TOURIST TROPHY: Your Favorite Bike????

  • Thread starter mac292
I like the Kawasaki Zepher 1100RM...its not a big winner bit I love the looks of it.

I really like the Suzuki GSXR 600 (both stock and RM)
I like the Kawasaki Z1000 RM the best and the Speed Triple is a close second. I also enjoy the RM versions of the Zephyr 1100, CB1300 "SuperFour", and the Yamha XJR1300.
some of the little bikes like the honda cb400ss rm are really fun. the 250/400ccs bikes are fun as well (vfr400rm and nsr250se rm) then the big litre rm bikes from japan, inc. and italy though ive not riden my mv augusta f41000s rm yet.
i like the yamaha mt-01
its not a particularly great bike but it has a good feel. and its fun. the look of it got my attention more than any other bike for some reason when i first saw it in challenge mode. kind of reminds me of a ducati monster or something.

other than that i like the smaller cc bikes as well. they give you a lot more room to push them to the edge. and you can flick them around easily. suits my style more cause i tend to go deep into corners, and the small bikes seem to carry speed well like that. :dopey:
The Suzuki GSX-R 600 and Yamaha TZR 250 SPR (street, both). I'm not into racing so much as riding the 'Ring, and these two bikes are my favorite for that task thus far, with a little tuning (of settings, not parts).
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some of the little bikes like the honda cb400ss rm are really fun. the 250/400ccs bikes are fun as well (vfr400rm and nsr250se rm) then the big litre rm bikes from japan, inc. and italy though ive not riden my mv augusta f41000s rm yet.

I'm not a big fan of the MV. It's kinda like the aprilia, brakes aren't strong enough and doesn't turn in as quick as the japanese bikes.

IMO both are somewhat disappointing.
yeah, the rsv rm feels like it should be faster, but compair it against the 4 bangers and the 999r rm. it just gets behind from the start. with the 999r rm and japan, inc. litre rm's im at 1.38-40s at valencia. with the rsv rm though, i struggle to break, let alone do, .43s :( it needs to lose a little weight.
I don't have the game yet but I have already browsed trough the official site, :D and my favourite bike is.... BMW R 1200 ST
CBR600RR - either version. Both are fast as hell and stop like a mother. It isn't as heavy as the big boys, so it handles a bit better.
Yamaha R6 has always been my favorite bike, that and the Gixxer 1000.
Have to say my fave bike in the game is the Ducati 999R RM (in real life it would be the 998R and the Monster 695). I also love the looks of the Triumph Speed Triple and Aprilia RSV1000 (I really like 2 exhausts, especially one either side of the rear wheel - thats why I like the Honda RC51 SP2 (another bike that has been sadly left out). Love the ugly MV Agusta Brutale 910 and Yamaha MT-01 too. Kawasaki Z1000 is a fine looking bike too. The smaller bikes are a lot of fun - TZ125, TZ250, VFR400 etc. Haven't experimented with many of them yet. Having a lot of fun with the Daytona 650RM for the 600cc Spring Challenge too.

That bikes a heavy pig.....the RM version isnt too bad but the stock one isnt nearly as nimble.

i know it's heavy but i can perform better and this bike then the lighter RM 600,1000. I'll just practice i only have this problem on "THE RING" any other tarck and it's butter.
I'm with the guys that are digging the CB400SS rm and SR400 rm. Those bikes are fun to ride and great to listen to. Of the larger bikes, the V-Max rm is a surprisingly fun ride, and the K1200R rm is insanely quick. Of the street bikes, I really enjoy all the naked bikes. The 80's Japanese 400s are great bikes, too.
I've ridden SR500's since the mid eighties.

The SR400 RM is a fun bike, but the one I'm diggin right now is the GSX-R 750 for racing, but for screwing around, it's that goofy looking Yamaha TW225.
i know it's heavy but i can perform better and this bike then the lighter RM 600,1000. I'll just practice i only have this problem on "THE RING" any other tarck and it's butter.

Hey...its your fav bike. Im not going to say your opinion is "wrong". I was just let down by the stock version. I really wanted to like it but it didnt feel right to me. It made me not too exited about the RM version, but that was actually a fun bike. Its all about what bike fits your style.

I will say that the smaller bikes really impressed me, and Im able to experiance some of the lesser known bike from the past. Hell now Im looking into getting one soon.:nervous:
I did search for this and nothing came up! So i'll start the thread - remove it though mod's if its been done before!

Whats everyone's favorite bike in the game?

Mine's the BMW K1200R - RM....i find it handles really well, and has good top speed for a naked bike.

I did search for this and nothing came up! So i'll start the thread - remove it though mod's if its been done before!

Whats everyone's favorite bike in the game?

Mine's the BMW K1200R - RM....i find it handles really well, and has good top speed for a naked bike.

Welcome Matt 👍 I found not one but two threads on the subject of favorite bikes (it sometimes helps to search for 'Thread Titles Only'), so I've merged those two and your thread together into one... 💡
Gotta be the TZ250 for me. I like light bikes for late braking and maximum corner speed, that why i havnt even bothered unlocking the big muscle bikes (GSX 1400, CB 1300, XJR 1300 etc) in TT, which is kind of strangem sseeing as how i lov these kinda bikes for the real world.
I'd say that my favourite bike would be either the GSX-R600 or the Yamaha R1, the GSX-R lifts the front end within a second and the R1 is just brute power.