[empty space]some of the little bikes like the honda cb400ss rm are really fun. the 250/400ccs bikes are fun as well (vfr400rm and nsr250se rm) then the big litre rm bikes from japan, inc. and italy though ive not riden my mv augusta f41000s rm yet.
NiZmOsPeCvSuzuki GSX-R 1300r Hayabusa
vr6gti72That bikes a heavy pig.....the RM version isnt too bad but the stock one isnt nearly as nimble.
NiZmOsPeCvi know it's heavy but i can perform better and this bike then the lighter RM 600,1000. I'll just practice i only have this problem on "THE RING" any other tarck and it's butter.
Welcome Matt 👍 I found not one but two threads on the subject of favorite bikes (it sometimes helps to search for 'Thread Titles Only'), so I've merged those two and your thread together into one... 💡alpinestarheroI did search for this and nothing came up! So i'll start the thread - remove it though mod's if its been done before!
Whats everyone's favorite bike in the game?
Mine's the BMW K1200R - RM....i find it handles really well, and has good top speed for a naked bike.