Toys From Your Childhood

Perusing the 80s cartoons thread in the Movies & TV forum, I heard a lot of people talking about the cool toys they had as kids. So, here's the thread to share those memories and see if others had the same toys as you did.

One thing about toys from the 1980s, they'd never be allowed on the shelves today! Such as the previously mentioned Megatron Transformer that transformed into a handgun, no less! But they were all cool.

I had a replica of the Sword of Omens from Thundercats that had the Thundercats insignia which would glow red when you pressed the button on the handle. I used to put it up to my face so my eyes peeked out through the hilt like Lion-o from the show, but it didn't grow three times when you said, "Thunder, Thunder, THUNDER, THUNDERCATS, HOOOOOOOOOO!" Too bad.

I also had the Ghostbusters proton accelerator and gun set, but it fired yellow foam balls for some reason. I had the trap, too, which you could throw out onto the floor and step on the footpad, and it would use air to force the trap open, like in the movie!! We always used to rate how good a movie or show toy was by how similar it was to the real deal!
I used to build a lot of models when I was a kid. Until I was 11 or 12, my bedroom was a virtual museum of tanks, ships and airplanes.

One of my favorite models was a large scale Millienium Falcon from Return of the Jedi. I think it was made by Revell. It was the first model I painted completely from top to bottom and the first model I attempted realistic "battle scaring" with a lighter. I even painted the Han and Chewie figures that went into the cockpit.

I remember that a playmate friend of mine had the toy Falcon made by Kenner and I thought mine pwned his because the scale was correct (all the original Kenner toys had distorted scaling in order to fit action figures)... except I couldn't get any figures into mine :lol:

My second favorite toy was one I bought shortly before I discovered heavy metal music and girls and lost interest in toys of any kind. It was an expensive, imported Japanese Valkyrie toy from the anime movie Macross: Love, do you remember?

There was a line of toys based on the Macross cartoon series (Robotech, the Macross Saga in the US market), but when they did a movie, they reissued the toys with some updates. The movie version of the Valkyries pwned the series versions. They all came with the tres cool "Super Valkyrie" battle armor and had an extra shoulder mounted cannon.

If you collected Transformer toys from the 80s, you may recall the massive autobot "Jet Fire" toy was based on Macross Valkyries.

For Macross fans, mine was the version that Rick Hunter flew at the end of the movie --Skull Leader with red chest plate, not yellow which was Roy's color. It was 100% die cast metal, fully articulated and must has stood 15-16" tall in robot "battleoid" mode.

Man, I am still kicking myself for giving that toy to a much younger cousin, because I bet its worth some real $ today.

P.S. I had a Megatron too, AP. I also had a grey-import Shockwave.

The origional power rangers toys were awesome. I also had some other toys from a TV show I liked when I was younger but i don't know what the show was.:( All I know is that the goy could have all these body parts made of army tanks and drill things for his arms and legs...
Yeah, I remember Jetfire. I had him. He had a lot of red add-on pieces that were supposed to be armor, but they all got lost one by one. He was a total ripoff of Macross and Robotech. Here's his box art:


  • jetfire.jpg
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Everything I had as a boy, my boys now have. That would be Star Wars action figures, Hot Wheels (Including track sets), Legos, Army Men, remote controled cars, Evil Knievel, board games and video games. I collected baseball cards, and they collect Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh cards. I haven't started the oldest on models yet, but that's coming up soon.
I was a lucky kid whose parents spoilt. I had 4 original Turtlesand Splinter, none of those silly ones like "Jujitsu Rathael with real chopping motion!". I had the Turtle blimp, Cheapskate, motorbike with sidecar, and a type of sewercraft for Shredder. Talking about enemies I had Shredder and Baxter.

Onto Ghostbusters which included the 4 heroes, a range of enemies, the Fire station, Ecto 1, Ectocopter and another Ecto 1 with stickers and graphics (like the car from the second movie)

Later I had Crash test dummies, a test car, and test centre. The first Power rangers Megazord which was very cool! Lots of lego including a police station, race track starting grid, aeroplane, mountable space shuttle with aeroplane, space buggies etc etc.

I had two Transformers, one was like Optimus Prime but was a car transporter and a Deceptacon that was some type of military vehicle called Onslaught.

I had a 1 foot tall arnold Terminator 2 figue that said "asta la vista baby" and "I'll be back" He came with a minigun aswell.
Lego... From age 4 to 14 (When I discovered beer and chicks) I did nothing but play with Lego.. Lego is THE best damn toy ever invented.. Even today I can easily spend a full afternoon with my nephew building nothing in particular - Then, of course, he'll destroy it ;).. Random and eventual other pieces of toy came and went - but Lego was eternal - or so it seemed back then...

One day, when I grow up and get the money and the room for it, I'll be building a monster Lego train track - That I've always wanted...
When I was a child i mostly had "GI-JOE Firgurines/Cars/Tanks/Helicopters" and "Ninja Turtle stuff...Figurines/Cars" and "LEGO & K-NEX"
Yep those were the main stuff in my childhood.
I used to play with Lincoln Logs quite a bit when I was younger. Lego was quite popular around here as well. But there is one thing that sticks out - it was a piece of clay or rock or something, and it had a 'dinosaur skeleton' inside that you had to dig out. Very cool, it was.
Lego... From age 4 to 14 (When I discovered beer and chicks) I did nothing but play with Lego.. Lego is THE best damn toy ever invented.. Even today I can easily spend a full afternoon with my nephew building nothing in particular - Then, of course, he'll destroy it ;).. Random and eventual other pieces of toy came and went - but Lego was eternal - or so it seemed back then...

One day, when I grow up and get the money and the room for it, I'll be building a monster Lego train track - That I've always wanted...

Yes. Everything he said.
Lincoln Logs rocked! 👍

Between those and my Hot Wheels collection, with tons of those orange track pieces and purple connectors, I could keep myself occupied for hours...

But by far my most memorable toy was Creepy Crawlers. It hot plate, with a variety of pot-metal molds, and several bottles of liquid plastic called Gobblety Goop which you would pour in the molds and "cure" on the hot plate, ceating all kinds of spiders, scorpions, centipedes...the perfect item to terrorize a little sister with, and annoy the Folks with the mess ;)
Yay! I'm not the only one who played Lego! until the age of 14! :dopey:

My first (who didn't have this one?):

My favorite one:

Had a lot of GI Joe Tanks/Boats/Planes (but not the uber Aircraft Carrier :( ). Only had an X-wing and a space shuttle from Star Wars though, and I think I only had Bumble Bee as a Transformer.

My first (was badly damaged after a while...):

My favorite:

I also loved the ubiquitous Hot Wheels cars, and even more Micro-Machines.
When I was a child i mostly had "GI-JOE Firgurines/Cars/Tanks/Helicopters" and "Ninja Turtle stuff...Figurines/Cars" and "LEGO & K-NEX"
Yep those were the main stuff in my childhood.
Ah hah hah ha, I had K-Nex, they SUCKED! You could never build anything good with it, every structure / vehicle you did make was flimsy and crappy-looking. All me and my brother ever made were swords to beat the hell out of each other with.

We also had a Lite Brite with no designs (so it sucked) and an Etch-A-Sketch which broke after a while.

I had soooo much Lego it was crazy. I used to have bins of the stuff that I'd dump out onto the floor because I needed to see everything to find the pieces I wanted. That was the only drawback, not being able to find what you're looking for. I would build the set then take it apart after a month or so and use the pieces to build something else altogether.
I was one known for having almost every HotWheels and Matchbox car. My collection stands in 2 5gal. buckets in our basement. I still take time to play with them. :D

I also had a fair share of Lego's. If they didn't pertain to cars, I wasn't having it.

Funny Sidenote: When I was way young, the only way I would consume food, was if I had a car in front of me. Yes, it is strange, but true. Maybe Ripley's will call me... :D
As well as famine and flerbizky, my top toys was lego. Prefferably space and technic.

I'm 30 years now but sometimes me and my brother still pull out the boxes filled with lego when we visit our parents for a few hours of nostalgia enjoyment.
Lego, GI Joe, Transformers (metal, not plastic!!), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ... ConstruX!, ... model trains ...

My favorite toy from my childhood, though, would have to be FIRE!!!! (: (: (:
When I was a kid in the 80's, the first toys I had were Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars. My borther and I had about 100 of them. After I stopped "playing with them", they went into a box. My nephews have since inherited them, but the eldest like to use them as a projectile at his mother every so often. He missed her once, and thus a Lotus Esprit-shaped indent persists on the wall of their living room!

We had Legos, too. I loved building, destoying, and rebuilding.

I had Star Wars figures. I don't think anyone would pay a dime for Luke Skywalker with no head, a Darth Vader with no cape, and a Han Solo with a leg missing. But I had the X-wing Fighter, and that was my absolute favorite. It too, went into a box.

I had Transformers, too...about 10 of them: Hound, Wheeljack, Mirage, and few others that I can't recall. The Insectacons were cool-looking, now that I look back at them.

By the end of the Eighties, the only toy we had left from the beginning of the decade was the Atari 2600. I took that to college. A lot of others brough their NES consoles, but we all had much better times (and about 80 games) with the old 2600. Kathy and I have a tremendous collection of games...she was even smart enough to keep all the game booklets all these years!
Anderton Prime
Yeah, I remember Jetfire. I had him. He had a lot of red add-on pieces that were supposed to be armor, but they all got lost one by one. He was a total ripoff of Macross and Robotech. Here's his box art:

Transformers RULE ALL
i remember my legos...k-nex star wars crap..but i still remember my origional optimus prime...i cant find him anymore but i found the trailor...damn i miss those days...
I absoloutely LOVED Lego, so many hours spent making random stuff that I probably wouldn't recognise now.I'd probably spend an hour building some huge thing, play with it for 10 minutes, then pull it to pieces. It's obvious that I valued time alot :lol:
I had a lot of Lego. Since e lived out in the country, I had quite a lot of Britains farm toys. And Hornby train sets.

But then I discovered Siku trucks, and I was hooked! I had a lotr of Airfix model kits, but they were always poorly built. I didn't really grow patience and fine motor skills until I was in my early 20s...