Actual verification that the new exhaust flows more ... at least at low RPM.
I've had a couple of different exhaust setups on the car, and when the exhaust is restricted, it idles the car down. I had a baffle for the old stinger setup and I had to open up the throttle bypass screws to get it to hold an idle when installed. So, that's my baseline ... restricted exhaust = lower idle.
The car idled at around 900 rpm when warm with the old exhaust. Now it idles around 1250 rpm ... a pretty good jump. The throttle bypass screws are already completely closed, so I'll have to tweak the timing to get it back down below 1000 ... if I even can.
Did a bit of work on the car over the weekend, but didn't get any pics ... sorry. Repaired the braking hydraulics, fixed exhaust leaks and worked on oil leaks mainly. That took about 10 hours ... lol. Still more to do.