Toronto Gun Violence - Blame America!

  • Thread starter FoolKiller
I haven't seen funds sucked from the industry. What I HAVE seen is bills being passed and then shot down in court within weeks of being passed. States continue to try and pass these bills despite the fact that they're gross encroachments on freedom of speech.

Tax payers money gets blown, news headlines get made, the enemy of the day looks bad. That's really all that's happening lately.
That's tax payer money, and the politicans don't care how much of it they waste so long they get what they want.

The US Government haven't got their meat hooks into the game industry yet, but they keep trying no matter how much tax payer money it wastes.
**** happens.

Its totally unproductive to go blaming specific people or countries. We live in a global village (sorry for the awful term) so its silly to think a rising culture of violence (if there even is one) is just one country's responsibility.

I'm sure that crazy Canadian dude would blame America for the riots in France and more recently, Australia too. Which is just silly.

I'd probably wager that the only entity (person/country/whatever) directly responsible for the violence (in a court of law situation where you could dole out punishment without fear of getting it wrong) is the person actually pulling the trigger. Sure, society may have problems and be partially to blame, but at that point it gets way too complex with too many influences on it to be able to direct blame with any degree of certainty.
Solid Lifters
Canada is looking into ways to sue U.S. gun manufacturers for the spread of illegal weapons into this country, the Toronto Star has learned....
So, does this mean that when someone drinks too much Canadian beer and goes out driving and kills themselves or someone else that we can sue the Canadian beer companies?

You cannot blame other countries for your own problems. Perhaps Conadian officials need to ask why the gangs are formed or why they are killing someone or why they sought out the gun in the first place or why the local authoritries can't stop teh violence.
Ghost C
Canada should be fired. We gave them a trial run to see if they could manage on their own, they failed. Time for a big fat "REJECTION" to be stamped on the "Please don't hurt us Mr. U.S." form submitted by Canada. We'll just call it "Norther America"

You tried, I think the year was 1812.