42
10  Joe Racer        1:08.021 0:56.874 0:56.880 3:01.775 41
11  Loxley           1:08.415 0:57.022 0:57.501 3:02.938 40
12  Pedro            1:08.685 0:57.860 0:56.980 3:03.525 39
13  Kelly            1:09.206 0:57.343 0:57.235 3:03.784 38
14  Tosk             1:08.934 0:57.703 0:57.359 3:03.996 37
15  ArcFlyer         1:09.354 0:57.592 0:57.678 3:04.624 36
16  RacerPaul        1:09.255 0:58.162 0:58.300 3:05.717 35
17  RacingFreak2k3   1:10.025 0:58.287 0:57.878 3:06.190 34
18  OldTimer         1:08.921 1:00.245 0:57.702 3:06.868 33
19  Suede53          1:09.731 0:59.540 0:58.969 3:08.240 32
20  AERO_HDT         1:09.017 1:01.181 0:58.115 3:08.313 31
21  cerbrus1983      1:11.209 0:58.806 0:58.661 3:08.676 30
22  FLASH48          1:10.438 1:00.217 0:59.642 3:09.971 29
23  ragman           1:11.284 1:01.391 1:00.290 3:12.965 28
24  Dodo             1:12.563 1:00.724 1:00.560 3:13.847 27
25  vr4_fan          1:12.978 1:00.835 1:00.036 3:13.849 26
26  F1KimiFreak      1:11.498 1:02.011 1:01.594 3:16.103 25
27  pl8ster          1:14.386 1:04.592 1:04.354 3:23.332 24

Preliminary results for Board Averages
Pos Board           Average Time
1 3:03.309
2   GTP             3:04.894
3   TORC Talk       3:06.202
4        3:12.113

Congrats to Mr P, davissi & WayneGTC for taking the podium spots & to the guys from for the best average time.

All of the above results will remain Preliminary until every replay has been reviewed. Please bear with me on this, as it does take some time.
Good to see my lap 1 carried me on that race as I knew the line up was pretty much the best I had found :)

Congrats to Davissi and Wayne for rounding out the podium places with some solid laptimes .. If my lap 1 was slower it would have been a different story for sure! Also Well done to all drivers who submitted a clean race as it aint easy bustling through the cars on such a tight walled track :cheers:

Here's a video of my best save that I uploaded to Youtube .. please set your account preference at Youtube to play high quality as the lower quality video is disgustingly bad quality 👎
Cheers guys that was a great race :cool:

Cya's in Round 2 ;)
Good race Tosk :) Congrats to my other half on his victory and congrats to Davissi and Wayne for completing the podium 👍
Also well done to all those that submitted!

I'm pretty pleased with my result, I only managed 2 clean saves overall, this one being my fastest and most daring at the end of lap 1, how I got away with avoiding the AI I don't know! but it was extremely fun :D

Looking forward to race 2 :cheers:
:cheers: Congrats to all participants, this was a fun combo.

Respect Mr P for this stunning 1st lap...
My best overall was only 1.07.2x, I had couples of 55.8xx's but never with a good lap 1

Congrats Davissi for the 2nd spot:sly::sly:

See you all for next round 👍

PS : Thank you Tosk for making this event :cheers:
Flinx - Thanks you for letting me know about your wall contact, it is good to see you are as honorable as always. But sadly I will still have to apply the applicable penalty for the incident.
You result will be relegated behind all the other drivers & you will receive no points, sorry my friend :(

Godson – Mate, if you want an older version of WinZip, let me know & I’ll send you a copy of mine

GTP_MeAgainstYou – As most of the guys have said, the different mix of cars doing the races can be huge, just keep trying until you find a group that works for you. The best group for me had the tuned cap way, way, way off in the front, almost caught him a few times on lap 3, but could never get it clean.

As for questioning other drivers times, if anyone has an issue with a drivers time, please contact me via email or PM. Do not post it in the race threads.

I can personally vouch for Mr P, he has been running in TORC since 2000 and I can say that his abilities on the track are formidable, he has always raced within the rules & never submitted a bad run. I have watched his replays for 8 years, and have been awe struck every time with his precession & speed. The worst thing about Mr P is he makes the rest of us look slow… lol

Glad you guys all liked the race, hope you like race to as much.
ArcFlyer - Yes, paved areas are allowed, I posted that on 2nd of September when Wayne asked.

Finding the right Lineup
There has been a lot of talk about quiting the race to find a better line up. I think the question has been answered, yes you can do it. People have been doing it ever since GT1! For those of you that may not have been aware of this, there is not much that can be done now. Lets just all focus on Race 2.

Duke of Nemesis - 27 out of 66, that 41% of the sign up guys submited a time for race 1. I always get disapointed when that happens, but I am used to it now, as soon as most people see how hard TORC is they just dont bother... ;)
I already said that I most probably wasn't going to do any races when I submitted a time for the warmup ;)

Just don't like having to search for a good lineup and then race the stupid AI.

But still, congratz on the win Ron 👍

First of all let me say sorry for the delay in the results, there were some technicial issues with some replays.

Unfortuntly there were some penalties that also had to be issued.

Yellow Flags were issued for a minor incident during the race & incured a 30 second time penalty.
Flinx - Wall Contact
GTP_MeAgainstYou - AI Contact
Pedro - AI Contact
OldTimer - AI Contact
F1KimiFreak - AI Contact

Disqualifaction were issued for 3 incidents during the race & incured a 1 minute time penalty & no points.
ArcFlyer - 2 x AI Contact, 1 x Wall Contact
cerbrus1983 - 3 x AI Contact

Pos Driver           L1        L2        L3        RT        Penalty   Points
1   Mr P             1:06.680  0:56.072  0:56.014  2:58.766            50
2   davissi          1:07.390  0:55.877  0:56.067  2:59.334            48  
3   WayneGTC         1:07.281  0:56.127  0:56.134  2:59.542            47 
4   Doggyollie       1:07.715  0:56.341  0:56.495  3:00.551            46 
5   peekay           1:07.630  0:56.724  0:56.338  3:00.692            45 
6   Godson           1:07.545  0:56.585  0:56.764  3:00.894            44 
7   Stotty           1:07.673  0:56.807  0:56.419  3:00.899            43  
8   Joe Racer        1:08.021  0:56.874  0:56.880  3:01.775            42
9   Loxley           1:08.415  0:57.022  0:57.501  3:02.938            41 
10  Kelly            1:09.206  0:57.343  0:57.235  3:03.784            40 
11  Tosk             1:08.934  0:57.703  0:57.359  3:03.996            39  
12  RacerPaul        1:09.255  0:58.162  0:58.300  3:05.717            38  
13  RacingFreak2k3   1:10.025  0:58.287  0:57.878  3:06.190            37
14  Suede53          1:09.731  0:59.540  0:58.969  3:08.240            36
15  AERO_HDT         1:09.017  1:01.181  0:58.115  3:08.313            35  
16  FLASH48          1:10.438  1:00.217  0:59.642  3:10.297            34  
17  ragman           1:11.284  1:01.391  1:00.290  3:12.965            33  
18  Dodo             1:12.563  1:00.724  1:00.560  3:13.847            32 
19  vr4_fan          1:12.978  1:00.835  1:00.036  3:13.849            31 
20  pl8ster          1:14.386  1:04.592  1:04.354  3:23.332            30 
21  Flinx            1:07.551  0:56.340  0:56.044  2:59.935  0:30.000  29  Yellow
22  GTP_MeAgainstYou 1:07.517  0:56.474  0:56.611  3:00.602  0:30.000  28  Yellow
23  Pedro            1:08.685  0:57.860  0:56.980  3:03.525  0:30.000  27  Yellow
24  OldTimer         1:08.921  1:00.245  0:57.702  3:06.868  0:30.000  26  Yellow
25  F1KimiFreak      1:11.498  1:02.011  1:02.594  3:16.103  0:30.000  25  Yellow
26  ArcFlyer         1:09.354  0:57.592  0:57.678  3:04.624  1:00.000  DQ  DQ
27  cerbrus1983      1:11.209  0:58.806  0:58.661  3:08.676  1:00.000  DQ  DQ

Time     Board           # Drivers
3:08.264 GTP             9
3:12.113        2
3:13.702 TORC Talk       12
3:40.809 4
Results Announcement
The DQ for ArcFlyer has been withdrawn, the incorrect replay was submitted. Now I have reviewed the correct one, ArcFlyer's points have been reinstated. Correct Championship results will be posted with the results of Race 3.

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