TouringBubble's rally VW, Dori

That's awesome, altough I loved your straight-up trumpet-style, face-burning former exhaust far more than this side-dump deal. Sounds brutal, though :0
It was a little too loud and I got complaints from workers and such at events. Ear protection isn't standard fare for workers at the events I attend, so I did this to make it more livable for them, as well as myself. I no longer have to wear ear plugs when driving.

Also, I'm pretty sure this exhaust flows a bit more volume, even though it's more restricted with bends. The stinger had a 1.6" flange to mate to the "small" flange used on the header. We've swapped both and the header flange is around 5/16" larger and can actually flow what the engine puts out.
Actual verification that the new exhaust flows more ... at least at low RPM.

I've had a couple of different exhaust setups on the car, and when the exhaust is restricted, it idles the car down. I had a baffle for the old stinger setup and I had to open up the throttle bypass screws to get it to hold an idle when installed. So, that's my baseline ... restricted exhaust = lower idle.

The car idled at around 900 rpm when warm with the old exhaust. Now it idles around 1250 rpm ... a pretty good jump. The throttle bypass screws are already completely closed, so I'll have to tweak the timing to get it back down below 1000 ... if I even can.

Did a bit of work on the car over the weekend, but didn't get any pics ... sorry. Repaired the braking hydraulics, fixed exhaust leaks and worked on oil leaks mainly. That took about 10 hours ... lol. Still more to do.
I got the engine reassembled on Thursday ... and it's still pouring out oil. Awesome. Trying to give it another shot tomorrow. I hope it's a simple issue.
I meant to post on here a while ago, but I never got around to it. I must say Dori is a great-looking Beetle; it's quite a build, very clean too. I love the color and the configuration. About the oil leak, I'm sorry to hear that. Not sure what to tell you, as I have no mechanical experience yet, sadly. I hope things work out for both you and the car.

Long live Beetles!
She sounds awesome! :drool:

Just wondering - what camera is that? Seems pretty good video quality. :P
Not a whole lot of traction out there then! I saw your test run too, almost looks like a boat would have been more appropriate.
Yeah, the weather simply didn't cooperate. In Alabama we have lots of clay with a little topsoil and grass on top. The top layer gets saturated and just gets super slick on top of the hard clay, basically making it an ice rink.

It rained Friday, then Friday night, then Saturday night. Wind and hail and everything Saturday night ... it got pretty bad. Then it all evaporated during the day giving us like 500% humidity, which was great.

But it was still a ton of fun!
Are there many bumps on rallies you do? I would've imagined you'd need to run it higher as there doesn't like much clearance between the tops of the tyres and the arches.
SCCA likes to keep the courses mostly flat, so you can run stiffer and lower. But, there is clearance in the fender too. I can safely tuck about half the sidewall in there if needed. The tire would be fine, but my oil sump probably wouldn't like anything that showed up at the time.

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